August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent 2nd Sunday
Sermon Title: The Costs And Benefits Of Following Jesus
Sermon Date: March. 3, 1985
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 8:31-38

Dear Christian friends:

(Tell about the young man about to join the church asking, "How much does it cost?")

Jesus says, "No one can be my disciple unless he first sits down and counts the cost and is ready to pay that cost." (Luke 14:25-33) It costs much to follow Jesus. True, forgiveness of sins is free. Jesus earned that for us by His suffering and death upon the cross. We can't buy forgiveness of sins. It is a free gift of God. But if we accept Jesus for our Savior, believe in Him and love Him and follow Him in this sinful world, we will suffer much. Following Jesus costs us very, very much.

But following Jesus also gives us many wonderful benefits. In our text Jesus tells us and warns us about the costs and benefits of following Him. We need to consider these. We must know the costs and the benefits; then we will be able to follow Jesus and not quit in times of difficulty.

The Costs And Benefits Of Following Jesus

First, we will consider the costs, what it costs to follow Jesus.

In our text Jesus says, "If you want to follow Me, you must deny yourself." (verse 34) "Deny yourself." That means saying "No' to your own wishes, to do someone else's wishes. Here is an example: a family is planning their vacation. The father and the children want to go to a lake for fishing and swimming, but the mother wants to visit relatives in Oakland. The mother gives up her wish and agrees to go to the lake. The mother "denies herself". She gives up her wish to do her husband's wish and the children's. She does this because she loves her husband and her children. It cost much to be a mother. Mothers deny themselves much for their children. Also fathers often sacrifice many things for their children's sake.

If we follow Jesus, we will give up our wishes often so we can do what Jesus wants us to do. We perhaps want to go fishing on Sundays or other pleasures, but we give up that wish so we can go to church and attend to Jesus' Word and work. Perhaps we want to buy a motor home or a cottage by the sea for relaxing and good times. But we give up that wish so we can have more money to give to support church and mission work and help the needy. We do this because we love Jesus very, very much. He first loved us and gave up His life to save us from sin and eternal punishment in hell, as we read here in our text. (verses 31-32) We love Jesus so much and are pleased to sacrifice many earthly things in following Him and doing His wishes. Yes, it costs much to follow Jesus.

Another cost of following Jesus is the "cross". Jesus says in our text, "If you want to follow Me, you must deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me." (verse 34)

"Take up your cross." That means what? Jesus took up His Cross for us. He suffered for us. He died for us upon the Cross of Calvary. That was His Cross. What is your cross? What is my cross? It means the suffering and persecution that we must bear when we believe in the cross and preach the cross.

When you believe in Jesus and serve Jesus others will mock you and persecute you. Many years ago in Montana one deaf man decided to give 10% of his income for church. Another church member heard about it. He felt ashamed of himself and jealous. He said to the man (10% giver), "You are crazy: You better save your money for a rainy day! If you lose your job, will the church help you?" The tither answered, "No! But God will. That He promises in the Bible." But that member gave him a hard time and persecuted him. Another member in one city in Montana helped me a lot to do the church work and he always reminded the other deaf in the city about church. Some of the deaf called him the "preacher's pet." One lady called him "sucker." I am sure that many of you have suffered similar insults and mockery in the past. But you accept that. You know that is your cross.

We must know the cost of following Jesus and we must be ready to pay or suffer that cost. At the same time we must not forget the benefits of following Jesus.

In our text Jesus also tells about the wonderful benefits of following Him. He says,"If you want to save your life, you will lose it. But if you will give your life for Me and for the good news, you will save it." (verse 35) That seems like strange talk! It seems like a contradiction. Jesus means what? Jesus means that if you try to save yourself from self-denial and suffering, you will lose your faith in Jesus. You will lose eternal life in heaven because you worry too much about yourself, and don't care about Jesus and His wishes. Jesus asks, "What good for you to win the whole world and lose your soul? (verse 36) Jesus warns,"If among the unbelieving and sinful people today you are ashamed of Me and My words, then, the Son of Man will be ashamed of you when He comes with the holy angels in His Father's glory." (verse 38) But if we deny ourselves and take up our cross, if we give our life in service to Jesus and for helping to preach the good news,"we will save our life."

"You will save it." That means we will continue believing in Jesus and not quit in time of temptation. We will have eternal life and all the blessing of eternal life. One of the blessings of eternal life is that we have a good purpose for living in this world. Many people do not have a good purpose for living. They don't know who they are or why they are living. Ernest Hemingway, the great American author, as he grew older said that he didn't know who he was anymore or why he was living. He had plenty of money and fame, but he was not happy and his health was failing. He did not believe in Jesus. He gave up hope and killed himself. Others become alcoholics or drug addicts. Some want to kill themselves but they are afraid. But we Christians know who we are. We are God's dear children. He loves us and forgives us in Jesus. We know why we are living. We have a wonderful purpose in life. We live to serve Jesus and to help tell the good news that God loves sinners and forgives them in Jesus' name. (verse 35b) This is one great benefit of following Jesus.

And the second great benefit is that we shall share Jesus' glory in heaven. Those who are ashamed of Jesus and refuse to deny themselves and refuse to suffer for Him and His work, they will not go into heaven. (verse 38) But if we love Jesus and give our life in service to Him and the good news preaching, we will go into heaven and share Jesus' great glory forever. Jesus says,"Happy are those who are persecuted because they serve Me, the kingdom of heaven is theirs. When you are reviled and persecuted and people tell lies about you because you are My followers, that's wonderful! Be happy about it! Be very glad! Because a tremendous reward awaits you in heaven." (Matt. 5:10-12)
