August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent Easter 4th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Jesus, The Door To The Good Life
Sermon Date: May 10, 1984
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 10:7-10

Dear Christian friends:

In our text Jesus says that He is "the door." We usually think of that as meaning that Jesus is the door which leads into heaven, which we think of as far in the future, and so we don't worry much about that today.

It is true - Jesus is the door that leads into eternal life and glory in heaven, but He is also the door that leads to the good life here and now on earth. Jesus says in our text, "I have come in order that they might have life, life in all its fullness." (verse 10 ) Jesus is the door to the good life, the new life, the rich life now, even in this world of sin and death.

With my sermon this morning I intend to challenge you. I do not intend just to use up 15 or 20 minutes of our worship hour saying a few nice things about eternal life in heaven. I intend to make you stand at the DOOR this morning and look in to see what the good life is, so you can go and enjoy from this day forward and forever.

Jesus, The Door To The Good Life

Many question this.

Most people are not living the good life, also many church members are not really living the good life. Many are living, sad and fearful lives. Even those who have comfortable money and success at their profession are not really happy and excited about their lives. They, too, feel trapped and wish they could find the really good life. Generally we feel depressed and think there is no way out of our sad and fearful lives. One philosopher has said: “We all live lives of quiet depression."

Is there no way out? Must we remain trapped in our prisons of of greed and fear? Was the playwright, Sartre right when he put “No Exit” signs on all the doors?

Trapped? We need not be! Jesus is the door to the good life, where the grass grows lusciously and where living waters flow. He is “the all embracing mercy, the ever open door.”

Can we really believe that? Is Jesus really the door to the good life here on earth? Has anyone ever found a good, happy life believing in Jesus and following Him? The doubters ask, "what war has Jesus ever stopped? When I am sick and suffering pain, where is He? When my loved one died where was He?" The doubters argue, "We have many Christians and many Christian churches in our country, state and city, but where is their influence for the good life? Crime and evil seem to grow worse and worse." Others ask, "Does Jesus free us to live a happy, good life or does He make us feel guilty when we fail to obey His laws?"

Many people outside the sheepfold see our churches as prisons and they see Jesus as a strict prison keeper. They say we can't have any pleasure or fun or good times if we go in through the door and join Jesus' flock. They say we Christians are trapped. They do not see the Christian life as the good life.

Not_only the outsiders say that, but many church members think that way, and act that way. They have joined Jesus' church but they have not found the good life and joy and pleasure in Jesus. They feel trapped in the church. They feel forced when they are asked to give tithe and accept responsibility. They try to act happy like they love God and the other members, but they are hypocrites. Are we among them?

Where is our joy in Jesus? Where is our faith and confidence? Where is our eagerness to work and serve and even risk our lives for the causes of Christ?

In view of the negatives can we be sure that Jesus is the door to the good life?

Come stand before the open door and look in! Listen to what Jesus says: "I am the door; whoever comes in by Me will be saved; he will come in and go out and find pasture." (verse 9) The important word is "saved" a good word which many misunderstand. Those who go in through this door are saved, and they have the good life.

Why? Because the load of guilt is taken off their shoulders. The guilt that wrecks relationships, destroys our happiness, upsets our emotions and takes away our peace of mind. That guilt is removed. Guilt cannot come through the door that is Jesus. Jesus has already washed it away with His blood. That's why Jesus died on the cross. He was offered for our sins, and for this purpose, that we are saved because our sins are forgiven.

We are saved from the fearful, sad and purposeless life. Saved from our own selfishness, which can destroy ourselves and others. And saved also from death and all that death means, the sickness that brings it near, the fear that burdens all our days, the shock with which it hits us in the face, the limits it puts on our dreams and plans.

We are saved from external death also and have eternal life. Through the door, Jesus, we have eternal life, and there is nothing, yes nothing in heaven or on earth that can separate us from this life - not things present, or things to come, not grief or pain, not accidents, not cobalt machines, or bombs - nothing! We are saved.

And we are safe! Safe in Jesus' sheepfold. Safe from everything that threatens us: fear, sorrow, sickness and despair. Even when we do not feel safe, we are safe. Jesus in our text says something about the thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy. (verse 10a) We are safe from this thief. Often that thief is our own self, our envy, jealousy, pride and lust. We know from past experience how it can destroy. But the door is Jesus. The thief cannot come through the door to hurt us. Nothing evil can come through the door. Jesus will intercept the evil and change it for our soul's good.

Those who enter through the door, Jesus, are safe because they know that whether they are sick or well, whether they have grief or joy, loss or riches, failure or success, these are not important. The really important thing is whether they are in or out, and they are in!

But we are not in prison when we enter the door. Jesus says, "Whoever comes in by Me will be saved; he will come in and go out, and find pasture."

"In and out," that means we are free, free to live the good life. Free to dare death, Satan and hell to do their worst. Free to celebrate life in the light of Jesus' resurrection because we know that death is swallowed up in victory. We are free to enjoy the wonderful things God has created. Free from the false ideas and values of this world. Free to love others; Free to sacrifice ourselves in giving; free to lose our life because we have eternal life.

There is the door and the door is Jesus. Through the door is the good life. How terrible if we pass by that door and look and look to find another door as many do. There is not another door! There is no other entrance, if you are searching for the good life! Yes, there are other doors, but if you enter those other doors they will slam on you and you will find yourself exchanging one hell for another. Are we with our, open minds offended, at this, closed minded proclamation? Well, wouldn't it be tragic if we with our open minds missed the open door?

So this message has done what it was meant to do. It has brought us up to Jesus Christ who is the door exit from prison, the entrance to the good life.
