Dear Christian friends:
Why did Jesus come to John the Baptist to be baptized? Here in our
text we see Jesus standing in line with sinners waiting to receive
baptism. Why? Is Jesus a sinner? Does He need have sins forgiven?
No! Jesus is not a sinner, but He joins with sinners so that He can
save sinners, so that He can open again the door of heaven for us
poor, wretched sinners. In our text we read that after John had
baptized Jesus "the heavens opened." (verse 10)
Heaven Is Opened!
Our sins closed heaven to us. God never intended heaven to be
closed, and in the beginning of the world heaven was open. Adam and
Eve talked with God face to face and they were not ashamed or afraid.
They enjoyed very much their union and communication with God. The
garden of Eden was heaven for Adam and Eve. But we all know the sad
story of how Adam and Eve sinned against God, and how when God came
the next time to visit with them they were afraid of God and ran and
hid from Him. (Genesis 3:1-20) God then placed an angel with a
flaming sword to keep them out of paradise. (Genesis 3:22-24)
Sin shut heaven's door and no man can open them
again no matter how hard he may try. Man may seem to be very good
and righteous person, and think he can open heaven by his own good
deeds, but all his righteousness are as filthy rags and he is as
an unclean thing before God. (Isaiah 64:6) Heaven remains closed
unto that man. A man may be very sad and sorry for his wrongs and
sins and shed bitter tears, but all his weeping will not cause God
to open heaven's doors. Cain, Esau and Judas were very sorry for
their sins and wept bitter tears but God did not open heaven to them.
A man may become angry at God and protest and shout insults at God
and curse Him, but also that will not open heaven's door. A man may
say that there is no God and that there is no heaven, but he is a
fool and God is still God and heaven is still closed and locked.
(Psalm 14:1-3)
Really, it is good that man cannot force open heaven's doors, because
if he could and if he did, God's righteous and terrible anger would
destroy him. In a way man's cruel sins do sometimes force
God to open heaven, but then He pours down fire and brimstone as He
did on the filthy sinners of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Genesis 19:24)
And really, I'm surprised that God in His anger doesn't open heaven
today and destroy some of the cities of America. Many of our people
today are as bad as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. And if you
doubt me, read the editorial from the Los Angeles Times, January 7,
1982, Page 7, article, "Safety In Numbers? Not In Urban Jungle."
by Bob Greene.
There is no way that any man can open heaven and let us see a smiling
God. Only one man can do it and that is the Man, Christ Jesus.
He stood in line with sinners at the Jordan river. He, the eternal
Word, He who in the beginning with the Father, and the Son made the
heavens and the earth. He the Word become flesh, He the only
begotten, the only beloved Son of the Father, He was conceived by
the Holy Ghost and born of the Virgin; and now when He is 30 years
old He stands in line with sinners and waits for John to baptize Him.
He Himself does not need baptism. He has no sin.
He does this shameful thing for us. He joins with us so that He can
save us from our sins, open heaven for us to see a smiling God who
loves us and forgives us. He is baptized to be our Savior, the One
who will suffer our sin and all of God's anger upon the cross. When
He is finished, baptized, the heavens are opened and a dove comes
down upon Him and remains upon Him. The dove is God's symbol of
peace, love and forgiveness. St. Paul says that we are justified
(forgiven) by faith and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ. (Romans 5:1)
Our text also says that the dove is the symbol for the Holy Spirit.
By sending His Spirit upon Jesus, God is certifying to John the
Baptist and to us and to all men that Jesus, the Son of Mary is also
the eternal Son of God and His chosen Savior for the world. God
says to us through the prophet Isaiah, "See My Servant (Jesus),
whom I uphold, My Chosen One, in whom I delight I have put My
Spirit upon Him (Jesus). (Isaiah 42:1)
And if perhaps the dove coming down on Jesus after His baptism is
not enough proof for some, God Himself plainly says that Jesus is
His beloved Son, in whom He (the Father) is well pleased. (verse 11)
And why is the Father much pleased with His beloved Son? Because
the Son obeyed the Father's good and gracious will and made Himself
humble by being born of Mary so that He could take our place under
the Law, fulfill the Law for us and also suffer the punishment of
our Law breaking. (Galatians 4:4-5) Jesus, the Son of Mary is the
eternal Son of God our beautiful, perfect, Savior who has opened
again for us the gates of paradise. God is well pleased with Jesus
and He is also well pleased with all who believe in Jesus.
Let us, like the people of Jerusalem who came to John for baptism,
let us confess that we are sinners and then trust in Jesus for our
beautiful Savior. Believe in Jesus who has opened heaven for us,
not that an angry God may punish us, but that a kind Father may
welcome us home!
Beautiful Savior, King of Creation,
Son of God, and Son of Man,
Truly I'd love Thee,
Truly I'd serve Thee,
Light of my Soul,
My joy My Crown.
(TLH 657 Beautiful Savior V. 1)
1. Praise God the Lord, ye sons of men,
Before His highest throne;
Today He opens heaven again
And gives us His own Son.
3. He veils in flesh His power divine
A servant's form to take;
In want and lowliness must pine
Who heaven and earth did make.
7. He serves that I a lord may be;
A great exchange indeed!
Could Jesus' love do more for me
To help me in my need?
8. He opens us again the door
Of Paradise today;
The angel guards the gate no more,
To God our thanks we pay.