Dear Christian friends:
One thing Jesus taught very clearly is that He will come again on the Last
Day. When He comes the earth will be destroyed, the unbelievers will be
sent to hell, and the believers will be taken with Him into heaven. Do
you believe this? Do you wait for that Day to come? Many people today
mock that teaching of Jesus. And, I am sad to say it, also many who say
they are Christians mock that teaching. Even those Christians who still
believe this, are often not very excited about it, and many are ashamed
to warn the unbelievers about it.
In his letter here Peter warns us about those who in the last days of the
world mock this teaching and those who believe it. (verse 3-4) Then in our
text he encourages the Christians not to listen to the scoffers, but to
believe that Jesus will come again and wait eagerly for His coming.
Wait For The Lord's Coming
We must wait with the right understanding as to the time of His coming.
Some mockers say, "It has been about 2,000 years since Jesus ascended
into heaven. He will not come back." Jesus does not look at time in
the same way that we look at time. Peter reminds us about this: “Don't
forget, dear friends, with the Lord one day is the same as a thousand
years, and a thousand years are the same as one day." (verse 8) Now it is
1982, almost two thousand years since Jesus ascended into heaven, but that
is really the same as two days for Jesus. We think two thousand years is
a long, long time, but for Jesus it's only like two days. Jesus promises,
"I come quickly!" (Revelations 3:11) He is not lying.
Still we think He is slow to come. It is true; He is delaying to come.
But why? Peter answers, "He is patient with you and doesn't want anyone
to be lost, but wants them all to turn from sin to Him." (verse 9) Jesus
delays His coming to give more people time to hear His Word so that they
will become aware of their sinfulness, confess their sins and believe in
Him for forgiveness of their sins, that they can be saved from hell and go
with Him into eternal life in heaven. "God wants all men to be saved
and come to know the truth in Jesus Christ." (2 Timothy 2:4) God even
swears to us about this desire of His, saying, "As I live, says the Lord
God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but I desire that the
wicked turn from his way and live." (Ezekiel 33:11) At the time of
Noah God delayed sending the flood. God waited 120 years so that Noah
could preach to them and warn them to turn from their sins and be saved
from the flood. (Genesis 6:3)
We must not_misunderstand God's delaying His coming, as many do. They
think His delaying means He will never really come. They make a big mistake!
God won't wait forever. He will come! Peter says here in our text, "The
Lord's Day will come as a thief in the night." (verse 10) When people do
not expect Him, then He will come and surprise many. So we should not
misunderstand when Jesus delays His coming. He will come! Therefore we
need to get ready for His coming, and warn others to wake up and be ready.
And how do we get ready for His coming? By faith in His Word and Promises.
We must confess to God that we are sinners and that we daily sin much
against Him and against our neighbor. We must not be like the mockers who
refuse to confess that they are sinners. They think sin is pleasure and
fun. A minister was visiting San Francisco and when he was registering
at the hotel he noticed a sign on the registration desk which said,"Where
to Sin in San Francisco." The folder advertised restaurants and night
clubs in the city. The advertising agency that designed the folder
considered sin to be a pleasure. Most people look at sin in this way. Do
you? We must see our sins as offenses against God, deserving His punishment.
Because of man's sin God will destroy this earth when Jesus comes
on the Last Day. Peter writes in our text, "On that day the skies will
disappear with a terrible noise. Everything will melt with terrible heat,
and the earth and everything on the earth will burn up." (verse 10) God is
not pleased with man's sin. He has cursed the earth and will destroy it,
so that we may know and repent. But in His mercy God has promised to
establish a new heaven and a new earth where there is no sin or sinners.
Peter writes here in our text, "Nevertheless God has promised a new sky
and a new earth, where lives righteousness." (verse 13) In that new world
there will be no sin and therefore none of the results of sin such as
evil deeds, sickness, sorrow, pain or death! These shall all pass away
with the destruction of this present world. In the new world people will
love God and love one another with perfect love. David says of that new
world, "In thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand are pleasures
forevermore." (Psalm 16:11)
Because we have this faith and hope in Jesus, we can serve Him in peace as
we wait for His coming at the end of the world. Our faith in Jesus gives
us power to live holy before God. In our text Peter writes, "Because all
things you see will be destroyed, you should know how to live. Your lives
must be holy, given to God, while you wait and wish for the Day of God....
Therefore my friends, while you wait, do your best to live purely and
without blame before God, and live in peace." (verses 11-12, 14) Since we
know that these earthly things will be destroyed, we realize that they are
not worth our love and devoted service. We are foolish to let these
things become our idols. Someone has reminded us of this when he writes,
"Only what's done for Christ will last; all other things will soon be
St. John warns us, "Love not the world, neither the things in
the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in
him. Because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the
lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the Father, but is of
the world. And the world passes away and the lust of it; but he that does
God's will continues forever." (1 John 2:15-17)
One day our waiting for the Lord's return will be finished and by His
grace we shall join in and share the triumphs of His conquering power.
In the meantime let us watch and pray and serve Him as we wait for that
precious hour.