August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent Easter 1st Sunday After
Sermon Title: After Easter What?
Sermon Date: April 25, 1965
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 20:19-31

Dear Christian friends:

I'm sure that you will agree that Easter Sunday is the chief holy day of the Church. We have many more attending church on Easter than on Christmas. And yet after one week only one half of the people are in church. It seems like our Easter joy vanishes like the beautiful Easter flowers.

Really every Sunday ought to be a new Easter day for us. If you once get that true Easter joy and spirit, you will be very happy every Sunday and wish to come and sing of joy and victory, and Hallelujahs regularly as many of you do.

Now it is one week after Easter what do we say on that Sunday?

After Easter What?

Preach Peace our text tells us. The message, "Peace be unto you" (John 20:19) Is a wonderful message. This is the great Easter joy. Our sins are really forgiven. God is satisfied with Jesus' work. "If Christ be not raised your faith is vain ye are yet in you sins; then also is our preaching vain." But now Christ is risen from the dead and our sins are all forgiven. Certainly good news for all people also your family.

Who tells us to preach this? Jesus Himself in verse 21, "As My Father has sent Me, even so send I you." He not only meant the first 12 disciples, but also you and me who believe in Him and have His wonderful peace and joy. All who have His peace must tell it and bring it to others. If you really have it you will; You can't be silent to others.

He gives us power and courage to do this, verse 22. He breathed on them and said receive ye the Holy Spirit. Need God's breath as Adam did when he was lifeless clay. Through Word and Sacrament.

How are we to do this? One to one at home in your family love one another and forgive one another for Jesus sake. With your friends and neighbors. As disciples did with Thomas. Here at Church you say Peace to one another when you support me your minister. Sing or be friendly and kind to one another. If you are stingy and crabby with church and others then you are not preaching peace and making peace - no forgiveness, no love. Also by supporting Missions, Lutheran Hour, This is the Life T.V. show you can say peace, peace to people in many countries.

You say it is to hard nobody listens or believes. Same first with Thomas. They told him, but He doubted. Later Jesus helped to show him. So Jesus will help us to win others if we only do our duty and say peace to them.

And if some don't be sorry and want it, that's okay, Jesus says their sin stays, verse 23. But even then Jesus receives honor and glory. One day they will be sorry.
