Dear Christian friends:
You know you yourselves are priests? I think you
are surprised to hear that. You say, "Me a priest? Jewish
Church long ago had priests. Catholic Church today has
priests. Me a priest?" That Peter says here in our text.
"You are holy priests." Peter wrote that to all
Christians; it means you and me, too.
You Are His Holy Priests
Why did Peter call us priests?
Remind us and impress on us our beautiful relationship
with God and our happy duty to God. What is a priest? (See if
anyone knows? Use their answers and proceed to explain the
duties of the Old Testament priests. Also explain why
Catholics call their clergy "priests")
God Himself chose us to become His priests, verse 9.
He made us acceptable to him because of Jesus Christ. The
Old Testament High Priest before he can serve God in the
temple must offer animal and blood to God, first to take
away his own sins and then also to take away people's
sin. (Hebrews)
Jesus is our Chief Priest. He did not offer animal's
blood to take away our sins. No! He offered Himself, His own
blood on the Cross. His offering Himself upon the cross once
takes away forever our sins. God calls us to believe in
Jesus Christ for our Savior. Accept His offering of Himself
as our forgiveness.
That's how we become God's holy priests through
faith in Jesus Christ!
"God chose you, you are priests of the King Jesus,
you are holy and pure, you are God's dear ones." (verse 9)
Peter tells us. For what purpose?
To serve God, as all priests. Come to him and offer
to God those things that please Him! Praise.
Thanks. Not only in church service, but also daily
at work, at home and when we play! Paul says, "And whatever
you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through
him." (Colossians 3:17)
Obey His Commandments: Love God: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Love Your Neighbor: 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and
10th Commandments.
"Show to others how God has called you out of
darkness into His wonderful light." (verse 9) Support
preaching of the Gospel Church. Understand that you each
one of you are priests not me. You have power to forgive
sins in Jesus' name. You have Office of Keys, every
Christian. They don't belong to the pastor. The pastor
only does it because you called him and asked you do it
instead of yourselves in public. But the power to forgive
sins is yours, the power to baptize and give the Lord's
Supper is yours, not mine. I only do it as your servant.
We call that "priesthood of all believers." Catholics
and Episcopal church do not have that teaching. They
say only clergy and all who have "apostolic succession"
have power to forgive sins, baptize and give the Lord's
Deaf sometimes say, "Hauptman's Church - here is
Hauptman's church." Here is not Hauptman's church. Here
is your church. You are the church. Your name is correct:
"Good Shepherd of the Deaf Church." You should feel
responsible and eager for preaching Gospel, Baptizing
and giving the Lord's Supper. You should feel more
responsible than I. You are the Lord's and I am only
your servant.
Also you should feel eager and responsible to
witness one to one how Jesus has called you out of
darkness into His wonderful light.
You are very weak about that. Shut-up too
much! Remember you are His holy priests.