Dear Christian friends:
You and I don't want to associate with mobsters, criminals or
drug dealers. If we do that, others will think that we are the
same. Even if they never see us do anything wrong, they will
think that we are bad if they see us associate with bad people.
We know that Jesus often associated with bad people in order to
change them and win them for His kingdom. But the Jewish leaders
said He was bad because He associated with these bad people.
They felt, as you and I often feel, that a holy person should not
associate with law breakers and sinners. The Jewish leaders also
blamed Jesus because he sometimes broke the Sabbath Law - and it
is true that Jesus did that in order to help someone in trouble
or need. Also the Jewish leaders blamed Jesus because He and His
disciples did not always fast according to the Law. They called
Jesus a glutton and a drunkard.
So, the Jewish leaders had many proofs to show that Jesus was a
law breaker, not a good man! Is that true? Did Jesus not obey
the Law? Jesus' answer to them is that His teachings are not
easier than the Jewish law teaching but tougher! Then Jesus
taught them the true righteousness or goodness of His kingdom.
The True Righteousness Of Jesus' Kingdom
Jesus demands the right heart - not just the right action. Jesus
says, do the right thing, yes, but do it with the right motive!
Do it for the right reason, not just to appear right.
For example Jesus says to them, "The Law says, don't kill anyone
- but I say to you don't even hate someone in your heart. The
Law says, don't do adultery - but I say don't do adultery in your
mind. The Law says, go to church - but I say go to church with
the right heart."
Come to church at peace with your brothers and sisters. If you
come to the Lord's Supper and eat the bread and drink the wine
and receive Jesus' body and blood for your sin forgiveness, and
then you look to the right or the left and see a brother whom you
hate, is that right? Can God forgive you if you do not forgive
your brother? If you come to the Lord's Supper with hate in your
heart, you are mocking God. Anyone can come to church. Anyone
can come to the Lord's Supper, but does he come with the peace of
God in his heart?
The Jewish leaders told people obey the Law, appear good. They
said nothing about the heart, the motives. That is why they were
so offended with Jesus. But Jesus taught don't worry so much
about appearance, your dirty hands; worry more about your dirty
mind and your hateful heart; the motive is more important than
the deed.
When Jesus shows that our heart is more important than our deed,
that makes us all sinners. Right? Some people perhaps appear
right and good, but do they act with a pure heart?
Two men were walking along the sidewalk in downtown Chicago.
When they crossed the street they met a strange looking man
standing on the corner. He was wrapped in a white sheet. He had
a beard and fiery eyes. When the two men walked by him he
pointed to them and shouted loudly, "Guilty! Guilty!" The two
men were embarrassed but tried to walk on without seeming to
notice the preacher. After they had walked a little more, one of
the two men turned to the other and asked, "How did he know we
are guilty?"
When Jesus teaches about our heart and motives, He shows that all
people are the same, guilty sinners! Some perhaps appear to be
good and holy, but none have a pure heart. Who of us has not
hated someone? Who of us has not lusted for a woman or a man?
Who of us has come to church without hate in his or her
heart? No matter how good we appear in our deeds, we all have a
sinner heart and mind.
Well, what can we do? I should be preaching the gospel, good
news, but what I have preached until now is that we all are
guilty sinners. That seems to be bad news! Jesus' Law teaching
condemns everyone of us. What can we do?
The only thing we can do is to trust in God's grace - depend on
God's love and mercy! We must confess that we are sinners and
then not despair, but trust God to work in our hearts and make us
right. We can't do it ourselves! But God can do it in Jesus.
That's the Good News!
Many of you remember the snow when you lived in the East or the
Midwest. God's Word says that He will make our hearts white as
snow. Every time we see the snow we can remember God's promise to
us: "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as
snow." (Isaiah 1:18) Have you ever seen a white car parked next
to the snow? The car, even if it was just washed, seems dirty
compared with the snow. The new snow is whiter than any thing.
That's how pure and clean and right God can make you and me.
By faith in Jesus Christ God forgives all our sins and we put on
Jesus' righteousness, like we put on a new, clean shirt. St.
Paul says, "I do not have my own righteousness which is of the
law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness
which is of God by faith." (Philippians 3:9)
Jesus wants His people to be people whose righteousness exceeds
that of the Jewish leaders, people whose righteousness depends on
Christ's righteousness. Then they have the true righteousness of
His kingdom, right hearts and right deeds!