August's Sermons

Church Period: Epiphany 2nd Sunday After
Sermon Title: Finding The Lost
Sermon Date: January 20, 1985
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 1:43-51

Dear Christian friends:

This past week on the TV news we saw about the boy who had been lost for two years. A man had kidnapped the boy in Long Beach, and last week the police found the boy in Boston. First, we saw the father's tears of joy when he met his son after flying there to bring him home. Then, the next day we saw the mother's tears of joy when she embraced her son who had just arrived home from Boston with the father.

We have great joy when we find a lost son or daughter. If we ourselves are lost and then find the right way again, we have great joy. The Bible tells a lot about people who are lost and then found. Jesus told three parables about that: The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and The Lost Son. (Luke 15)

Many people do not realize that they are lost from God. They think that they know God, but really they don't. They have other gods or they misunderstand about the true God. In our text we see how Jesus found Philip and Nathaniel. Jesus was happy when He found them, and they were happy also because Jesus had found them. We, too, should be very happy that Jesus has found us, and then, like Philip,let Jesus use use us to find others who are still lost. But often we do not seem to be happy and excited about that. Often we do not seem to find others who are still lost. How many "lost sheep" did you find last year? I am sure that you agree with me that we need encouragement to cooperate with Jesus in finding the lost.

Finding The Lost

We read in our text, "The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. There He found Philip and said to him, "Follow Me." (verse 43) Then our text explains a little bit about Philip. It says, Philip was from Bethsaida, the home city of Andrew and Peter." (verse 44) So it seems that Philip was a friend of the two brothers, Andrew and Peter, who had already met Jesus. Philip also seems to have been a friend of the other two brothers, James and John, who also lived at Bethsaida, a city on the Sea of Galilee. Philip probably was a fisherman like his four friends. It seems also that all five of them had been disciples of John the Baptist. (verses 35-42) Therefore Philip believed in God and was expecting the Savior. He probably saw John baptize Jesus in the Jordan river a few days before. He probably heard John point to Jesus and say, "Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world." (verses 29,36) Therefore Philip had some knowledge of Jesus and some faith in Jesus although his knowledge was small and his faith weak.

Now Jesus finds Philip and talks to him individually and teaches him more fully. After Jesus found him and taught him Philip was sure that Jesus is the Savior God promised. He is now happy and excited that Jesus found him and informed him. He must hurry and tell others the good news. He is so thrilled and happy about Jesus that he can't keep still.

We also should feel happy about Jesus, the same as Philip. Jesus has found us and taught us. We know that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world. We should be excited about Jesus and thrilled that God loves Sinners and forgives them in Jesus. If we really know Jesus and believe in Him, we will feel eager to find others who are still lost.

Philip felt eager to do that and he did it. He didn't delay doing it. We read in our text, "Philip found Nathaniel and said to him. "We have found Him, about whom Moses and the prophets did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." (verse 45) Philip is so excited and eager to tell his friend, Nathaniel, about Jesus the Savior God promised through the prophets.

Like Philip, we should look around and think about our friends and neighbors who are still "lost", who don't know Jesus. I am sure that we all have some friends who do not believe in Jesus. It is important to begin with a friend to share our faith. Don't begin with a stranger, but begin with your wife or husband or son or daughter. After you get confidence in talking with the members of your own family then share your faith with a friend at church. Perhaps in the Bible Class or other church fellowship meetings. Then try to share your faith with a friend who does not yet believe in Jesus.

Perhaps you tell a friend about Jesus, but he does not believe you. Then what can you do? Do like Philip did. Nathaniel did not believe when Philip first told him about Jesus. He said to Philip, "Nazareth? Can any good thing come from that lowly place?" (verse 46) Well, Philip did not argue with Nathaniel. He said, "Come and see!" (verse 46) Philip invited Nathaniel to come and see, himself. He meant to tell him, "Come, and meet Jesus yourself. Let Jesus tell you Himself. Then you will learn the truth, and believe." Don't argue with someone who doubts what you tell them about Jesus. You will not win the person in that way. You will only make him or her more stubborn. Better invite the person to come with you to church and attend to Jesus' Word which the pastor reads and signs during the church service and in the Bible Class. Or you can show him in the Bible what Jesus says. Let Jesus talk to the person through the Bible. Then the person can believe.

Nathaniel went with Philip to see Jesus and to let Jesus talk to him. He listened to Jesus only a few minutes and then he believed. He said to Jesus, "Teacher, You are the Son of God. You are the King of Israel." (verses 47-49) And when you invite your friends to come and see Jesus in the church service or at the Bible class, they too can believe and rejoice in Jesus. In that way Jesus can find them. Jesus wants to use you to find the lost, the same as He used Philip to find Nathaniel.

Nathaniel had a question, and Jesus had the answer to his question. That is true also today! You have questions; your friends have questions. They ask: Who am I? Who made me? What's the purpose of life? Is there a heaven? How can I go to heaven? Jesus has the answer to all of these questions. You come and see for yourself! Invite your friends to come and see also! I think we should put a sign over the entrance of our church which says, COME AND SEE!

Jesus has found you and me. He is giving us faith and joy in Him. He wants to use us to find others who are lost. Let Jesus use you to find the lost! You will have great joy and excitement in doing that.
