Dear Christian friends:
In our text St. Paul talks about how God's love is
wasted on many people who never hear about Jesus, although
Jesus also died for them. But here Paul is not talking to
people like that. He's talking to church members. He's
talking to people who have "accepted God's love" but they
have accepted it "in vain" (for nothing). How about you
and me? We also have accepted God's love. Have we
accepted His love "in vain"?
Is His Love Wasted On Us?
I. We have accepted God's love. Like the people in Corinth,
we have received baptism and confirmation, and joined a
Christian church. So in many ways we have accepted God's
When God let His Son Jesus die on the cross, He
showed great love to the world. (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)
But when He lets a minister or parents or a Sunday School
teacher bring to you the good news of Jesus He is showing
extra love to you personally. Not everyone has Christian
parents or a minister to teach him and urge him to believe
in Jesus.
To you and me who have received baptism, who have
Christian parents and ministers God has shown extra or
double love. He even sends you teachers and ministers who
tell you the sweet story of Jesus in sign language. Stop
and think how much God loves the deaf of our Lutheran
Churches here in America! Seventy-four full-time workers
spending $650,000 a year for Deaf Missions. God has, all-
this-while and still does today spend much love on our deaf
Lutheran members.
Now the question is: Is He wasting love on you?
Have you accepted God's love for nothing? We should be
rejoicing in His love and mercy. Are you?
II. How is God's love wasted on some?
A. When, people have church and all God's holy things: Holy
Bible, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Ministers, Synod but they
don't care. They do not let His love touch their hearts
and change them. They do not confess their sins, and they
are not sorry. They do not love and obey. God's love is
wasted on them. They have accepted God's love in vain.
Last Wednesday was Ash Wednesday. We had a beautiful
church service prepared for you. I'm sure that God wanted to
love you through that service. But only seven members came
and two children. (Tell about Rev. Bunde's experience in
Minneapolis. Deaf man said he could not come to Lenten
service because they felt they must give extra offering and
they have to pay their bowling dues.) Very sad!
Maybe you who did not come had on excuse. We can all
find an excuse if we try. But should we excuse ourselves when
God wants to love us?
Jesus says about His suffering and death: "Is it
nothing to you, all you that pass by? Have you ever seen any
sorrow like my sorrow, any love, like my love?" Jesus
complains because His love is wasted on many who don't care.
Its nothing to them that He suffers and dies upon the cross.
B. God's love is also wasted on us when we accept it for
ourselves, but then refuse to tell of His love to others.
God wants to use us as His messengers to bring His love to
those who have not heard it yet.
God's love is wasted on us if we refuse to help
support church and world missions. Now we have a wonderful
opportunity to join with others in our Synod and make a
Thank Offering for the 125th Anniversary of our Synod. We
hope to raise 28,000,000 for doing the Lord's Work. Our
church is asked to rejoice in His love and give a Thank-
Offering of $2,800 during the next two years. Every Member
Visits start April 1st. Each one will be asked to make a
pledge. What will you do about that? Some are preparing
to be visitors. Will you pray for them? Will you pray
that God's love will be strong and effective in you to do
much good? Use God's love! Don't waste it!