Dear Christian friends:
There certainly are wonderful joys and blessings at
Christmas when we think of how many people seem to
be a little kinder and nicer during the second or
third weeks of Christmas. And we wish we could keep
that kind of feeling and spirit of Christmas longer.
We can if we celebrate Christmas in the right way.
Our text gives us some help to do that.
Some Help For Your Christmas Celebration
John says, "Make straight the way of the Lord." That
means to be honest with God. For celebrating Christmas
right you must be honest with God. Nothing false, nothing
to hide, no deceit. Come and confess the truth to God
about yourself and your life. You can't hide anything from
God even if you try.
True you can hide things from people and from your pastor.
You can lie to people and deceive and make excuses and
often people will not catch you. They will be fooled. But
you can't fool God. God knows if you really love Him or
not. He knows what you think in your mind and heart.
One time I was teaching a class of deaf children and I
told them God could see them all the time, even in the
dark. One girl was very surprised to hear that God could
see her in the dark. I told her that God even knew what
she was thinking in her mind. And she was even more
surprised and embarrassed. But that is true.
So make straight the way of the Lord as John cries here.
Be honest with God and confess all your sins. Often we
deceive ourselves by our lies. If we fail to come to
church on a certain Sunday, "We say I was too tired," or
"I was too busy." And we believe that lie ourself.
We should be honest and truthful and say, "I don't love
God very much. I am a very bad sinner." God will like
you more if you are honest and truthful and confess that
you do not love Him. He gets very displeased and fed up
if we try to make excuses and tell lies. So for a true
valuable Christmas be honest with God and truthful.
Confess your sins.
Malachi 3:3 says, when Jesus comes He is like a refiner's
fire that makes gold pure. As a refinery heats the gold
it makes the impure elements rise to the top, so Jesus
refines us and purifies us.
He insists that we be honest with Him and come to Him with
all of our sins and evil thoughts, confessing them and
trusting His great kindness and mercy to forgive us.
We should not feel proud and self-righteous to hide our
sins, nor should we feel afraid and give up hope in His
mercy. But come to Him again this Christmas and tell
Him the truth. He already knows before we tell Him
anyway. God knows better than we do ourselves. And then
believe that God loves us and gave His Son through the
Virgin Mary to be our Savior.
If we are honest with Him and confess our sins and then
believe His wonderful words, the words of the angel to
the shepherds, "Fear not, etc." then we shall celebrate
Christmas in the right way. Christmas will be very precious
and satisfying to us and our joy and spirit will last
long after Christmas and always as long as we remain
honest with God and believe His wonderful words.
Then also will our Christmas activities, our going to
church, our exchange of gifts, our feasting and celebrating,
these all will please God and satisfy Him.
So today, this afternoon sit down and think about your
life. Ask yourself, "Have I been honest with God?" Read
the Christmas Gospel in Luke 2:1-21. Ask yourself do
I believe that God loves me and forgives me in Jesus?
Am I satisfied with my Christmas plans? Will God be
pleased and satisfied with me?
We hope this will help you get ready for Christmas.