Dear Christian friends:
Today we begin the Epiphany Season. Epiphany Season
ends on Ash Wednesday, when Lenten Season begins.
Epiphany means what? (See if anyone knows. If not,
During Epiphany the lessons and the preaching show
that Jesus Christ is the light for our dark world.
(John 8:12)
The Church has received God's light in Jesus Christ, therefore it
can shine. Isaiah says, “Arise, shine! Your light has come." (verse 1)
We Christians who have God's wonderful light must let it shine to
the dark world. We must not hide our light.
We the Church of need to hear God's command:
Arise and Shine! Let God's Light Shine
The world needs our light.
In our text Isaiah says, "Darkness as black as night shall cover
all the peoples of the earth." (verse 2) Isaiah says 'the-darkness,"
not a "darkness." He does not mean every darkness. By "darkness"
he means ignorance. This special darkness is ignorance of God.
People are born without knowledge of the true God, Father, Son and
Holy Spirit. People know their is a god. This beautiful earth and
all the wonderful living things on the earth prove that their is a
god. Only a fool says that there is no god. (Psalm 14:1) But
people do not really know God, that He is three-in-one, Father, Son
and Holy Spirit.
Also people are in darkness because they do not know their relationship
with God. People know that they have sinned against God, and
they do not feel right and comfortable with God. Often they feel
enmity against God. People don't know how to become comfortable
and friends with God. That is their darkness.
Some people try to hide their sin or excuse it, the same as Adam and
Eve did when they first broke God's command. They tried to hide
from God, and when He found them they tried to make excuses for
their sin. (Genesis 3:8-13)
Some people, like the Christian Scientists say, "There is no sin."
Others admit that there is sin and evil in the world, but they
say there is no God. Many others confess, "Yes, there is a God,
and yes, we have sinned against Him, but if we fast and suffer,
God will forgive our sins. Hindu holy men, monks and others
think this darkness. Others, and there are many in America and in
American churches, who say, "Yes we sin, but if we are sorry
God will forgive us, especially if we try our best to improve.
All these ideas about God and how to become friends with Him are
false. This is “the darkness that covers the earth and the black
darkness that covers the people."
Today as we begin a new year, most people are in this spiritual
darkness and need to come to our light. One and one-half billion
are Christians, but four and one-half billion people people on
earth are not Christians. They are still in spiritual darkness.
Yes; "darkness covers the earth and much darkness covers the
people." (verse 2)
We must arise and shine, tell the Good News about the true God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We know the Father who loved us sinners
and gave His Son Jesus to be our Savior. We know Jesus, the Son,
who willingly obeyed the Father and suffered death upon the cross
for us. And we know the Holy Spirit whom the Father sends to live
in our hearts giving us faith in Jesus, new birth and new life, even
eternal life. We know this wonderful Triune God. We have the light.
Our light has come, the Lord's glory is shining on us. Therefore
we can arise and shine.
Also, we let God's light shine through us by our witness and support
of District and Synod missions. Our New Year's resolution should
be to do more personal evangelism, and support our District and
Synod mission work better during the new year.
We have God's own promise that if we obey His command and arise and
shine, He will bless our efforts. In our text Isaiah tells the
Church: “Nations will come to see your light and kings will come
near to see you. Look around you and see what is happening. The
people gather to come home. Your sons will come from far and your
daughters will come near and eat. You will see this and be filled
with joy. You will tremble with excitement. The riches of the
nations will come to you; yes, from across the sea the riches will
come. Many camels will come from the countries of Midian and Ephah.
They will come from Sheba bringing gold and perfume. And they will
tell the Good News about the things the Lord has done." (verses 3-6)
During the past xxxx years since Jesus' birth much of this prophecy
has happened exactly. The camels have come from Midian, Ephah, and
Sheba. They came when the Wise Men rode on them to worship Jesus
at Bethlehem. Since then people from every nation on earth have
come to the light and joined the Christian Church. During the past
years the Good News of Jesus has been preached to all nations
and millions have believed and have died and are now in heaven with
It is true, if we obey God's command and let our light shine, He
will bless our efforts and we will be very happy to see many people
come to join the church. (verse 5)
Therefore, arise, Shine! Your light has come!
Additional sermon notes:
How do we let God's light shine? How do we arise and shine?
1. During the church service God's light shines brightly in the
darkness. We join in the going from darkness to light, and
from death to life in the church service here each Sunday.
a. In Baptism we die with Jesus Christ and arise with Him.
b. In the confession and absolution
c. In the 3 Bible lessons (Epistle, Gospel and sermon text)
d. In the Creed.
e. In the sermon.
f. In the Lord's supper we chiefly arise and shine. We show
that Jesus Christ has come: that He gave His body and shed
His blood for the world's sins, that He is risen from
death for the world's salvation and that He is really here
offering His body and blood for the life of the world.
"For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup you
are retelling the message of the Lord's death, that he has
died for you. Do this until he comes again. (1 Corinthians 11:26)
2. Through the Christians holy life God's light shines in our
dark world.
a. Their love, kindness and forgiveness, even to enemies.
b. Their hope for heaven.
c. Their contempt for the this world's things.
d. Their patience in suffering.
All these are light that God can use to attract the people
still in darkness.