August's Sermons

Church Period: Advent 1st Sunday
Sermon Title: Face The Truth Of Jesus' Coming Again
Sermon Date: December 2, 2001
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 24:37-44

Dear Christian friends:

We have a hard time accepting illness which leads to death. People usually deny that bad news. It is also very hard for us to accept that the world will end, destroyed when Jesus comes again in glory to judge all people.

A famous preacher, Fenlon, said: "We love this world and think it will never end, and neglect the next world and think it will never begin."

The Advent Season underlines the truth about Jesus' coming again and the end of this world. In our text which is the Gospel Lesson I signed before, impresses this Good News to us. If forces us to face our unbelief and

Face The Truth Of Jesus' Coming Again

Many people in the world believe not that Jesus is coming again, but we must not let their unbelief influence us. The people who lived a long time ago when Noah lived did not believe that God will destroy them with the flood. (read verses 38-39 again)

The Greek word for "eating" means gluttony etc. Our text says, (verse 38) "knew" means so that a person acts upon the knowledge, etc.

Most people today don't believe God's Word and the preachers who proclaim the end of the world. The same as people of Noah's time, people today are living for pleasures.

The same as Noah's day, today God still has a few faithful preachers proclaiming to the people: "Repent, and believe the Gospel, because God's kingdom is near." (Mark 1:15) God also has His "arks" today. (Explain) Don't let the world influence your faith in Jesus.

We also must face the truth that some will be taken into the new world while others are left out. That displeases us, but we must believe it.

When Jesus comes again people will be working together, but their future will be different. (read verses 40-41) When Jesus comes again people will be surprised and shocked. The believers will be separated from the unbelievers.

We must face the truth that Jesus judges differently than people: Jesus said: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all people. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:15-16)

Therefore we must be careful and continue believing Jesus' words and promises and witness to others and help them believe in Jesus our Savior. That Jesus tells us in the last part of the text!

Therefore, we must face the truth that we must keep watch always, daily, for Jesus is coming again, although our sinner nature doesn't want to do that. In our text Jesus says: (read verses 42-44)

Jesus is warning us that we must be ready and waiting for Him to come at all times. If you have an electric security system you must have it turned "on" at all times. The same way we must be ready for Jesus' coming again at all times.

Jesus says, "Watch!" How do we do that? In the morning when you wake up think "Perhaps Jesus will come today!" Say your prayers. Read your "Portals of Prayer." Then go to work as if you are serving Jesus. In the evening thank God for watching over you, etc.

Often we become too interested in the things of this world that we forget who we are and whose we are and where we are going.

Because of God's grace in Jesus Christ we can face the truth about Jesus' coming again. We are not afraid, but we have much joy and wonderful hope about a new perfect world.
