Dear Christian friends:
Last Sunday we preached about true happiness. I
showed you that true happiness was not found in money,
health or earthly things, but true happiness we find only
by faith in Jesus Christ.
But many of you say that you believe in Jesus Christ.
If I asked you today, "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" I
think all of you will answer, "Yes." But are you really
happy? Are you happy in your heart truly? Are you happy
with other members? Are you happy at home with your family?
Or are you cross and angry and displeased and unhappy?
What's wrong? In our text Jesus says the Holy
Spirit will tell us the truth about three words which are
very important. Listen and you may get real happiness.
The Truth About Three Important Things
I. The truth about sin
A. If you ask people what sin makes us go to hell you will
get many different answers.
B. But the Holy Spirit Jesus says tells us the truth about
sin. Sin does not make anyone go to hell, but "unbelief"
Jesus says, "the Holy Spirit will correct the world about sin
because they believe not on Me." And the time Jesus said,
"He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he
that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16:16)
This is a wonderful comfort for us that no sin makes
us go to hell. Jesus has suffered and paid for all sins.
Only those who refuse to believe in Jesus must go to hell.
How come?
By faith in Jesus we become perfectly righteous
before God. The Holy Spirit also teaches us the truth about
that. Righteousness is the second thing about which the
Holy Spirit teaches us. Jesus says the Holy Spirit will
correct the world about righteousness because "I go to My
Father and ye see Me no more." (verse 10)
How good must any one be to go to heaven? People
have many different ideas about that. Many say, "Do your
best and God will be satisfied with you." That's
self-righteousness. That's not good enough God is perfect
and so we must be perfect also if we hope to stand before
Him in heaven.
Jesus says, "Holy Spirit will correct the world
about righteousness, because I go to My Father." What
does He mean "because I go to My Father?" Jesus said
these words on Thursday evening before He was crucified. He
means that He must now suffer and die and then arise again
on the third day and ascend up to His Father in heaven.
By His perfect life and His innocent suffering and
death and resurrection Jesus wins a perfect righteousness
for all of us. If we give up our own little righteousness
which is as filthy rags, and accept Jesus' righteousness,
then, we can stand before God holy, perfect and without
St. Paul says, "I not have my own righteousness
which is of the law, but the righteousness which is of God
by faith in Christ Jesus." (Romans 3) (Tell the parable of
the man without a wedding garment)
The Holy Spirit comforts us by helping us to accept
Jesus' perfect righteousness and not argue or trust in our
own good works. Because when troubles come and sickness
or death then the devil blames us and tempts us and says,
"You are a sinner; you can't go to heaven. God doesn't
want you." You broke your marriage vows, You cheated on
your husband. You stole some money." The devil knows how
to tempt us to give up faith in God.
But if we do not trust in our own works and
self-righteousness, but confess that its no good and instead
trust in Jesus' righteousness then we need not be afraid of
the devils blaming and tempting. Also we do not need to be
afraid of the judgment day when Jesus comes again to judge
us all.
Jesus says, "the Holy Spirit will correct the world
about judgement because the Prince of this world is judged."
(verse 11) Who is the Prince of this world? Satan!
Many people are afraid of the Judgment Day. Satan
keeps blaming them and troubling them with their sins and
they are afraid Jesus will come and condemn them to hell.
They don't want to hear about Judgment Day and they try to
forget it. They don't want to even come to Church because
Satan keeps blaming them and giving them trouble about
their sins.
But we are foolish if we listen to Satan. His
charges and blaming us with our sins can't destroy us
because we by faith have put-on Jesus' perfect righteousness.
Luther sings: "He's judged; the deed is done, One
little Word can fell Him" That little word is "Jesus."
When the devil tempts you and blames you, say to him "Jesus",
Jesus is my righteousness! Jesus is my plea! You can't blame
me before God.
Like that beautiful hymn, Just as I Am, Without One Plea:
Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd'st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Not true? The Holy Spirit by showing us the truth
about these three words gives us very much comfort and joy.
That's why Jesus calls Him the Comforter. Do you want
other deaf to have this comfort? Then be kind to them and
forgive them in Jesus' name. Don't be cross and angry with
them or blame them like the devil does.
You have God's forgiveness so be kind and forgive
and give comfort to others. If you have hurt someone and
sinned against someone ask God to forgive you in Jesus
name. Then be happy and cheerful and go ask that person
whom you hurt, ask him to forgive you.
The Holy Spirit can give you this wonderful comfort
and joy so that you really accept God's forgiveness and
peace and then go make peace with others.