Dear Christian friends:
Dear Christian friends:
As you know, this world will not continue forever.
Our text says "the day cometh." What day? The day of the
Lord, when the Son of Man shall come in His glory and all
the holy angels with Him, the Last Day of the World, that's
the day. It is coming our text shows that it will be
A Wonderful Day
First, it will be wonderful because God will make
right all that is wrong and crooked and unjust now. Our
text says, "behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an
oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall
burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts," verse 1. "Them
that do wickedly shall be stubble, --- burned up"
It doesn't mean sinners. All are sinners, also you
and I are sinners, and daily sin much against our good God.
The "wicked" are those who are not sorry about their sin.
Some of them brag and are proud of their sin and mock God
and His Church. Some of them hide their sin and refuse to
confess it and turn from that. They love and pet their
They even try to argue against God and His word to
make their sin appear right. Sometimes we see church
members doing this too, arguing and complaining and kicking
to defend their sin and weakness. They don't want to go to
Church so they blame the pastor: "I don't like his sermons;
he preaches to long; he didn't shake my hand; not my fault
if I don't go to church, preacher's fault; If you get a new
preacher, I will come to church again." Or they blame
other members, the president or elders or ushers. They are
wicked. These wicked are also the self-righteous, who think
God loves them because they do good.
All such our text calls wicked, "they do wickedly"
And if they do not change and confess their sins they will
be burned as stubble on the last day. The day that cometh
shall burn them up saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall
leave them neither root nor branch." The mighty Lord over
angels says this, not I.
Sometimes these proud, self-righteous people appear
to be more blessed than we Christians. They have better
jobs, better homes, good health and good times while we
Christians suffer and are poor. We are tempted to think
that it is vain or worthless to be a Christian.
But on the Last Day we will see who is rich and
blessed. They will be as stubble burned in the oven no
root or branch left, full judged and condemned to
everlasting punishment and shame. But the Christians shall
receive wonderful salvation and glory. Our text says, "But
unto you that fear my name shall the sun of righteousness
arise with healing in His wings; and ye shall go forth, and
grow up as calves of the stall."
Who shall receive this great salvation and joy?
God says, "ye that fear my name." "Fear" means to honor and
respect our good God and Savior Jesus Christ. Only a
Christian can have this "fear" of God. A Christian
understands his terrible sins against God and then rejoices
because God nevertheless loves him and forgives him in Jesus.
He appreciates the wonderful love and mercy of God and so
doesn't want to displease that wonderful God anymore. If
you love someone very dearly, you try to please that person
always. You fear or respect that person very much. So the
Christian who knows God's wonderful mercy in Jesus fears to
sin against Him.
On that Wonderful Day the Last Day, our text says
the sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his
wings or (rays). Now everyone doesn't understand God's
perfect righteousness and justice in Jesus. Many think the
preaching of becoming right through faith in Christ crucified
is foolish and unfair. They argue, "How can one man dying
save all and give free righteousness to all?" How can Jesus
by his life and death earn righteousness for all? They
think God's way of forgiveness by faith is unfair and not
real justice.
But on that Wonderful Day it will be very clear:
Justification by faith in Jesus Christ is fair and just
and true. All will see the wisdom and justness and
rightness of God in His great plan of salvation.
Today many wise and brilliant people think we
Christians are foolish to believe the Gospel. But they will
be surprised to see that God's Word is true and right and
just. They will even praise God's Wisdom. But it will be
too late for them.
But we will be very glad to see God get full praise
for His wonderful plan of salvation in Jesus Christ. Our
text says we shall be very glad like calves let out of the
stalls in the barn to leap and run with joy in the pasture.
During our life here we must suffer much burden and
mockery because of our faith in Jesus. Many think its
foolish and a waste of time. But on that Wonderful Day they
will see how right we are and be jealous of our wisdom in
Now before that terrible and Wonderful Day comes and
surprises us, we should wake up more and more. If you have
been careless and indifferent about Jesus and forgiveness of
sins through His blood, let this be a warning to you. The
day is coming when all will know that Jesus crucified is the
only Savior. If you confess your sins and trust in His blood
for forgiveness you will be saved; If not you will be damned.
The Judgment Day will come now or later, perhaps
when you don't expect it. Don't think you can have fun now
and then change when you are old or dying. You will be
surprised. But if you have all this while trusted in Jesus
and His blood, keep it up!
Although you suffer persecution and smart people
laugh, they will be surprised to see, you were right. And
they will be jealous of your glory and joy in heaven. All
these troubles connected with Jesus will not be worth
comparing to the wonderful glory that will be ours on that
Wonderful Day.
This should encourage and help us to continue to do
and suffer and live for our dear Lord and Savior. Then
when He comes it will be very, very wonderful for us. A
Very Wonderful Day.