August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent 5th Sunday
Sermon Title: Seek The True Glory!
Sermon Date: March 24, 1985
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 12:20-33

Dear Christian friends:

Here I have a trophy that my son, Ted, won during his basketball playing days or years at Hillsdale College in Michigan. This is only one of many trophies and awards that Ted has won. In our garage at home we have two large boxes full of the many trophies that he won. Perhaps you think that I am boasting today. True, my wife and I are proud of Ted's successes, but really I am showing you this trophy for another reason. This trophy represents the glory of this world. Natural man values earthly things like this too much. Fame, youth, success, riches and pleasures are things that people of this world honor and value. But these things all pass away quickly. Today many have forgotten our son Ted and his glory. His trophies are all packed into two boxes in our garage. Few are interested in them any more. Earthly glory is not the true glory. We Christians must desire and seek the true glory, the glory that does not pass away.

In our text Jesus tells about the true glory and admonishes us to seek for that rather than for earthly glory.

Seek The True Glory!

We are tempted to seek the glory of this world. The devil, the unbelievers in this world and our own sinful heart tempts us every day.

Jesus could have received the glory of this world. Satan tempted Him in the desert. He took Him up a high mountain and there showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. He said to Jesus, "All of these things will I give to You, if you will kneel down and worship me."

(Matthew 4:8-9) And when the events of our text happened, it was after Jesus had ridden into Jerusalem on the donkey that first Palm Sunday and the people had welcomed Him as their king. A few days before that Jesus had made Lazarus of Bethany, arise from death. All the people were excited and wanted to make Jesus the king of the Jews, like King David 1,000 years before. Even Jesus' enemies, the Pharisees, were ready to give up resisting Him. They said to, each other, "See how we win nothing? The world is gone after Him." (verse 9)

But_Jesus refused to accept the glory of this world. He refused to be an earthly king. He easily could have been a great earthly king. Satan wanted that. The Jews wanted that and the Greeks here in our text wanted that. Jesus had become a most famous person.

We, like Jesus, are also tempted to love this world and seek the praise and honor of men in this world.

What is the glory of this world? Money, fame, power, political office, beautiful things, youth, lust, good times, pleasures. The Bible says, "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world...the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eye, and the pride of life..." (1 John 2:15-16)

All unbelievers seek only these worldly things, the glory of this world. And even we Christians often are tempted to love these things instead of God, and make these things our idols.

Like Jesus, we must refuse the glory of this world. It is a false glory and it lasts only a short time. We must not let Satan, the Prince of this world and the people of this world and our own sinful heart deceive us. The Bible warns, "The world passes away and the lust of it." (John 2:17)

The true glory is found in serving God.

Jesus got the true glory by serving God, His Father. When Satan offered Jesus the kingdom of this world and its glory, Jesus said to him, "Get away Satan: for it is written, You must worship the Lord your God, and Him only must you serve." (Matthew 4:10)

And when the Jewish people and the Greeks wanted to make Jesus become their king like David, Jesus said, "No!" He said it was time for Him to receive the true glory by dying and getting buried like a wheat seed. He said,"The time is near for the Son of Man to receive glory. Truly, I tell you that if a seed not fall in the ground and die, nothing grows. But if the seed falls in the ground and dies, then it grows much food." (verses 23-24)

Jesus said a prayer to His Father in heaven because He knew He must suffer and die on the Cross in a few days. His human nature feared that terrible death. He knew that the Father would punish Him for all the world's sins. He knew that the Father would forsake Him as the condemned in hell are forsaken.

He prays so He will not fail to accept the suffering of the Cross. He prays, "Father, My heart is troubled now. What should I say? Father, give Me victory in this hour. For victory I have come to this hour. Father give glory to Your name." (verses 27-28) And His Father heard His prayer and gave strength to Him. His Father said from heaven, "I have given glory to My name and I will give glory to it again." (verse 28b) Then Jesus proclaimed His victory and His glory of the Cross. He said, "Now is the world condemned. Now the Prince of this world is cast out. When I am lifted up over the earth, I will draw all people to Me." (verses 30-31)

By His suffering and death on the Cross Jesus will draw all nations in faith, love and devotion to Him. By His death on the Cross Jesus will show His Father's wonderful love, mercy and justice. By obeying the Father's wish, even_dying that shameful death on the Cross, Jesus gave greatest glory to God. And at the same time He receives the true glory for Himself. Since Jesus died on the Cross millions and millions of people have praised Him and are still praising Him today! And in heaven all angels and all people do praise Him day and night and they will continue praising Him forever and ever!

Yes, Jesus received the true glory by serving God, His Father in heaven. And we can share in Jesus' glory if we believe in Him and_serve Him. Then we share with Him the true glory, which is the glory of the Cross.

Jesus promises glory to us. He says, "If you serve Me, the Father will honor you." (verse 26) Think of that! God the Father will honor you! Not some judge or movie star or president, but God, your Maker and Keeper, the God who loved you and sent His Son to die for you, He will honor you in heaven. And that glory will not pass away it will continue forever and ever. So let us serve Jesus here on earth and suffer the mockery of the world. They think we are foolish and wasting our life doing the church work. But we are not foolish. We are keeping our life for heaven.
