August's Sermons

Church Period: The Sixth Sunday In Lent
Sermon Title: Why Do Our Families Crumble?
Sermon Date: March 26, 1980
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 19:26-27

Dear Christian friends:

Families are very important. Nations fall when families fail. Why are families so weak? Families crumble. Why?

Why Do Our Families Crumble?

On His way to the cross and while He hung on the cross Jesus gave some answers to that question.

I. Families crumble because members separate from one another.

On the way to the cross Jesus passed weeping mothers. He said to them, "Weep not for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children." (Luke 23:28) Mothers know much about weeping. The cause of mother's tears is separation. Sometimes separation is necessary. Jesus now separating from Mary. Children grow-up. Get married.

Separation also happens even when family members stay together. They refuse to love one another, accept one another and work together. That too makes tears.

II. God's plan for the family thwarted.

God made the family. Adam and Eve one flesh. Children like tree branches. God intends family to be a school where people learn to love and cooperate with one another. Mothers crying show that God's plan has been thwarted (failed).

Jesus died on the cross to unite people again in family love and harmony.

As He hung on the cross He prayed for the mob; He forgave the sorry thief, and gave His sorrowing mother a new son.

Yes, Jesus died on the cross to take away the world's sin and at the same time to help us conquer selfishness and hatred, so we can love one another again.

As Jesus helped John and Mary make a new home where love lives so He wants to help us and our families today.

III. Members separate from God.

Jesus spoke strong words to the women on the way to the cross and to Mary and John under the cross. His words are for all of us no matter where we are today, in or out of a family. This is true because what makes families fail also makes all other relationships in life fail: friendships, business partners, community life etc.

What is that? Separating from God, who made us to be friends and united with one another. God calls it death, death of God's spirit and life in us. When man gives up God He also gives up his brother. Greedy, proud, and selfish.

When family members forget God and their spirit dies the families fail. Family members are hurt. They can't forgive one another. Resentment and hatred grows. Self-righteous and blame one another. Neither one will confess or forgive.

IV. Families can give life instead of death.

This Lenten Season we need to see Jesus on the cross and behind the cross God's wonderful love for us. Although we have done terrible wrongs to God by our sins He still loves us and wants us. He gives His Son to die for us.

Because God has loved us like that and has forgiven us we can, if we accept His love and forgiveness, forgive our wife or husband, son or daughter, father or mother or anyone else who may do wrongs against us.

Where families have failed they can be renewed through Jesus' love and forgiveness. Maybe they will appear in different forms but where love is there is a real home.

Some children were going home from school one afternoon. They passed an old man and he asked them where they were going. They said, "We are going home." He asked them, "What is a home?" One girl said, "A home is where you eat and sleep." Another girl answered, "A home is a house." A third girl answered, "A home is where people love you and are glad to see you when you come in."

Jesus, show mercy to us and help our families to be like that.
