Dear Christian friends:
In church members we find two spirits: the spirit
of the law and the spirit of Jesus. The spirit of the law
is justice, equality, revenge.
"If you hit me, I'll hit you; if you are good to me
I'll be good to you; If you invite me to dinner this month,
I'll invite you next month. Often we let this spirit of
the law rule our hearts and we are upset when others sin or
we are self-righteous and proud. We can't find real
happiness in that spirit.
The spirit Jesus is mercy, kindness, and forgiveness
to those who sin against us, patience and helping people in
trouble and need even if they are not worthy of our help.
During Lent we give special attention to Jesus'
spirit as we see Him suffer and die for us sinners. In our
text Jesus beautifully shows His spirit when He says: "The
Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save
We very much need to learn from Jesus to let His
spirit rule in our hearts rather than the spirit of the
law. So let us attend to our text and consider the theme:
The Spirit Of Jesus In Us
Jesus was traveling from His home in Galilee to
Jerusalem. Our text says He was "determined" to go to
Jerusalem. Why? Because it was near the time for Him to
be taken up to heaven. (verse 57) But before He could
ascend into heaven He must first suffer and die and on the
third day rise again.
On the way they traveled through the country of
Samaria. It was now evening so Jesus began thinking about
a place to stay during the night. He sent James and John
to go into the city and find a place to sleep.
When the Samaritans saw that they were Jews and
that Jesus of Nazareth was with them, they refused to let
them have a room. The Samaritans and Jews hated each other
and most of the Samaritans hated the Jewish Messiah or
Whey they refused to let Jesus have a room James
and John became very angry. They asked, "Lord, do you want
us to order fire to come down from heaven and burn them up?"
James and John here show the spirit of the law. They wanted
to get revenge against the Samaritans who were very mean to
But Jesus scolded them. James and John, "You know
not what kind of spirit you have." Jesus meant, "You have
the spirit of the law, to pay people what they deserve.
True, they deserve to be punished, but I am not come here
to punish people." Then Jesus gave them the right spirit.
He said, "The Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives,
but to save them." (verse 56)
Then Jesus did not stay there and quarrel or fight
with the people. Think of it - Jesus the true God comes to
their town, the Savior of the world, and they refuse Him a
room. But He took His disciples and went to another village
to find a place to sleep.
God did not send His Son here into the world to
judge and punish sinners. He sent Jesus to seek and to save
the lost.
And that is exactly what Jesus did. Even while He
was He was hanging on the cross He did not curse or condemn
the Jews and soldiers who were mocking Him, He prayed for
them, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."
Although He was almighty God and had power to free
himself from the cross and destroy them getting revenge, He
did it not. Jesus shows us the true and right spirit. He
wanted to give them more time to think and wake up. While
on earth God gives all men time to hear of His mercy and to
be sorry and believe. Their time will be finished when they
die or on the Last Day when Jesus comes as Judge.
But while we are here on earth God wants us
Christians to show the spirit of Jesus to all people. We
are often like James and John and get angry quickly if
people sin and don't care for Jesus. We give up too quickly
and think or say, "Let them go to hell, if they want to;
they will be sorry."
We should not be so fast to see people get punished.
That is the wrong spirit. We are sinners, too, and deserve
to get punished also. If we now believe in Jesus that is
His grace and His kindness His work that called us to faith.
We can't boast about that.
When you do Jesus' work here at church, many will
not appreciate it or thank you. They will even say lies and
unkind things about you. But don't get angry and hate or
seek revenge. Better pray for Jesus' spirit. Try to love
them anyway and be patient with them. Try to help them see
their mistake and win them to cooperate in service to Jesus.
World missions is another way we can show Jesus'
spirit. Why are we often careless and not interested in
mission work? Do we have the wrong spirit? Do we hate
other nations or races? Negroes? Japanese? Mexicans?
Jews? Arabs? Maybe we don't care if they are lost and go
to hell. Maybe we are glad to see them get punished. If
we are, we haven't the spirit of Jesus.
He loved all nations and sent us to teach and
baptize all people. He died for all. Who can do this?
Of ourselves we cannot. But with God's help we can improve.
If we will spend more time beneath the cross of Jesus and
consider His face and eyes of love as He offers Himself
upon the cross, we will receive His spirit and love more
and more.