August's Sermons

Church Period: Christmas 1st Sunday After
Sermon Title: A Man Who Was Satisfied With Christmas
Sermon Date: December 26, 1976
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 2:25-35

Dear Christian friends:

Joy and peace to you in the name of Jesus, His birth we continue to celebrate today.

Our lesson is the Holy Gospel which I read to you before, Luke 2:25-35.

Did you have a nice Christmas? One person perhaps answers, "No! I did not get what I wanted." Another person answers, "Yes, I had a nice Christmas. I got a radio, a basketball, and a new bike!" Another person perhaps answers,"No, I didn't have a nice Christmas. I was sick."

Were you satisfied with Christmas this year? Some say, "No!" Some say, "Yes." But we all should be satisfied with Christmas if our Christmas joy is because of Jesus’ birth and not because of gifts received or other things in Christmas celebrations.

Our lesson tells about a man who was satisfied with the first Christmas almost 2,000 years ago. I want to preach to you this morning about that man.

A Man Who Was Satisfied With Christmas

Who that man? Simeon. He lived in Jerusalem when Jesus was born. He was a very old man. He was a very good man. In verse 25 of our lesson says he was "very devout." That means he prayed often to God and went to temple often to hear God's Word and to worship God. And the Holy Spirit from God lived in his heart.

Simeon was waiting for the Messiah, Christ, to come. He heard the prophecies in the Holy Writings about the Messiah who will come. The Holy Spirit told him that he will see the Messiah before he dies. (verse 26)

You and I, like Simeon, should be satisfied with Christmas. We, too, have God's Word and promises in our Bibles. We know the prophecies about Jesus, the Messiah in the Old Testament and how all those prophecies happened exactly in Jesus' birth, His life, His death on the cross, and His arising from death on Easter morning.

Again this Advent - Christmas Season we have heard God's Word and promises about Baby Jesus. We, the same as Simeon, have God's Word and God's Holy Spirit living in our hearts. We have heard again the wonderful, Good News the angel said to the shepherds the first Christmas night, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. (Luke 2:10-11)

So, we, like Simeon should be very satisfied with Christmas, no matter if we get good presents or not; no matter whether we are sick or well; rich or poor, no-matter. But people who do not know God's Word about Baby Jesus are not satisfied with Christmas, no matter they get many fine presents. Or people who do not believe God's Word and the angel's words about the Baby Jesus, they also are not satisfied with Christmas.

If we know and believe God's Word and promises about Jesus, we are very satisfied with Christmas. And we will show that like old Simeon did.

The Holy Spirit led Simeon to the temple on the same day Mary and Joseph brought Baby Jesus to the temple to offer Him to God and to worship God. Jesus was now one month old. The Holy Spirit told Simeon that Mary's Baby is the Messiah, the Savior. Then Simeon took the Baby Jesus in his arms praising God and saying: "Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you may now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32)

We, too, can say with old Simeon, "Lord, now I am satisfied, because I finished seeing Your Savior again this Christmas."

Then love Jesus like old Simeon did. Praise God, because God loves you and gives His Son to save you from sin and eternal death in hell. We can die with peace. We know that we will go to heaven when we die and will not go to hell. God loves us and forgives all our sins because Jesus was born on the first Christmas to save us.

So, we can continue being very satisfied this Christmas and not complain about presents much or complain about sickness or complain about not having friends. No matter, we have Jesus, our Savior. That gives us real peace and joy. That makes us very satisfied and we give praise to God like Simeon. Thank God and be eager to serve Him and eager to tell other people the Good News about Jesus our Savior. We better do that today and every day during the New Year. Don't complain or be sad or give up hope. No. Be happy in Jesus! Give praise to God and thanks to God. Love God! Obey God! Support the Church and serve God!
