August's Sermons

Church Period: The First Sunday After Christmas
Sermon Title: Christmas Is Forever
Sermon Date: December 27, 1987
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 2:25-38

Dear Christian Friends:

Our Christmas celebrations have already stopped. Most people have already forgotten about Christmas and are thinking about New Year's Eve and another big drinking party. Many of our neighbors have already thrown their Christmas tree out by the street for the trash men to take away. We stop celebrating Christmas too fast.

In her poem named "After Christmas - What Then?" Winnie Lou Smith reminds us of this fact:

After the angels had vanished
The shepherds heeded their word
And went in search of the Infant
Who was their Savior and Lord.
When they had found Him, they worshiped,
Then shared the glad news with men.
What will we do when the angels have gone,
After Christmas - what then?

After the star had disappeared,
That led the wise men to the Lord,
When they had given to Him their gifts
And kneeling before Him adored,
They arose to walk "another" way,
Obeying the Lord, not men.
How will we walk when the star is gone,
After Christmas - what then?

Will joy with our tree be discarded,
Our peace with the lights put away?
Will giving, loving, and serving
Be gone with the Christmas display?
Will our song fade away with carols
Or die with the bells in the glen?
After the star and angels are gone,
After Christmas - what then?

In our text old Simeon and the prophetess, Anna, show us how to make Christmas continue on and on, and how to have its warmth and light through- out the New Year, and throughout our life, even unto death. So today I want to preach to you about that idea.


Although we may be old and near death, we can rejoice in Christmas. But many people think that Christmas is for children only. Really Christmas is for all ages, especially for the old and those near death.

Simeon was very old and near death. Nevertheless he rejoiced in that first Christmas. In our text we read about old Simeon's Christmas joy: "A man lived in the city of Jerusalem. His name was Simeon. He was a good man and worshiped God. He waited for the Savior to come, and the Holy Spirit was in his heart. The Holy Spirit had told him that he would see the Savior before he died. The Holy Spirit led Simeon into the temple. At the same time Mary and Joseph brought the Baby Jesus into the temple to make an offering for the Baby as the Jewish law required. Then Simeon took Jesus in his arms praising God and saying, Lord, now let Your servant.depart in peace; for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared for all people, - a light to give light to the Gentiles, and to give glory to Your people, Israel." (vv. 25-32)

Old Simeon had great joy in the Baby Jesus. He knew that this Baby was the Savior God had promised through the prophets. Now he is ready to die in peace. He knows that God loves him and forgives all his sins in Jesus' name. He has peace with God and love and thanks for God. He is now ready to die and go home to be with God in heaven's glory.

Also Anna, the woman prophet, was very happy that first Christmas. She was now 106 years old, and she came into the temple room the same, exact time as Simeon and Mary and Joseph. She also thanked God for the Baby Jesus and had peace and joy in heart.

Both Simeon and Anna were very old and near death, but they had great joy that first Christmas. They believed God's Word and promises about the Baby, that He is the promised Savior. The Holy Spirit helped them to believe in the Baby Jesus and rejoice in Him.

Although some of you are very old and near death, you, like Simeon and Anna, can rejoice in Christmas. You can have Christmas warmth and peace and light today and throughout the New Year, and throughout your life, even when you are dying. In your Bible you have the same words and promises about the Savior as Simeon and Anna had, the promises God said to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Isaiah and Micah. You have again heard the Good News of the Savior's birth, which we have signed to you this Christmas season. You have heard again what the angel announced to the shepherds, "Fear not, behold, I bring you glad tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people: for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:10-11) You have again seen the choir sign-sing the beautiful Christmas songs. You can have great joy in Christmas today and always. Christmas is for ail ages and Christmas is forever!

I pray today that the Holy Spirit will come to each one of us and help us to believe in the Baby Jesus and have peace and joy in Him today and forever.

Truly Christmas is forever, and we need to tell people this, the true meaning of Christmas - that it is forever - not just for one day, or just for children.

In our text we see how old Simeon told about the true meaning of Christmas. He prophesies how Mary's heart will be broken and sad when later on Jesus will die on the cross for people's sins. He also prophesies that some will not believe in Jesus and will not accept Him for their Savior, but others will believe and accept Him. (vv.34-35)

Old Anna also "told about Him to all the people in Jerusalem who waited for the Savior.” (v.38)

We, like Simeon and Anna, must tell people about the Savior, about the true meaning of Christmas. Many people misunderstand or understand nothing at all. They think that Christmas is just for one day, for eating and drinking and for exchanging gifts. They think that Christmas is just for children. Christmas is the birth of God's Son, the Savior for sinners. Christmas is joined with Good Friday and Easter. Christmas is for all ages, also the old people. Christmas means everlasting joy! Christmas is forever! Amen.