August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent 3rd Wednesday
Sermon Title: Are You the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?
Sermon Date: March 18, 1987
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 14:61b

Dear Christian friends:

A small boy was sitting in the witness chair in court. The opposing lawyer asked the boy, "Your father has been telling you what to answer. Right?" Then the lawyer said to the boy, "Now please tell us what your father advised you." The boy meekly replied, "My father told me that you lawyers will try to confuse me in my testimony, but if I tell the truth, I would say the same thing every time."

Jesus was also in court and under oath. He was standing before the Jewish Chief court. The Chief Priest was asking Him questions and trying to confuse Him. But the Chief Priest was not following the law. He was having court when the people were sleeping early in the morning. He had brought in various men to tell lies about Jesus, false witnesses. These men contradicted each other in their witnessing. The Chief Priest had permitted his aides to beat Jesus and mock Him. This court was not seeking the truth and justice, but was seeking any way to condemn a man they hated.

The Chief Priest was now worried. His witnesses disagreed with each other. He can't prove any law-breaking against Jesus. It seemed that he must free Jesus. Then he got a bright idea. He decided to ask Jesus one question. He knew that Jesus would answer that question. He knew that Jesus must answer that question. What was that questions?

"Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" If Jesus answers, "No, I'm not," then the people will stop following Him. They will not sing to Jesus anymore these words, "Blessed is He Who is coming in the Name of the Lord." The Chief Priest hated to hear the people praising Jesus like that. No more will the people call Jesus, "Son of David." And if Jesus answers, "Yes, I am the Son of God. Yes, I am the Christ," then the Chief Priest can say He blasphemes." That according to Jewish Law He must be killed!

Jesus is trapped, no matter which way he answers: If He answers, "No!" the people will stop following Him; if He answers, "Yes!" the Jewish Supreme Court will condemn Him to die.

The Chief Priest then asked that question: "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?"

This is the most important question any judge or lawyer ever asked anyone in court. On the answer depends the salvation of the world.

But before we hear Jesus' answer to that question, we must consider a few things about Jesus. Same as the small boy in my first story at the beginning of my sermon, God, the Father had taught Jesus. The Father had told Him to tell the truth. But if Jesus, the Son, tells the truth He will get into much trouble. But Jesus can't look back now. Jesus can't quit now. He must tell the truth, even if that means His suffering and death. Jesus knew He must, because He also knew His Father's wise plan to save the world from sin, Satan and hell. Jesus knew that He must be condemned to die, not for His own wrongs and sins.

He Himself did no sin. But He agreed with His Father to accept the world's sins and to suffer the Father's anger and punishment against sin and sinners. Through this Jewish Supreme Court the Father is judging Jesus and condemning Him to die. The Jewish Court falsely condemns Jesus, but the Father rightly condemns Him. Therefore Jesus is not surprised now when His own church and people condemn Him. He is not surprised when Judas betrays Him and when all the disciples forsake Him.

During the trial Jesus had said nothing when they told lies about Him. But now He can't remain silent. Now Jesus must answer. He knows that in the future many will doubt that He was the Christ, the Son of God. He must give a clear answer so that those who will not see Him, nevertheless can believe on Him. "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" The Chief Priest is waiting for Jesus' answer.

"I am," said Jesus. "And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of God and coming on the clouds of heaven."

The Chief Priest and the Jewish Court did not believe Jesus. They tore their clothes to show grief. They said Jesus mocks God. They all condemned Him to die! They fell! And depending on whether you believe Jesus or not you stand or fall!

We blame and condemn the Jewish Court for condemning Jesus to die. But we often are the same as they. In one way we are perfectly the same as they; we are sinners the same as they, and sometimes we show that we are sinners when we try to change Jesus, make Him less than He is, and not give Him all the praise and glory for our salvation.

When the church service ended one member, a very fine man, came to the minister and said, "I do not see any reason for me to believe that Jesus was the Son of God. I can be saved without believing that He shed His blood for me." "Well," answered the minister, "how do you intend to be saved?" The man answered, "By following Jesus' example, I think that is enough." "Perhaps it is enough," replied the minister, "and you intend to do that in your life?" "I do," replied the man. The minister answered, "And I am sure you want to do that perfectly. God's Word tells us how you can do that. I read here in the Bible about Jesus that He 'did no sin, neither did He speak any lies.' "Can you say that you have never sinned or told a lie?" The man began to feel embarrassed. "Well," he said, I can't say that. I have sometimes sinned." The minister replied, "Well, then you do not need an example, but a Savior; and the only way of salvation is by Jesus' blood."

This man shows how people always try to make Jesus like themselves. They can't believe He is God's Son; they can't believe that they are such bad sinners and need His death and blood for forgiveness. They can't accept Jesus teaching about heaven and hell. They want Jesus to be only a man like themselves, perhaps a little better, a great teacher and philosopher. That's all, but Jesus is not only a man like us; He is also, "Christ the Son of the Blessed One!"

If we believe that Jesus is "Christ the Son of the Blessed One" then we will appreciate God's amazing love and we respond to His love. We tell others what Jesus has done for us. We tell others that He is the Christ, the only Savior for sinners. We let others know that Jesus is not only the Christ He is our Christ! We say, "Jesus is the Savior of the world and He is therefore my Savior!" We will not be ashamed of Jesus, but confess Him to all people, those who believe, and also to those who do not believe.

We respond to Jesus' love, not only by talking and worship, but also by our deeds. We have been learning through these special Lenten services that we are His stewards and manage all of His gifts for His glory and for helping ourselves and others whom He loves. Our service and works will show that Jesus is our Christ.

Both our talking and our doing shows that Jesus is the Christ our Christ, my Christ, my God, help us to respond to Your love in Jesus!
