Dear Christian friends:
When Jesus was born that first Christmas the angels sang peace to men on
earth. (Luke 2:14) But we don't have much peace here on earth. Instead
we have wars and fears of war, terrible events, much hatred and killing
here on earth. I need not prove that to you. Look at your newspaper, or
T.V. News!
Was Jesus' birth in vain? No good? Has Jesus' Church failed? Will Satan
and the evil win and Jesus and His Church lose?
Often it seems that Jesus and His Church are losing while Satan and the
evil people are winning. It seemed that way a short time after Jesus'
birth. We read in our text how King Herod planned to kill the Baby Jesus.
He sent his soldiers to kill all the babies of Bethlehem, hoping in that
way to kill the Baby Jesus. It seemed that evil was winning and goodness
and peace were losing. It seemed that way, but not true!
Jesus And His Church Win
I. Often it seems that Jesus and His church have lost.
When we read here how King Herod's soldiers killed all the babies in
Bethlehem we perhaps ask, "Why did God let that happen? Where was God?"
God was there! The crying, fearful mothers and fathers couldn't see Him,
but He was there. He saw; He heard; He knew; and He allowed it to happen.
True, many baby boys were killed that day, but Baby Jesus was not killed.
It was not yet time for God's Son to die. First He must grow up and preach
and teach the Good News of God's love and mercy for sinners, even a sinner
like King Herod. Jesus must first do many wonderful works and obey all of
God's law and fulfill all the Old Testament prophecies and then suffer and die on
the cross to win forgiveness of sins for all people. It was most important
that the Baby Jesus not die in Bethlehem. Jesus must die in Jerusalem.
After the wisemen had left Bethlehem the Lord's angel appeared to Joseph in
a dream and warned him about King Herod's wicked plan. Joseph obeyed God's
command and escaped to Egypt with Mary and the Baby Jesus. God did not
warn the other mothers and fathers of Bethlehem about Herod's evil plan.
Their babies must die. Joseph could not warn them because if he did that
he would have risked the Baby Jesus' life. He must escape during the night
in secret. Nobody can know about Jesus' escape. The babies of Bethlehem
must die to protect the Baby Jesus so that He can live and die later to
save the world. Although the babies of Bethlehem and their families seem
to lose, they are really winners. Because they suffered and died for
Jesus' sake, and they shall have special honor and glory with Jesus in
heaven. (Revelation 7:13-17)
Often Christians must suffer persecution, problems, sickness and death to
help God in His work here on earth. Peter writes, “Dear friends, think it
not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to test you. Don't think
something strange is happening to you. But rejoice, because you are sharers
of Christ's sufferings; that, when His glory shall be revealed, you may
be glad with exceeding joy. If you suffer persecution for the name of
Christ, happy are you; the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you ....
If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him
glorify God for this." (1 Peter 4:12-16)
Today there are still many enemies of Jesus and His Church, same as King
Herod. We must not be afraid of them, but be ready to suffer for Jesus'
name. If the baby boys of Bethlehem must suffer and die for Jesus' sake,
can we young men, middle aged men or old men do less? Will we let a baby
die while we hide at home in fear and do nothing for Jesus?
Our problem is that often we don't know the score. In times of trouble and
persecution we often think Christ's team is losing when really it is winning.
II. Jesus and his Church have already won.
First King Herod and his evil men seemed to win against Jesus and His people,
but later we read, "They are dead which sought the young — child's life.”
(vy. 20) They are dead; but Jesus is alive! They have lost; Jesus has won!
They are not only dead; they are in hell; and they will be there forever!
During the 300 years after Jesus' birth several Roman emperors tried to
destroy Jesus' Church by persecuting and killing the Christians: Nero,
Hadrian, Decius, Trajan, Julian, Eusebuis, and Domitian. Where are they
today? They are dead! Their soldiers grew weary and died; their swords
became dull and rusted away; but Jesus and His Church has lived on and on
until today and will continue forever!
Christ's Church is the winning team; those who resist Him and fight against
Him and His team are the losing team. That's the score! Don't be deceived;
know the score!
If you are not yet joined with Jesus' team, you better join it! If you have
already joined Jesus' team, have courage and act like a winner, because you
are a winner, although sometimes you seem to be a loser. St. Paul asks,
"Who shall separate us from Christ's love? Shall tribulation or distress,
or persecution, or famine or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Then he answers,
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved
us." (Romans 8:35-37) Not just conquerors, but more than conquerors super
Jesus and His Church is the winning team! Join the winning team and stay
on it!