August's Sermons

Church Period: Advent 1st Sunday
Sermon Title: These Signs Have Messages For Us
Sermon Date: December 21, 2000
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 21:25-26

Dear Christian friends:

We usually think of the Advent season as preparation for Christmas Day. But this is not entirely correct. Actually the four Sundays of Advent prepare us for the second coming of Christ at the end of the world, as well as His coming at Christmas.

In our text, which is the Gospel Lesson for the First Sunday in Advent, Jesus tells us that there will be terrible signs in nature and in society, which will happen before He comes and that these signs have messages from Him for us.

Since many of these signs have already happened or are happening now, it is high time that we heed them.

These Signs Have Messages For Us

We are to judge from these signs that the end is near, just as we judge that summer is near when we see the trees budding in Springtime. (read verses 29-31)

As in the kingdom of nature there is a chain of causes, so in the kingdom of God there is a consequence of one event upon another. When we see a nation filling up the measure of its iniquity, we many well conclude that that its ruin is near. When we see the persecution of Christians ever increasing, as it is today, we may from that infer that the kingdom of God is near.

We are to look upon these signs as neither doubtful nor distant. If we did, they would not impress us. We are to see them as signs that the end is sure and near.

In our text Jesus refers to the destruction of the Jewish nation as well as the destruction of this world when he comes again. He says, (read verse 32) There were some then alive that would see it. It would happen in just forty years, in 70 A.D.

It was sure the decree had gone out and could not be called back. Jesus says, (read verse 32) The signs tell us that its later than we think. The second message of these signs is that there are grave dangers, also for us Christians as the end nears.

Jesus says, "Be careful!" (read verses 34-35) He cautions us against false security and sensuality by which we make ourselves unfit for the trying times that are going to happen, either as we die or right before Jesus returns to judge. "Be careful!" This command is meant for all Christians.

Be careful, so that you are not weighed down by temptations and your own sinful nature, which we all still have even though we are already forgiven through faith in Jesus' redeeming work. We are at the same time both sinners and saints.

So let's take a closer look at the danger. The grave danger is that the day of death and judgment might come upon us "unexpectedly," when we are not prepared for it; lest when we are called to meet our Lord, that be the farthest thing from our thoughts, which ought always to be laid nearest our hearts, lest it come upon us like a "trap," for so it will come upon the earth, who mind earthly things only, and who have no conversation with heaven. It will be a terror and destruction to them; it will put them in inexpressible fright, and hold them tight for a doom more frightful.

What, then, is our duty since there is this danger and we surely don't want to be trapped in it? The things we must avoid: First, "Be careful, Jesus says, "or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness." Jesus warns against the immoderate use of food and drink, which burdens the heart not only with guilt, but also with other ill effects, causing one to be dull and lifeless to duty. We are not to live to eat and drink, but we are to eat and drink to live, to live for the glory of God.

Secondly, we are to be careful regarding "the anxieties of life," Jesus says. This is a temptation to those who seek security in earthly things about being anxious over money. And the danger is that our money, our savings, our property, our stocks and bonds become our god, instead of the true and only God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is, no doubt, our greatest temptation.

We are not to work, just to have a lot of money and materials stored up which is a false security, but we are to work in moderation, trusting in God, using our money and materials again for the glory of God and the welfare of our family and neighbor and for the proclamation of the Gospel of salvation.

These things we must avoid, dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life; avoid them like the plague, so that we are not trapped with the ungodly. But that is not all; there are things that we must embrace and engage in also to be safe. Jesus tells us the things we must be careful to do: "Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36)

Watching and praying must go together. First, we are to "watch." Watch against sin as we have shown already. Watch to do your duties, and the improvement of every opportunity to do good. Be alert, and keep alert in expecting the Lord's coming, that you may be in the right frame of mind to receive him and welcome him.

Secondly pray. What are we to pray about? Too often we pray to manipulate God instead of praying that He manipulate us. God doesn't need to be changed to suit our flawed will, but we need to be changed to suit His good and gracious will. The Lord's Prayer is an excellent guide for our praying. But we need to meditate on each of the seven petitions.

Prayer really is a two way street. First, we let God speak to us through His Word. Then on the basis of His Word we can respond to Him: praise Him, thank Him and ask for the spiritual gifts He longs to give us, and promises to give us.

We have seen the grave dangers facing us as we near the end times and how we are to deal with these, what we are to avoid and what we are to be doing. The third and final message of the signs of the end times is more uplifting. These signs also tell us that Christ promises about our glorious future will all be fulfilled.

Jesus promises to free us from this evil and doomed world. In our text we hear Him tell of His ultimate victor and ours: At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:27-28)

When these end-time things are happening and the end of the world seems near, or when we are dying (that's the end of the world for us personally) we must not fear and tremble as those who have no faith and hope will fear with terror. Jesus is not coming to condemn us, but to take us out of this doomed world to the protection, peace and glory of our heavenly home. He will say to us: "Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." (Matthew 25:34)

We can depend on Jesus' promise that He will return to deliver us from all evil and bring us to His eternal glory in that new world He has prepared for all those that love Him and wait for His appearing.

So, be careful! Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man when He returns with power and great glory.
