Dear Christian friends:
Today we dedicate this banner to remind us each Sunday in the
future what is the power of our faith. Let us attend to this
banner now. Can you tell me what is the power of our faith?
Look at the banner! What there shows the power of our faith?
Yes, it is the cross of Jesus Christ!
But often we are tempted to forget that. We often base our faith
on other things and therefore we have no real power to do right
and good. In our text St. Paul warns us about these other things
and then tells us to look only to the Cross. He shows the true
basis of our faith.
Our Faith Is Based On God's Power
Our faith is not based on God's power if it is based only on fine
speech and man's wisdom.
There are many preachers in the world who offer such a basis for
faith. Some of them perhaps are not aware that they are doing
In Corinth, many teachers and preachers were offering these false
bases. They were fine speakers and they argued man's wisdom.
Some of the Christians in the church at Corinth, were influenced
by these teachers and preachers. They were thinking about
quitting Paul's church and joining these other churches. They
said, "The other preachers are fine, sharp speakers and seem very
wise. They are more exciting and interesting than Paul." The
fine speeches and interesting show were tempting the Christians
to follow a new way.
Today we have the same temptations. Today we can see many
preachers on television. They often give a good show. They have
nice personalities. They tell interesting stories. They invite
movie stars and other famous people to come to their church
services and interview them during the service. They invite
famous singers to sing. They tell the people that if they
believe in God they will have a happy, healthy and successful
life here on earth.
Sermons based on fine speech and man's wisdom are a weak and
worthless foundation for faith. In our text Paul warns us about
that. He writes to the church at Corinth, "When I came to you,
Christian friends, I did not come to tell you God's truth with
fine speech or wisdom....I came to you weak, afraid, and nervous.
When I spoke and preached, I did not use clever words to
influence you....I did not want your faith to depend on man's
Faith established and built on man's wisdom or on the preachers
beautiful person and skills alone will fail in time of trouble
and during persecution when God tests your faith. Our faith must
be established on God's power only.
Our faith is based on God's power if it is based on Jesus Christ
and Him crucified.
In our text St. Paul reminded the church at Corinth, "While I was
with you, I decided to speak about nothing else except Jesus
Christ and Him crucified....I let the Holy Spirit and His power
prove the truth to that your faith will not depend on
man's wisdom but on God's power." Paul could have preached to
them with persuasive words, but he decided not to do that. He
did not want their faith established on his own skills and
personality. He did not want the people to look to him and honor
himself, but to look to Jesus only and trust in Him alone! Paul
knew that Jesus and His cross are the basis of faith, God's
Paul also knew that Jesus' cross is the true wisdom, the wisdom
of God. This wisdom the world despises and considers foolish.
But by the cross God defeated Satan. And by the cross Jesus won
salvation for all people, salvation from sin, Satan and eternal
death! And God proclaimed this salvation on Easter morning when
He raised Jesus from the dead! Paul said, "Christ sent me to
preach the gospel - not with human wisdom, lest the cross of
Christ be emptied of its power. Because the message of the cross
is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are
being saved it is the power of God. Because it is written: "I
will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the
intelligent I will frustrate." (1 Cor. 1:17-19)
With our faith based on God's power, the cross, we receive again
a true understanding of ourselves. Most people do not really
understand themselves. They are either hypocrites or confused.
But the cross gives us true understanding about ourselves. We
understand that we have been crucified with Christ. We no more
live for ourselves, but for Jesus who lives in our hearts. We
now share in His power, because He before shared in our weakness.
He accepted our body, our sin and our death, so that we could
receive His holiness, His eternal life and His glory. His power
gives us reason to boast and say, "This is a true saying, 'Christ
Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I am the worst
Therefore, we Christians, by God's power in Christ crucified and
in the power of our baptism, are able to walk a new life in
response to His love. We can follow this banner that shows the
cross, because we have a true and lasting relationship with our
Lord Jesus. Therefore we are free - free to live in His love,
not in fear of God's punishment; free to love others by His
power. Lift high this banner! It displays God's power!