Dear Christian friends:
Last Sunday our church was full. Fifty-two deaf
and friends heard the wonderful good news of Jesus'
resurrection. Did that glad preaching change these people?
Did they find it so wonderful that they wanted to come back
again today and hear some more? You look around and decide
True God's Word always does some good, and we should
not doubt the power of God's Word to change man. But it is
also true that man can resist God's Word and Spirit and not
change after hearing it. Easter ought to really change us
and improve our faith and life. In our text we see how the
risen Savior reclaimed His weak disciples that first Easter.
We, too, need to be reclaimed and redirected again and
again. So let us attend to our text and see how:
The Risen Lord Reclaims His Disciples
In our text we see how Peter, James and John and
several other disciples left Jerusalem and went north to the
Sea of Galilee. It was about three weeks after Jesus'
resurrection. Peter said to the other disciples, "I go a
fishing." So they all got into the boat and fished all
night, but caught nothing. In the morning Jesus stood on
the shore. From the boat they could see Him, but they
didn't know Him. Jesus said, "Cast the net on the right
side of the boat, and ye shall find." They did it and
caught one-hundred-fifty-three fish. Then Peter knew it
was Jesus so he jumped into the water and hurried to Him.
Jesus had made a fire and cooked fish and bread
for them on the beach. So they all ate and then Jesus
said to Peter: "Simon, son of Jonas, do you love me more
than these? He said to Him, "Yes, Lord, thou knowest that
I love thee." He saith unto him, "Feed My lambs." Three
times Jesus asked Peter and three times Jesus said, "Feed
My lambs .. My sheep."
By the "lambs" and the "sheep" Jesus meant the men
and children who believe in Him. He calls them "My sheep --
"My lambs" They are His. Why? Because He died for their
sins and rose again for their forgiveness. He is the Good
Shepherd. He gave His life to save His sheep. (John 10:15)
He bought them from sin and Satan with His own precious
blood. That's what Paul means when he writes; "Ye are bought
with a price."
You, too, you deaf who believe in Him. You are His.
He paid for your sins on the cross and rose again on Easter
morning for your forgiveness. You are His deaf sheep and He
promises to give eternal life to you: "My sheep hear My voice
and they follow Me and I give unto them eternal life, and
they shall never perish."
Christ came to Peter and said: "Lovest thou Me? And
He asked him that three times because He had denied Jesus
three times. By doing that Jesus forgave Peter and claimed
Him as His own. So Jesus searches for you. You, too, have
been cowardly and sinned against Him. He asks you: "Lovest
thou Me?" Jesus loves you and wants you to be His sheep.
If you know that Jesus loves you even though you are
sinful and not worthy of His love, that touches your heart
and changes you. When you see His wonderful kindness and
love, you , too want to answer with Peter, "Yes Lord, thou
knowest that I love thee."
Our problem is that we easily and quickly forget
Jesus' great love for us, and then we may fall into sin
again. So Jesus keeps telling us about our sins and His
loving forgiveness that is why Jesus told Peter, "Feed
My Sheep" Feed them with My Word that brings love and
forgiveness. So Jesus says to the ministers today: "Feed
My Sheep." Preach and teach them of My death and
resurrection for their forgiveness!"
Those sheep and lambs whom Jesus loves and who love
Him are ready to hear His commandments. When Peter said to
Jesus, "I love you," Jesus commanded Him to work. "Feed My
Sheep." His life's work was not to be fishing, but
preaching. Not a fisher of fish, but a fisher of men. And
this work, Jesus tells him, will be hard and cost Him His
life. In verse eighteen Jesus tells him he will get
crucified by the enemies of Jesus. Now Peter is no longer a
coward. Instead He boldly preached on Pentecost and before
the same Jewish court which had condemned Jesus.
Also you and I, His disciples today, have commands
from our Lord. He may not command all of us to be full
time ministers and missionaries, but He still wants us to
live for Him. Paul writes: "They which live should not live
for self, but for Him who died for them and rose again.
(2 Corinthians 5:15)
To each one of us Jesus says, "Lovest thou Me? Feed
My lambs, Feed My Sheep. This means teaching our children at
home. It means Sunday Schools and Christian Day Schools. It
means building and supporting nice church buildings. It means
supporting our Pastor and our missions. It means evangelism
Supper Training Meetings and visiting the non churched deaf.
Yes it takes some of your time and some of your
money. But can you do Jesus' work without spending time and
money? If you love Him, you will hear His command and "Feed
His sheep." Do you love Him? He loves you!