Dear Christian friends:
Today is the First Sunday in Advent and the beginning
of a new Church Year. You see the purple paraments, the
purple advent wreath candles the same as you saw last
year. You even sing the same songs and hear the same
gospel and epistle lessons. And you think, "Same old
way as last year." But you make a big mistake if you
think that way. True, the decorations are the same and
God's Word is the same. The Bible says, "Jesus Christ
the same, yesterday today and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
"For I am the Lord, I change not;" (Malachi 3:6)
But you have changed. You are not the same as you were
one year ago. You are either stronger or weaker in
faith than one year ago. The world is changing rapidly.
We have many challenges, temptations, problems and
troubles that will be different and new this year:
You Have Not Traveled This Way Before
This is what Joshua told the children of Israel in
our lesson and this is what God says to you through
His Word today. Today we begin a new Church Year and
a new road through life.
How shall we travel this new year? Shall we travel
blindly and boldly like a fool with no guide or map?
No, you know that is foolish and leads to trouble and
destruction. Shall we look at the map and fear and
tremble about the hard way ahead?
We should not be afraid about the future if we let
God lead us. In our lesson we see how God led Israel
on their new and hard way. In verse 3, Joshua says to
the people: "When you see the ark of the covenant of
the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying
it, you are to move out from your positions and follow
it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have
never been this way before."
In the ark, the box carried by the priests, were the
Ten Commandments and God's promises to be their God
and forgive their sins and lead them to the land of
Canaan. They did not have a Bible for everyone like we
do today. Their Bible was the ark. They should follow
the ark of God on their journey even though it led
them a hard way.
Our "ark" is our Bible. If we read our Bible and
follow God's Word and commands in that we should not
fear. God will not fail us if we believe His promises
and obey and follow His commands. This means following
what our pastor preaches also. It means following his
example in obeying and doing God's work.
We should follow God's Word about church missions and
about witnessing as "ambassadors for Christ." For 1963
God is showing our congregation a new and hard way of
$4,500 for world wide missions and working for our new
building. More Bible study on Wednesday evenings and
home bible study "Journey Through the Bible."
God is by His Word, by our Pastor, by our Synod, by the
decisions of our voters showing, God is showing us and
leading us for 1963. If we listen to God's Word, if we
follow the decisions of our voters and of our Synod, if
we follow the good example of our pastor and other
leaders, then we should not be afraid. God will not fail
us. He will bless us and help us on to success. He will
do wonders among us in 1963.
But if we listen not to His Word. If we do not believe.
If we complain and kick. If we mock and despise the
good example of our pastor and other leaders. If we
don't care for our Synod. Then God will not bless us.
We will fail and He will do no wonderful works among
us. Our church will not grow. Sunday School will go
down. We will get behind in our budget and missions and
building fund. We will fight and complain against one
another. It will be a very sad year.
In our text we see how God did wonders among Israel
when they listened to His Word and believed and obeyed.
(Explain the miracle of the invisible dam at Jordan.
Joshua 3:12-17) They had strong faith in God's power.
It seemed impossible to cross that river. But they
believed God's Word and command. God did wonderful
things for them.
What God asks our congregation, Prince of Peace to do
for 1963 also seems impossible: Get new building ahead,
$4,500 for missions, $11,000 for current and mission
budget, $6,000 for building. Seems impossible. Many will
say we can't. So some said about Israel crossing the
Jordan. But they believed God's Word and He gave them
wonderful success. He will do the same wonderful things
for us if we believe and obey.
When we see God's wonderful blessing and success our
faith will grow more strong. We will have a thrilling
year with God for our Lord Jesus Christ.
But one thing else we must not overlook. We must
sanctify ourselves before God does His wonders through
us. Joshua 3:5, "Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow
the Lord will do wonders among you." "Sanctify yourselves",
what does that mean? Make yourself holy. How do we
make ourselves holy? By staying stubborn and making
false excuses and telling lies to the pastor and God?
By arguing and defending our wrong ways and sin? "Can't
afford, too far, no time, too hard."
Will God forgive us if we lie and deceive? Will He
do wonderful works among us and blessings? If you do
like that what will happen to your soul? Let us confess
our sins everyday. Give up our false and poor excuses.
Come before Him with an honest heart trusting His
mercy in Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose
again for our forgiveness that we may believe in His
name and have eternal life. That God may do wonders
among us today and through the New Church Year and