Dear Christian friends:
Tonight we consider another question found in the history
of Jesus' suffering and death. It is a most important
question. The Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, asked Jesus
that question when the Jewish Council brought Jesus to him
and said He must die.
Many others have asked that same question: "What wrong did
Jesus do? Why did they condemn Jesus to die on the cross?
Jesus was a nice, kind and good man; why did they kill him?
What Has Jesus Done?
We Christians know that Jesus did no wrong. We know that
Jesus was a good, holy, kind, perfect man and the Son of
The Jewish Council, as we learned last Wednesday, condemned
Jesus to die because He said He was the Son of God, the
Christ, the Savior God promised. They did not believe Him.
They said He lies and mocks God, and therefore must die.
They tore their clothes and all agreed to condemn Him to
death. And they did this although Jesus had fulfilled the
prophecies of the Old Testament.
He had opened a blind man's eyes! He had opened a deaf man's
ears! He had healed the sick and had raised the dead exactly
as Isaiah had prophesied.
But the Jewish Council did not have authority to kill a
law-breaker. Only the Roman Governor could do that. That is
why they then took Jesus bound to Pontius Pilate early on
Friday morning and asked him to condemn Jesus to death. But
now they changed the charge against Jesus. They do not say
that He mocks God. They say He says He is a King and He is
urging the people to rebel against Caesar. They knew Pilate
would be interested in that charge because many Jews before
had tried leading rebellions against Roman rule, and had
made much trouble for him.
But when Pilate examines Jesus, he finds no proof that Jesus
is leading a rebellion against Rome. Pilate comes out to the
Jewish Council and says, "I find no basis for a charge
against him. (verse 38)
Jesus did not mock God and Jesus did not lead a rebellion
against Rome. Really Jesus did no wrong at anytime or in any
place. Jesus perfectly kept and obeyed all laws: man's laws
and God's laws! What has Jesus done? That's an important
question. If Jesus has done something wrong, then He is not
our Savior. If He has done something wrong He is not the
spotless Lamb of God.
If Jesus has done something wrong, then He is the same as
we, and Himself needs a Savior. If Jesus has broken only
one Commandment, He is not God's Son and we are not saved!
What has Jesus done? With Pilate we wait for Jesus' answer.
When Jesus answers that question He confesses no wrong or
sin. He says, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it
were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the
Jews. But my kingdom is from another place." (verse 36)
"Then you are a king!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You
are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I
was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to
the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."
(verse 37)
Jesus has answered the question and it is a beautiful
answer. The Jewish Council had accused Him of being a king
in competition with Pilate and Rome. By saying that His
kingdom is not of this world, Jesus lets Pilate know that
He is not an earthly king with soldiers, police and servants.
Jesus' kingdom is a spiritual kingdom and His power is the
truth. Jesus says He came to tell the truth. The truth
about man's sin and the truth about salvation from sin.
What is the truth about man's sin?
The truth is that Jesus has done no sin, but He agreed to
accept man's sin and to be condemned to death instead of
We are the sinners, not Jesus! If Pilate would ask us,
"What is it you have done?" we would all turn red and
blush with shame. We must confess that we have done
wrong in our thinking, speaking and deeds.
In September 1895 a boy wrote a letter to President
Cleveland. In the letter the boy writes: To His Majesty,
President Cleveland: Dear President, I am very afraid and
worried; and I thought I should write to you and confess
all. About two years ago, as I remember, I used two postage
stamps that had been used before on other letters, perhaps
more than twice. I did not feel guilty until now. Now my
mind is always thinking and worrying about my sin. I think
about it day and night. Now, dear President, will you please
forgive me? And I promise I will never do it again. Enclosed
find money for three stamps, and please forgive me, because
I was only thirteen years old when I did it. In my heart I
am sorry for what I have done. From one of your subjects."
Not everyone feels as guilty as this boy. The IRS received
this letter from one man. The man wrote: "I can't sleep,
my conscience is bothering me. Enclosed find a check for
$50.00. If later I still can't sleep, I will send you all
the money I owe!"
What is it you have done? If a judge asked me that question
I must confess many sins against man and God. I think you
also must confess many sins. The Bible is right! The Bible
says, "There is no man on earth that does good and sins
not." And because we are sinners and sin much we deserve
temporal death, spiritual death, and eternal death.
That is why this question which Pilate asked Jesus is so
important: "What is it you have done?" Jesus has saved us!
That's what He has done!
That is why He was willing to stand before Pilate and let
Pilate condemn Him to death, not for His own sins, but for
our sins and for the world's sins. "God hath made Him who
knew no sin, to be sin for us; that we might be made the
righteousness of God in Him." (2 Corinthians 5:21)
We rejoice that God's love is so large that He sends His
Son to accept our sin and die for us. We rejoice because
our sins are taken away. We rejoice that we belong to
Jesus' Kingdom which is an everlasting kingdom. Although
we die we will live forever in His heavenly kingdom!
We pray that the Holy Spirit will control our lives in the
future so that we will attend to the King's business more
and more.
We respond to Jesus' love so that others may see Jesus in
us, and so that we can win others to join His eternal
Kingdom. God help us!