Dear Christian friends:
During Advent we hear much of Jesus' Comings.
Today our text tells about His coming in glory on the
Last Day, and it urges us to Hope for His Coming.
Our Advent Hope
I. What is it?
"The Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and
great glory" "From thence He shall come to judge the
quick and the dead" (Apostle' Creed, 2nd Article) See our
Savior Jesus in full power and glory. We who believe in
Him shall be very, very happy to see Jesus in His victory
and we shall share in His victory and glory.
Jesus' enemies shall also see Jesus power and
glory and they will realize how foolish they have been
because they did not accept Him and believe in Him. They
will see His victory but they will have no joy or share
in it. They will say to the mountains, "Fall on us and to
the hills cover us." But that will not help or save them.
They must all stand before the Judge, Jesus, and
hear Him condemn them to everlasting suffering and
punishment in hell. Jesus will say to them, "Depart from
Me, ye that work inequity, into everlasting fire prepared
for the devil and His angels."
But to those who believe in Him and love Him and
now wait for His coming, to them Jesus will say wonderful
words: "Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom
prepared for you since the foundation of the world." And
then we shall go with Jesus into everlasting life in heaven.
There will be no more hate and fighting and killing
like we daily see here on earth or as we saw in Life magazine
this week about the hate and cruel slaughter at Stanleyville.
(Stanleyville, Congo Massacre 1964) Very much sorrow and grief
for Dr. Carlson's wife and children. Such sorrow and trouble
we see and have ourselves very often. What kind of Christmas
will Mrs. Carlson and her children have this year? Will the
nice ham dinner and the many presents take away the pain and
grief in their hearts? No! But their faith and hope in
Jesus will help them very much.
Also their hope about Jesus coming again on the
Last Day, that hope will give them much comfort and support.
They know they will see their father and husband on that
wonderful day when Jesus comes again in glory.
This is our Advent Hope - Jesus Coming in Glory and
Wonderful Salvation. Now how should this hope influence our
lives? Our text says when you see these signs that the Lord
is coming soon, "Look up and raise your heads" When terrible
things happen on the earth, don't be afraid or give up hope
in God. These terrible happenings are not meant for your
destruction they must come a little bit before Jesus' comes
with glory and salvation. So look up! Raise your heads!
Your salvation is coming near.
Be encouraged in your work and duty although that's
very hard. Don't give up the work and fight for Jesus. He
will soon be here with full salvation.
In the Epistle lesson St. Paul tells us that we who
have this hope should live in harmony with one another, in
accord with Christ Jesus, that together we may with one
voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So often Christians do not live in harmony with one
another as you can see in your own family and here in our
Church. That's one of our hardest duties as a Christian.
There is much quarreling between members. Why? Because
each one seeks his own praise and glory, and doesn't seek
to give praise and glory to the God and Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
If you truly seek God's praise and not your own
praise, then you will suffer more and not quarrel with
other members. You will forgive those who may sin against
you. You will endure criticism for Jesus' sake. You will
welcome and love all members, even those who are not very
Paul says in the Epistle lesson, "Welcome one
another, as Christ has welcomed you. You were not nice to
Jesus because of your many sins against Him. You hurt
Jesus plenty every time you sin. Does Jesus hate you and
seek to hurt you? No! He suffered and died for you. He
loves you and welcomes you, with all your faults and sins.
Now Paul says, You do the same to one another.
Jesus loved you and welcomed you, not because you are so
good and nice. No! But because He wanted to give praise
and glory to God the Father. He wanted to show that God is
true and keeps His promises, although that crucified Him.
Jesus is coming anytime. So hope for His coming
and salvation. Use what little time you have left to seek
God's glory and praise. Live in harmony as God's children.
You will not be sorry if you do!