Dear Christian friends:
In this Fourth Petition Jesus teaches us to pray for
"bread." Martin Luther explains about the "bread." He writes,
"Daily bread is everything that we need to support our body,
such as food, home, field, cattle, money, goods, a pious
spouse, pious children, pious servants, pious and faithful
rulers, good government, good weather, peace, health,
discipline, honor, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the
Therefore, when we pray for "bread" we are really
praying for many other things, which we need for our body
and life. In the other six petitions we pray for spiritual
things, the blessings we need for our soul, such as faith,
forgiveness, love for God etc., but in this petition we
pray for the things our body needs. Jesus teaches us not to
worry, but to look to God for bread, clothes, house and
family etc.
Therefore let us consider this Fourth Petition that
Jesus teaches us:
Our Daily Bread
When Martin Luther explains this Fourth Petition in
his Small Catechism he says, "God gives daily bread indeed
without our prayer, also to all the wicked." I'm sure you
have noticed that also. God blesses unbelievers and those
who never pray with food, good jobs, money, even riches.
Often the unbelievers are richer than we Christians. Jesus
teaches this also. He says, "God lets His sun rise on the
evil and on the good, and He sends rain on the just and on
the unjust." (Matthew 5:45)
Well, if that is true and we know it is true, why
should we pray for bread? Our praying doesn't really give
us any more bread. Luther answers that question. He says,
"God gives daily bread indeed without our prayer, also to
all the wicked; but we pray in this petition that He would
lead us to know it, and to receive our daily bread with
Every time we pray: "Give us this day our daily
bread, "it reminds us that God is the One who gives us
bread, clothes, house, family, friends, good government,
good weather, and health. And we need that reminder!
We easily become proud and think, that we made it
or earned it and God had nothing to do with it. People are
proud and say, "I worked hard for what I have! I was not
lazy. I was smart! Others who have little or nothing are
lazy and dumb!" We should not say that! We should be humble
and say, "God has blessed me. I do not deserve all these
many things I have."
Jacob confessed that. When he came home after
working twenty-one years for his uncle Laban he was a very
rich man with two wives, twelve children, many cattle and
sheep, many servants and soldiers. Jacob confessed, "Lord,
You kept Your promise to me and gave me all these things.
I am not worthy of one of them. But You have shown mercy
to me." (Genesis 32:10)
When Peter saw the many fishes they had caught,
two boats full, he knelt down before Jesus and said, "Depart
from me, Lord, because I am a sinner man." (Luke 5:10)
Therefore let us say this prayer daily: "Give us this day
our daily bread." By saying it we confess that God gives us
everything we have although we are unworthy of it we show
humble thanks to Him.
Notice also that Jesus teaches us to pray, "Give us
this day, our daily bread." Jesus teaches us to pray only
for what we need "this day". Jesus wants us to pray each
day for what we need today. He doesn't want us to worry
about tomorrow. God will take care of us tomorrow, the same
as He does today. If you say this prayer everyday, and
believe, your worries will vanish!
Jesus says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness; and all these things (food, clothes, house,
health,friends) will be added unto you. Therefore, don't
worry about tomorrow." (Matthew 6:33-34)
Therefore, pray this petition everyday! You will be
more humble, more thankful, and no worries! You have a wise
and rich Father in heaven. He can and does take care of you
and all your needs!