August's Sermons

Church Period: The Fourth Sunday In Lent
Sermon Title: God's Kingdom
Sermon Date: March 28, 1965
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 6:1-15

Dear Christian friends:

Last Sunday we preached to you about the devil's kingdom. Today our text tells about God's Kingdom.

All people belong to one or the other. There is no in-between place. Either you are children of the devil or you are children of God. And when you die, then you will either go to heaven with God or to hell with the devil. If you belonged to God's kingdom while you lived on earth you will go with Him to heaven. But if you belonged to the devil's kingdom you will go with him to hell.

That none will be deceived we are preaching about these two kingdoms. So today

God's Kingdom

I. The nature of His Kingdom

A. Not like the kingdom's of this world.

1. When the people saw Jesus multiply the loaves and the fishes and make enough food for 5,000 people they wanted to take Him and force Him to be their king. But Jesus refused to be their king, verse 15.

2. The next day they saw him and asked Him again. He answered,(John 6:26-27), "Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled. Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed."

Jesus' Kingdom is not established to give us food and clothes, schools and soldiers etc. like the kingdoms of this world. Worldly kingdoms like the USA God establishes for our bodily needs, punish law-breakers, reward good people etc.

His Kingdom is established to bring us forgiveness of sins, life everlasting and peace, friendship with God, and salvation from these imperfect worldly kingdoms.

B. God's Kingdom gives us bread from heaven.

1. Jesus says don't labor for the bread that perishes. Eat Me! Drink Me! I am the bread which came down from God. He sent Me here to give faith and life to you. He sent me here to suffer and die for your sins and to rise again on the third day. Anyone who comes to Me, any one who believes in Me shall never hunger or thirst. (John 6:35)

2. On Good Friday when Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, Pilate asked him: "Are you a king?" Jesus answered," My kingdom is not of this world, if my kingdom were of this world, then my servants would fight for Me, that I should not fall into your hands, but My kingdom is not from here." (John 18:36) Pilate asked are you a king? Jesus answered, "yes," "That's why I was born and that's why I came to bear witness unto the truth." (John 18:37) Jesus says I the King came to tell the truth. "Truth" about what? Truth about man and truth about God! Man is a sinner. God is holy and perfect. So enmity between man and God. God's Son must die to pay for man's sin. God offers forgiveness and peace and friendship and life everlasting. That's the "truth".

That is the nature of God's Kingdom. Where do we find it? Jesus says, "the Kingdom of God is within you." What are the marks or visible signs of His Kingdom? The Bible, Baptism, the Lord's Supper. Where you see the Bible and people reading the Bible or listening to true Bible preaching and teaching there you will also find God's Kingdom. Where they baptize and keep the Lord's Supper as Christ established it, there you will find God's kingdom in the hearts and lives of His people.

Now the question should come to our mind: "Do I belong to God's Kingdom? Do you belong to God's Kingdom? There is much misunderstanding about that. Many people think they belong to His Kingdom but they really do not. They are like the people in our text. They thought they could join Jesus' Kingdom without a changed heart. They wanted to force Jesus to be their King.

So many people join a church; they even get baptized and confirmed and get a certificate of membership. They maybe even go to church regularly and give some money to support the church. But in their heart they are not changed. They are not sorry about their sins, and they are not eager to believe in Jesus' blood for forgiveness of sins. They join because of marriage or because friends urge them or because everyone else does it. Maybe they like the church dinners, or church socials or the dartball team or the church gym. They have their reasons why they join, but their heart is not changed and they have do not have true faith in Jesus Christ.

Jesus told Nicodemus, "You must be born again." He asked how? Jesus said "Born of water and of the Spirit." That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit.

Are you born again? Is your heart and mind changed? Do you hate sin and the devil and all evil? Do you love God His Word and His work? If you can answer yes to these questions; then you are a member of His Kingdom. If you can't answer "yes" then now is the time to change and confess your sins and look to Jesus Christ for mercy and forgiveness. Pray for the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and give you faith in Jesus Christ.

The people in our text were not yet members: they only wanted Jesus for a bread king. They were only interested in food, an easy life and good times. Many people join a church because they think that God will bless them with good times, good health and peace and comforts, and an easy life.

God does not promise that to His people. But He warns about troubles and persecutions, suffering hard work and death. You study Bible history and church history and you will see that true members of God's Kingdom always have much trouble, much hard work suffering and death - many trials, troubles and temptations.

So if you joined church expecting good times and an easy life you have a misunderstanding and you are not really a member of His Kingdom.

But, you who really belong to God's Kingdom don't despair. Jesus says, "1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. 4 And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know. 5 Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way? 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:1-6)

So God's Kingdom is a wonderful, everlasting kingdom and our God is a wonderful King. He comforts us saying; "In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
