Dear Christian friends:
Happy New Year! Today is the first Sunday In Advent and
the first Sunday of the New Church Year. The word Advent
means coming. These four weeks before Christmas we call
the Advent Season and consider Jesus' Comings. He comes
through His Word. He comes in glory on the Judgement Day.
John the Baptist prepared for His coming. He comes as
a Babe to live and die for us.
Today we attend to Christ's coming to our hearts through
His Word. God's Word is divided into the Old and New
Testament. Here in our text Jeremiah tells how the New
Testament is better than the old. We Christians who live
under the New Testament ought to be stronger and better
servants of God than the Jews who lived under the Old
Testament. As we today begin a New Church Year under the
New Testament let us see from our text:
The Better Blessings Of The New Testament Era
The New Testament is better than the Old Testament because
it offers forgiveness of sins to all people. In the Old
Testament times God offered forgiveness of sins chiefly to
the Jews. To the Jews He sent His prophets and His Word.
To them only He gave the Tabernacle and the rules for
offering sheep and cattle for the forgiveness of sins.
Only a few people outside the Jewish nation heard about
God's mercy and forgiveness through the promised Savior.
But under the New Testament God sent His apostles,
especially St. Paul to preach forgiveness of sins to all
nations. This should be of great value to us. We are not
Jews. But God did not forsake us in our ignorance and sin.
He does not let us live and die in sin and fear but calls
us to faith in Jesus Christ and forgives our sins in Jesus.
In our text He says about the people under the New
Testament, "No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares the Lord.
“For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more.”
(Jeremiah 31:34)
Since under the New Testament God forgives sins to all,
we ought to be more eager to do evangelistic work telling
all the deaf of Jesus and forgiveness of sins. Now is a
good time when they all think about Dr. Salver's death.
Tell them although Salvner was a good man and minister of
God, He, too, had to die. Some time sooner or later,
perhaps when you do not expect it, you will die too. God
says, "Dust you are and dust you will become again."
(Genesis 3:19)
If you do not believe in Jesus' blood like Dr. Salvner in
death you will be without God forever and lost in hell.
Believe in Jesus crucified like Dr. Salvner and you will
live with God forever. As we enter a new year under the
New Testament let us work to bring forgiveness of sins to
The New Testament is better than the Old Testament because
it tells the full story of God's mercy and salvation. In
the Old Testament times they did not have the Bible like
we do. They had to teach by one man telling another. They
had no printing press yet and the promised Savior had not
come yet. True, they had promises and many prophecies
about Jesus' birth, His wonderful works, His crucifixion
death, resurrection and ascension. But this was not as
clear and as impressive as it is now for us. We have the
full story and the whole picture about how God loved us
and gave His Son unto death for our salvation.
Also we have two Sacraments: Holy Baptism and the Lord's
Supper which the Jews under the Old Testament did not
have. Surely, God's love and mercy ought to be more
strong and impressive on our hearts. Surely we under the
New Testament ought to be more strong and eager in good
works for our wonderful God.
But often we are not. Many of us are weaker than the Jews
under the Old Testament. We ought to be stronger than David,
but we are not. Why? Because we fail to read and study God's
beautiful and complete story in our Bibles. We don't attend
to that perfect Word enough. If we under the New Testament
do not believe, we will get punished more than the Jews of
the Old Testament who didn't believe.
So let's begin our New Church Year right by attending more
and more to God's full and perfect Word as we have it in our
Old and New Testaments and Bible class!
And since we have God's Word of Grace full and complete we
ought to be better servants of God. Under the New Testament
God's law is written in our hearts. We hear God say in
Jeremiah 31:33, "I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people."
The Jews under the Old Testament had to study many laws about
eating, drinking, washing and the Sabbath etc. Read Leviticus and
Deuteronomy and you will see how God forced and burdened and
imprisoned them with many, many laws.
Under the New Testament these many burdensome laws have been
taken away. God now gives us freedom to decide many things
for ourselves. Saturday or Sunday for Church? He makes us
love Him by the Holy Spirit and gives us wisdom to decide and
make rules how we want to love Him and serve Him and honor
Under the New Testament God does not rule us like babies and
children. But he names us His Sons and brothers of Christ.
And through Jesus' Word gives us love and wisdom to serve Him
freely and gladly, not hemmed in by many detailed laws.
But while we use this freedom let us not think it as an
excuse to be lazy or to do sin as some do. Use your freedom
to glorify God and think of new ways to praise and honor His
wonderful Name. If we don't use our freedom to serve God, than
we will serve sin.
Also don't let anyone try to imprison you again with old
Jewish Laws as the 7th Day or with worthless laws as Catholics.
Under the New Testament we are a very blessed people. God is
our God and we are His people. He forgives our iniquity and
remembers our sins no more.