Dear Christian friends:
When you drive East on Interstate 80 and enter Nebraska on the
shoulder of the road there is a large sign which says, "NEBRASKA - THE
GOOD LIFE." Do you believe that? Is Nebraska the best place to
live? People who live in Nebraska think so. But we who live in
California think California is the good life, the best place to
live. People who live in Indiana think Indiana is the good life.
But really the good life is not found in places. I have lived in
several states and I don't think one place is better than another.
The good life is not found in places but in God! We Christians
have the good life no matter where we live, because we have
The Good Life In God
In our text St. Paul reminds us of this good life in God.
First, he shows that it is new life given to us by God's grace.
Here in California we have a warm comfortable climate and beautiful
mountains and beaches. I doubt if there is a more beautiful place
in the world than here. But many, many people here in California
are not really happy. Why? Because they do not believe in Jesus.
They are still dead, Their soul is dead in sins.
These people are under the terrible tyranny of Satan and sin,
and helpless, as helpless as a dead person. Paul says, "Ye were
dead in trespasses and sins." (verse 1) They are worse than dead;
they can do only "Trespasses and sins."
By nature, as we are born, we also were spiritually dead, under the
tyranny of Satan and sin, but the good news is that "God's mercy
is very great and His love for us is very great, because while we
were dead in sins, God made us alive in Christ." (verse 5)
This new birth and new life is possible because Jesus died on the
cross for us and arose from death. (verse 5) As God let Jesus arise
from death on Easter morning, so He makes us arise from the death
of sin to new spiritual life in Jesus. We are joined with Jesus
in His death and in His resurrection.
This new birth happened to us when we were baptized. St. Paul
says, "We are buried with Him (Jesus) by baptism into death: that
like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the
Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:4)
IN OUR BAPTISM God gave us His grace and faith to receive it.
(verses 8-9)
This new birth frees us from sin's tyranny. Sin no more can condemn
us and control us. With the Holy Spirit living and ruling in our
heart we have life with God and the terrible slavery of sin is
broken! This new birth gives us the good life no matter whether
we live in Nebraska or California. The place is not important;
the new birth and new life is important! If you have the new birth
and the new Life, you have the good life.
The good life in God is like heaven on earth, St. Paul says in our
text, “In our union with Christ Jesus God raised us with Jesus to
sit together with Him in places like heaven." (verse 6) This happens
when we gather here in church to worship. Here we have fellowship
with God the Father and with His Son Jesus. Here we also have
fellowship with other Christians. Here in church we have a taste
of heaven like Peter, James and John had when Jesus took them up
the mountain and showed to them His glory. (Mark 9:2-9) Also on
Easter afternoon the two disciples who were walking on the road to
Emmaus, had a taste of heaven when the risen Savior joined with
them and explained the prophecies of the Old Testament which show
that He must suffer and be crucified and arise with glory. After
Jesus vanished they said, "Did not our heart burn within us, while
He talked with us on the way, and while He explained to us the
scriptures?" (Luke 24:32) So we here in church experience the
joys of heaven on earth when God's word is preached when we see
someone baptized and when we eat the bread and drink the wine of
the Holy Supper.
These experiences of heavenly joy give us hope for the future when
we shall really live in heaven and God will bless us with His
kindness fully and forever. St. Paul writes in our text that God gives
us these tastes of heaven, so that in the future He can show the
wonderful greatness of His love by His kindness to us in Christ
Jesus. (verses 6-7) Now we have only tastes and samples of heavenly
joy, but in the future we shall enjoy the whole banquet! Now we
sit in "places like heaven," in the future we shall sit in heaven!
Now here on earth we cannot fully and perfectly enjoy the good
life in God because of sins. Our doubts, our falling into temptation,
prevent us from perfectly enjoying the good life here on
earth, but it is still a good life because we do many good works.
God's purpose in giving us new life in Jesus is that we do good
works here on earth while we wait for heaven. Paul writes in our
text, "We are His holy people made new in Christ Jesus to do good
works that God already prepared for us to do." (verse 10) We believe
in Jesus and love Jesus so He helps us to become more and more like
He is: pure, humble, kind, merciful and forgiving. One day a high
government official was visiting a leper hospital and he was watching
a nurse clean and dress a leper's sore. As he watched her pick
out the rotting, stinking flesh from the sore he said to the nurse,
"I would not do that for a million dollars." The nurse replied,
"I, also, would not do it for a million dollars, I do it for Jesus."
See what God's grace did for this nurse! God's grace can do the
same for you and me, lead us to do good and kind works that we would
not do or the unbelievers would not do for a million dollars.
And when we do such good works, we can't boast, because we know
only God's love and mercy in Jesus can lead us to do such difficult
works. (verses 8-10)
We do not need to move to Nebraska to enjoy the good life. We
Christians have the good life no matter what state or country we
live in, because we believe in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ! God has shown His great mercy to us and has given us the
good life in union with Jesus our Savior. Give glory to Him!