Dear Christian friends:
One year ago, Ronald Reagan became President, the chief ruler in
our nation. Before Reagan, Carter ruled for four years, and
before him Gerald Ford was President. Presidents and rulers come
and go. They are not permanent, but Jesus is King and Ruler forever.
His power and His kingdom will never end. Before He was
born the angel told Mary, "Your Baby shall rule over the house of
Jacob forever, and His kingdom shall not end." (Luke 1:33) His
Kingdom is now and forever.
We are wise if we join Jesus' kingdom and stay members of His
Kingdom. In our text Jesus says, "The time has come, God's kingdom
is here," The Savior is here! God's grace is here! New birth and new
life are here! God's rule is here! Then Jesus tells us what we
should do about it.
God's Kingdom Is Here
What should we do about it? Jesus says three things: 1. Repent
2. Believe the Gospel 3. Fish for Men.
First, we should repent of our sins. How does one repent? He
confesses that he is a sinner before God and men and that he deserves
God's eternal punishment in hell. Many people today refuse to
confess that and believe that. They do not believe that they deserve
to go to hell. But the Bible plainly teaches this truth, "We are
all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy
rags." (Isaiah 64:6) "There is not a just man upon earth that
doeth good and sinneth not." (Ecclesiastes 7:20) "The fool hath said
in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done
abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The Lord looked
down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were
any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside,
they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good,
no, not one." (Psalm 14:1-3) Jesus suffered as the condemned in
hell when there was darkness for the hours from 12:00 to 3:00 pm,
Jesus cried out, "My God, My God, Why has Thou forsaken me?"
(Mark 15:34) Remember Jesus accepted our sins for us and suffered
God's terrible and righteous anger against our sins. We must
believe what the Bible says about us that we are sinners and deserve
to die eternally.
You have heard of AA, Alcoholics Anonymous. AA has borrowed one
of the tools of the Church, repentance. Before an alcoholic can
join AA, he must confess that he is an alcoholic. He must stand up
before all the members at the meeting and say, "My name is John Doe,
and I am an alcoholic." So we Christians, we who wish to join Jesus'
Kingdom, stand up in church and confess that we are poor, miserable
sinners. Before we come to the Lord's Supper we confess: "0 Almighty
God, merciful Father, I a poor, miserable sinner confess unto
You all my sins and iniquities with which I have ever offended
You, and I rightly deserve Your anger, and eternal punishment."
(The General Confession) We also promise God that we will stop our
sinning and amend our sinful life. This is repentance. Confessing
our sinfulness and turning away from sin. Jesus says, "Repent!"
Secondly, we must believe the Good News. Jesus says, "God's Kingdom
is here, Repent and believe the Good News." The Good News is
that God loves sinners and accepts them and forgives their sins
because Jesus, His beloved and only Son, came from heaven to earth
to take our sin and our punishment and suffer that for us upon the
cross. The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus, Son of Mary and the
eternal Son of God suffered and died for all men's sins. "He died
for all." (2 Corinthians 5:15) "God hath made Him to be sin for
us, who (Jesus) knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness
of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21) "God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should
not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) This is the
Good News of the Kingdom. If you believe it, you have forgiveness
of sins and the new and eternal life. That's how we become members
of God's Kingdom and remain in it.
But many people fail to believe this Good News for many and various
reasons. Some people cannot understand how God can love and
forgive sinners. Man hates those who hurt him or do wrong against him.
Man seeks to get revenge and punish the wrong-doer. But God is not
like man. God says, "My ways are not your ways, and my thoughts
are not your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8) Others are self-righteous
and say, "If I sin, I must suffer and pay myself. Nobody can do
that for me, Jesus' righteousness is not my righteousness."
(George Bernard Shaw) Others think their sins are too great or bad,
and God can't forgive such bad deeds. They are like Judas who when
he realized his great sin against Jesus despaired and went out and
hanged himself.
Don't be like these doubters and unbelievers! Humble yourself
before God; confess your sinfulness and believe His great love and
mercy which He has shown to you in His Son Jesus, the Savior!
God's Kingdom is here, so repent and believe the Good News! What
else? Fish for men!
We read in our text that after Jesus had preached the Good News of
God's Kingdom He walked near the Lake of Galilee and saw four
fishermen: Simon Peter and his brother Andrew and two other brothers,
James and John. Jesus said to them, "Come, follow Me and I will
make you fishers of men." And immediately they left their nets and
followed Jesus. (verses 16-20) Jesus' disciples are "fishers of men."
What does that mean? Many years ago when I was pastor of Prince of
Peace Lutheran Church for the Deaf, Minneapolis, Minnesota, one
Sunday one of our faithful members, a bachelor, did not come to church,
so I asked his friend, "Where is Lyle?" The friend replied, "He
went fishing in South Dakota." I was surprised because he never
did go fishing. Then the friend explained, "He went fishing for
a wife." He went to the South Dakota Convention of the Deaf
looking to find a girl friend and maybe a wife.
Well, you know about fishing for fish and about fishing for a wife
or husband. But Jesus wants us all to go "fishing" for men. Are
you a "fisher of men?"
Yes, God's Kingdom is here! Jesus says to you: Repent, believe
the Gospel, and fish for men!
Additional sermon information:
The Second Petition - Thy Kingdom Come
What does this mean? The kingdom of God comes indeed without
our prayer, of itself. But we pray in this petition that it
may come unto us, also.
How is this done? When God gives us His Holy Spirit so that
by His holy word we lead a godly life here in time and hereafter
in eternity.