August's Sermons

Church Period: The First Sunday After Christmas
Sermon Title: The Real Spirit Of Christmas
Sermon Date: December 29, 1963
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Galatians 4:1-7

Dear Christian friends:

During the Christmas season we hear and read a lot about "the spirit of Christmas." Many people think the "spirit of Christmas" means help poor people once a year, be kind to people for one or two weeks during the Christmas season. These many people think you can get the Christmas spirit without God by yourself alone.

Many people who do not believe in Jesus Christ think they have good Christmas spirit. So we see that there is much misunderstanding and confusion about "the Christmas spirit."

What do you think about "the Christmas spirit?" Do you know what it is? Do you have it in your heart? In our text St. Paul tells us about:

The Real Christmas Spirit

So this morning I want to preach to you about the real Christmas Spirit from our text. What is the real Christmas spirit? Many people think that means to obey the Ten Commandments: and obey them because you will get punished if you do not and blessed if you do. They try to be good and kind to others during the Christmas season. They perhaps give some money to help the poor, but they are not happy and eager to do that.

They may buy gifts for friends and neighbors, but they do not find any pleasure in that. They complain about the costs and much shopping and they are glad when Christmas is past. They give gifts to friends and relatives because they feel forced and their duty, or because they expect an exchange: "You give to me, and I will give to you." Some enjoy giving because it makes them feel proud and better than others.

That is not the real spirit of Christmas. That is the spirit of sin, the spirit of unbelievers, the spirit of Satan and this world. Well, you ask: What is the real spirit of Christmas? The real spirit of Christmas is when we give freely, cheerfully with love for God and do not feel forced or our duty or proud or hope to get an exchange, but give and do not expect an exchange. Give to those who are poor and helpless and can't give anything to you. That is how God gave to us on the first Christmas when He gave His own Son through the Virgin Mary. We were lost, and helpless in sin, enemies of God, strangers. But He pitied us and gave His Son to live and die for us, that we by faith in Jesus Christ could receive forgiveness of sins and become His dear children again. (verses 3-5, read them)

Now that we are God's children we must not feel forced like slaves or duty, duty, duty and complain. We should gladly cheerfully love God as dear children love their father and gladly serve and obey, Him. (verses 6-7, read them) Gladly give to anyone because we love God and all people even our enemies. Give and do not expect an exchange. One day Jesus said, "When you prepare a dinner, don't invite your friends or brothers or neighbors or relatives who can later on invite you, and repay you, but invite the poor and the lame, and the blind and you will be blessed; for they can't repay you: Because you shall be repaid at the time of resurrection. (Luke 14:12-14) How many of you have invited Vera for a dinner?

Now I think we all should feel very ashamed and understand that we do not have much Christmas spirit. How do we get that real Christmas spirit? Paul says (verse 6, read it) the Holy Spirit comes into your heart by the Gospel. You again and again hear of God's wonderful love for no good, lousy sinners like us and confess your sins and receive His forgiveness daily and on Sunday. But if we despise God's Word of Jesus and do not regularly read His Word, then the Holy Spirit of Christmas can't come into our hearts to make us cry, "Abba Father."

As our bulletin shows this Sunday: What Are You Looking for in 1964? God? God says, "Those who seek Me diligently, find Me." (Proverbs 8:17) Are you looking for Faith? The Bible says in Romans 10:17. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." You have not the Real Spirit of Christmas because you seek not and hear not.

Let us each make a New Year's resolution to read God's Word everyday and attend Bible Class and Church regularly in 1964. And don't wait for warmer weather. Fair weather Christians don't have the real spirit of Christmas. May God pity us and help us!
