Dear Christian friends:
Two weeks ago, we celebrated Easter, Jesus' resurrection. Today,
is the Third Sunday of Easter. The Easter season continues until
Pentecost Sunday which will be on June 3. There are seven Sundays in
the Faster season, almost two months. Why do we celebrate Easter so
long? Because Jesus' resurrection is very important for us Christians,
and we must impress that again and again. We almost cannot believe it.
On Easter Sunday, when Jesus arose from death, His disciples had a very
hard time believing that Jesus had really risen from death, that He
who had died was now alive. So Jesus came to them and appeared to
them many times after Easter. He stayed here on earth 40 days before
He ascended into heaven. During those 40 days, He came to them many
times to strengthen their faith and to teach them about the work He
wanted them to do.
We are like these first disciples. We, too, have a hard time to
believe in Jesus that He is alive and real. So Jesus comes to us also
to strengthen us and to remind us of our most important work.
The Risen Christ Comes To Us
We may argue that we have not seen the risen, living Christ as the
first disciples here in our text and we may ask how can we believe? How
does Jesus come to us and appear to us? It is true that Jesus does not
come to us and appear to us in the same way that He came to His disciples
on Easter evening and other times during the forty days. But nevertheless,
Jesus does come to us today to strengthen us and give us new life. We
have just as much proof about Jesus' resurrection as those first
disciples. They had no advantage over us.
Although Jesus came and stood among them, they did not believe He
had really risen from death. They thought He was a ghost. Even after
Jesus showed them the nail prints in His hands and feet and the spear
wound in His side, they still doubted. (verses 36-41) They needed faith
the same as we need it. It was just as hard for them to believe in
Jesus' resurrection as it is for us today.
Sometimes, people say, “If Jesus would come to me and appear to
me as He did to those first disciples on Easter evening, then I would
believe in Him." But those people deceive themselves. If they do not
believe God's Word in the Bible about Jesus' death and resurrection,
they will also not believe even though Jesus Himself appears to them.
The rich man in hell pleaded with God to send Lazarus to preach to his
five brothers and warn them so that they would not go to hell like he
did. But God told Him: "Your brothers have Moses and the prophets." The
rich man answered, "No, Father Abraham, they won't bother to read then.
But if someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will repent
from their sins." But Abraham said, "If they won't listen to Moses and
the prophets, they won't listen even though someone rises from the dead."
(Luke 16:27-31)
So we today, have plenty of proof about Jesus' death and
resurrection in the Bible. We have the Old Testament which prophesied
about the Savior's death and resurrection and we have the New Testament
which shows how all these prophecies happened exactly in Jesus of
Nazareth. If we don't believe the Bible, we will not believe even if
Jesus Himself comes and appears to us.
The first disciples did not believe that first Easter evening until
Jesus opened their minds to see from the Bible, and helped them to
understand that "Christ must suffer and die and arise from death on
the third day." (verses 44-47)
The crucified and risen Savior comes to us today through the
Bible. The Bible shows us our sins and that we deserve God's eternal
anger and punishment in hell. The Bible also shows us the good news
that although we are lost and condemned sinners God nevertheless
loves us and forgives our sins because Jesus died on the cross and
arose from death on Easter morning. The Bible tells us to repent and
believe in Jesus Christ so that we can be saved. As the first disciples
believed through the Bible, so do we. Jesus comes to us and gives us
faith and new spiritual life through God's Word and promises in the Bible.
If we do not have faith and new life, it is because we are not
listening to the Bible. If we are alive with faith, and joy and hope,
it is because we are listening to God's Word in the Bible and the Holy
Spirit has given us new birth and new life.
Do you have new life in Christ? If you do not, you have no excuse.
God has given you plenty of proof in His Book. Jesus has come to you
again and again through the preaching of His Word, through Baptism,
and through the Lord's Supper. Are you listening to Him? Are you
born again? Are you awake and alive in Christ? Have you died to sin
and arised to walk in new and holy ways?
One way you can know if you have a new life or not is by the
WITNESS TEST. Are you witnessing to others about Jesus? Or are you
not? In our text, Jesus says, “People must preach repentance and
forgiveness of sins in Christ's name to all nations..... You are
witnesses about these things." (verses 47-48)
If we have new birth and new life in Christ, then our whole life
will witness (prove about Jesus to others). How do we prove about
Jesus? By telling others of our wonderful Savior. By showing Jesus'
love, mercy and kindness to others. By not hating others, not being
jealous, etc. Helping the sick, the poor and the needy.
If you are really born again and have a new life, you will be
excited about Jesus and eagerly witness to others about Him. Here is a
story to help us understand this. In a wealthy residential section of
Richmond, Virginia, some new home owners complained that the singing
of a small Christian church nearby disturbed them. So they went all
around the neighborhood asking the homeowners to sign a petition which
they intended to present to the city council to force the church to be
more quiet or closed. The solicitors brought the paper with the
petition and names already signed to a Jewish house. The Jewish
man read the petition and when he had finished reading it, he said
to the solicitors, "Gentlemen, I cannot sign it. If I believed, as
do these Christians, that my Messiah (Savior) had come, I would shout
it from the house tops and on every street in Richmond, and nobody could
stop me."
If you really believe in Jesus, if you really are born again, if
you really are alive in Christ, you, too, will shout and sing and tell
the wonderful good news of Jesus your Savior, and nobody could stop you.
Are you an eager, happy witness of Jesus? If you are, you are
alive in Christ, if not, you may still be dead in Sin.
"Awake you that sleep and arise from death, and Christ will give
you life." (Ephesians 5:14)
"Jesus lives! For me He died,
Hence will I, to Jesus living,
Pure in heart and act abide,
Praise to Him and glory giving
Freely God does aid dispense;
Jesus Lives! Thy Terrors Now - Hymn
This shall be my confidence.