August's Sermons

Church Period: Ascension Sunday
Sermon Title: The Great Comfort In Christ's Ascension
Sermon Date: May 22, 1966
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Acts 1:1-11

Dear Christian friends:

Last Thursday was a very important day. As important as Christmas and Easter. Do you know what day it was? Did you open your Bible and read about that again and praise and thank God about that wonderful event?

I'm afraid that many don't know and many don't care. If you don't know and don't care about that you are failing to receive much comfort for your faith and life.

We need that comfort and support very much. There are many problems and temptations. So let us attend to our text and consider:

The Great Comfort In Christ's Ascension

We know that He is the Son of God our mighty Savior. All that He taught and said is true. He sat down at the right hand of God. God the Father has made Jesus King over all: Before He ascended He said, "All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth."

All that happens in this world happens under His rule, both the good and the bad are limited and controlled by Him, also the war in Viet Nam. Wars, floods and earthquakes, plane crashes and auto accidents are all under His rule. These all happen for good to warn us and to awake us that this world will not continue long, that we must confess our sin and believe in Him to be saved.

He rules everything so that His Word can be preached to all nations and people. When He said, "All power is given unto Me in heaven and on earth," then He added, "Go, ye, therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost." (Matthew 28:19)

This is great comfort for us. No matter what happens to us here on earth, we know that our wise and wonderful Savior is King and ruler. All things happen for good to those who love God. He rules all things, people, governments and nations for the eternal salvation of His chosen people, the Church.

Now often we do not see how wars and other terrible events help us, but in heaven we will see how Jesus ruled wisely for our good. We will see that many troubles and sorrows were hidden blessings.

Jesus ascension into heaven is also great comfort to us because He promises that He will then send the Holy Spirit to teach us and comfort us. His ascending into heaven does not mean that He forsakes us or leaves us. He is still with us although our eyes cannot see Him. Before He ascended He told His disciples, "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."

And here in our text Jesus ordered His disciples not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the Holy Spirit.

Like us, they were not much interested in the Holy Spirit. They wanted to know if Jesus would now free the Jews from Roman rule and set up a free Jewish nation again. So we often are more interested in earthy things and don't care if Jesus is with us or not.

Now Jesus corrects the disciples and tells them that's not their business. Their business is to be witnesses for Him. He says to them, "When the Holy Spirit comes to you, you will receive power and will testify of Me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the furtherest parts of the world."

This promise of Jesus is also for you and me today. He wants to give the Holy Spirit also to you. He wants to teach you and comfort you and make you eager and brave to witness of Him both here at home and in all countries of the world by your support of missions.

Many of us are weak and afraid to witness to others of our faith in Jesus. Many are greedy and do not support church and missions. Many spend more for pleasure and vacations than they give for support of God's Work. Why? They have not the Holy Spirit. They forget that Jesus ascended into heaven, so He could send them the Holy Spirit. By His ascension Jesus wants to admonish you that the Holy Spirit's power is for you that you can do His work with much courage and joy.

Finally Jesus' ascension is great comfort for us because we know by that, that He went to prepare a wonderful place for us in heaven. We read in verse 10-11, read it.

On the night before He was crucified Jesus told His disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled you believe in God, believe also in Me. In my Father's house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto myself. Because where I live, there shall also my servant live."

So Jesus' ascension into heaven is much comfort for you if you believe in Him. It will help you be bold and cheerful through all troubles and temptations and trials. You know your fight and work here is short. You know He is with you. You know He will come again and take you from this vale of tears to that perfect home above in glory everlasting.

By His ascension into heaven and sitting at God's right hand you know Jesus and His Church will win over all enemies.

But if you do not yet believe in Jesus, I warn you. You better repent or you will be lost in hell forever. If you do not believe, Jesus' ascension and sitting at God's right hand can mean only sorrow and grief for you now and forever in hell.

May God be merciful unto us and help us all to confess our sins and to believe in Him and get the victory and glory everlasting with Him.
