August's Sermons

Church Period: Christmas
Sermon Title: What Does The Birth Of Christ Mean To You?
Sermon Date: December 25, 1964
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Titus 2:11-14

Dear Christian friends:

We are seeing and hearing a lot about the birth of Christ again this Christmas: T.V., newspapers, stores, signs, advertising, all show the story of Jesus' birth.

But I wonder, question if all the people who tell the story or show the pictures and sing the songs really know what Jesus' birth means. I wonder if they really believe the story in their own hearts.

Some people do it to earn profit. Some do it because they think it is a cute story and good for children, but not adults. Some sing because they like the tunes. Some join in celebrations because all the other people are doing it. But I think many people do not understand the meaning of Christ's birth. Do you?

Also you and I may not understand very well. We need to be reminded again and again because so many misunderstand and may lead us astray also. In our text St. Paul shows us the real meaning of Christ's birth. So on this Christmas Day and from our text let me ask you the question:

What Does The Birth Of Christ Mean To You?

First, St. Paul says in verse 11: "that it means God's grace that brings salvation now is shown to all people." The angel of the Lord on that first Christmas night showed this grace of God to the shepherds who watched their flocks by night. The angel said, "Fear not, etc." (Luke 2:9-12)

Paul calls Christ's birth the "grace of God." Why? Grace means mercy and kindness which we do not deserve. When you stop to think about man's sin we are very surprised that God can love and help such men. Newspapers and T.V. news show man's terrible sins: Vandals brake in to the Volunteers of America Store and wreck Christmas packages for 500 poor families; man hits girl with car and doesn't stop; man throws acid in school teachers face; lawyer kills wife and leaves four children without a mother; man shoots his president, white men hate black men and black men hate white.

You may self-righteously think your heart is better than these men, but God says it is the same. You and I have the same heart as Oswald and Thompson and ______ and ______ and ______ and ______. We are all lousy sinners before God by nature.

Yet, God loved us terrible sinners and gave His Son to be born for us, as the angel said to be our "Savior" and Paul says, "the grace of God that brings salvation now is shown to all people." Truly wonderful - God He is interested in us and gives up His dearest thing, His own Son to humble Himself and become our brother, to take our sin and sorrow and shame on Himself and suffer and die for us to pay for our sins. Wonderful God!

Wonderful grace: That is what Christ's birth ought to mean to you. Does it? If it does then you will also agree with the second part of our sermon which shows that Christ's birth also means that: You are to believe and to change your sinful ways.

Paul, says in verses 11-13. (Read it) Give up bad sinful habits and ways. Fight and conquer sinful desires. Don't copy ideas and ways of vain, proud world. Don't hope in earthly future: new home, new job, new car; happy retirement, pension. That hope is like snow. Beautiful today but melted away tomorrow. Hope in Jesus Christ who will come again in triumph to judge the living and the dead. (verse 13) Help needy and poor proclaim the Gospel.

Now all this holy, right living you cannot do by your own power. In verse 14 Paul shows that God Himself must work that in you. How? Like He is now, this hour through His Holy Word. God's Word whenever you read it or hear it or eat it as at the Lord's Supper. Has such wonderful power to make you ashamed of yourself and then to help you believe and improve.

Monday night on T.V. "Sing Along With Mitch" Mr. Miller wished we could keep the spirit of Christmas all over the world all year long. That can't happen if you only hear about Jesus once a year and sing His songs once a year as they do on T.V. and radio. Christmas without Lent and Good Friday and Easter means nothing.

Here I have four pens. They are beautiful pens and appear good, but look, they are dry and no good for writing, serving me. So often Christians: they look nice and appear good, but they are dry - no faith, no love can't serve God. You need a refill by hearing His Word daily at home and Wednesday at Bible Class, Sunday Church service and the Lord's Supper. Don't be a dry Christian in 1964. Be filled with the Spirit of Christ and Christmas all the year and forever.

Does Christmas mean that to you? If so you will sing with the angels and truly mean it, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and God's kindness to all men.
