August's Sermons

Church Period: Advent 3rd Sunday
Sermon Title: Don't Miss Christ This Christmas
Sermon Date: December 17, 2000
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text:Luke 3:7-18

Dear Christian friends:

That first Christmas 2000 years ago was something most important and wonderful. God came to visit our world hidden in a baby! He came to save and help the world. He came with love and blessings, but most people didn't know that. They missed Baby Jesus! Only a few people heard about that and welcomed God in Jesus, the shepherds and the wise men from the East. That's very bad.

This Christmas, Baby Jesus will again come and visit our world. But not in the same way as 2000 years ago. This year He will come through His Word, through preaching the Christmas Gospel, through singing the Christmas songs. And again most people will not know that. Many will not come to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. They will not hear the Good News or the beautiful songs that tell about the Baby in the manger. Some will hear the Good News and the songs but won't believe! Same as the first Christmas 2000 years ago many, many people today will miss Jesus Christ this Christmas.

Will you? Will you miss Jesus this Christmas? I hope not! In our text, which is the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday, we see how God sent John the Baptizer to prepare the Jewish people for Jesus. Now Jesus was grown-up and thirty years old, and ready to begin His saving work. John can also prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus this Christmas. Then we will not miss Jesus this Christmas.

Don't Miss Christ This Christmas

John prepares our hearts to welcome Jesus Christ by "preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins." (verse 3)

John came with a sign of His message from God, water. Often during Old Testament history when God sent his prophet to preach and warn a nation He gave that prophet a sign of his message. When God sent Jeremiah to preach and warn Israel He told him to wear a yoke. Why? (Explain) When God sent Isaiah to warn the people in Egypt God told Isaiah to take off his clothes and preach to the people naked. Why? (Explain)

The same with John, the last prophet, God told him to wash the people with water. Why? Because they have a dirty face and body? No! God doesn't care if they have dirty faces and bodies. John should wash them because they have dirty hearts and minds, because they are sinners and law-breakers.

But John does not baptize them in his own name. He can't make their hearts clean. But he Baptizes them in the name of Jesus Christ, who will soon appear. Because of Jesus Christ John's baptism is valid and washes away sins.

John's washing with water was not only a sign as Jeremiah's yoke or Isaiah going around namek were warnings that the people should repent; but it was also a sign that they should awake and believe in Jesus Christ, and know that because of His future suffering and death on the cross, they can have sins forgiven.

Therefore John begins the New Testament office, the same preaching about the Savior Christ, and the same baptism that Jesus commanded us before He ascended into heaven. John's baptism looked to the future Jesus crucified for the world's sin forgiveness. Our baptism today looks back to Jesus crucified.

Therefore, we prepare for Jesus' coming this Christmas by remembering that we have received baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We must remember that we needed that baptism. Not because we may have dirty hands, faces and body. No! But because we have dirty hearts and minds. We are born with sin inherited from Adam and Eve. We often have jealousy, anger, hatred, revenge and bad desires. If we are truly holy, then we do not need baptism. But our nature is bad, bad, bad!

But praise the Father's grace, love and mercy! He sent His only Son, Jesus from heaven to earth the first Christmas! He did not forsake us in our sin and hell! Praise the Son, Jesus Christ because he accepted to become a baby and to be born of the Virgin Mary, so he could have a body and substitute for us under the Law and pay with His blood for our law-breaking, and also keep and obey the law for us! Praise the Holy Spirit who through Baptism and God's Word gives us faith, new birth and new life!

John prepares us for Jesus' coming by preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. He also prepares us to welcome Jesus by reminding us of the fruits of Baptism.

John prepares us to welcome Jesus and not miss Him this Christmas by reminding us of the fruits of baptism. What are the "Fruits of Baptism,"? (See if anyone can explain, if not explain.) Many people came to John and wanted to receive Baptism. But John warned them. (read verses 7-14, explain)

Therefore, if we are really sorry about our sins and really believe that Jesus was born to suffer and die on the cross for sin forgiveness, then we will try with his help to stop sinful ways and walk in the way of His holy Ten Commandments. Love God with all our heart, soul and mind and love our neighbor as ourself.

True, we are not perfect in growing good fruit. We continue to have our sinner nature that wants to do bad. But we also have the new nature given us by the Holy Spirit through Baptism which draws us to resist sin and temptation and obey God. John, here in our text, teaches us this is true! (read verses 15-16)

John says, "I am not good enough (not worthy) to kneel and tie Jesus' shoes." John was a very holy man. He was so holy people thought (questioned) "Is John the Christ?" He answered: "No! No! Christ is much better than I am a sinner the same as you. Before you I seem perfect and holy, but you can't see in my heart, my bad thoughts and desires! Before God I am a humble sinner. Also, all my right doings are as filthy rags before Him. Jesus Christ is my righteousness. Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." He will help you see the truth and help you resist sin and temptation. Then you can grow the good fruit of Baptism. Through His Word and Spirit He will flick out the straw and make you good grain He keeps! (verse 17)

Martin Luther in His Small Catechism teaches about Baptism (show the Small Catechism) He asks the question, "What does baptizing with water indicate?" He answers: "It indicates that the Old Adam and Old Eve in us the old sinner nature, should by daily contrition and repentance be drowned and die with all sins and evil desires, and that a new man and new woman should daily arise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever."

Then Luther asks: "Where is this written?" He answers: "St. Paul writes in Romans chapter six: "We were therefore buried with Him (Christ) through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." (Romans 6:4)

The same power God, the Father, used to awake Jesus Christ from death on Easter morning He uses to awaken us from sin to arise and live a holy life. We receive that power through Baptism, through the Gospel preaching and through the Lord's Supper.

John prepares us to welcome Jesus again this Christmas by helping us remember about the fruits of Baptism. Don't miss Christ this Christmas! Remember your Baptism daily! Remember your Baptism day, the same as you remember your birthday! Remember the blessings of Baptism: "It gives forgiveness of sins, frees you from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all who believe in Jesus Christ." Remember the fruits of Baptism: With praise and thanks to God and with His help live a holy life!
