Dear Christian friends:
Six weeks ago a man shot President Reagan and last Wednesday another man
shot the Pope. We are shocked and upset and worried. We ask, "Has the
world gone insane?" We also worry about many other things closer to us.
We worry about money and inflation. Last Monday we had the funeral
service and burial for our dear friend and member, Minerva Webb. I'm sure
that many of you are worried about your health and wonder, "Will I be
Although we worry a lot, and although life does not seem to be worth
living, we Christians must not despair. We must not let worries conquer us.
In our text Jesus tells us, "Don't worry!" (verse 1) He also tells why we
should not worry, and instead live with confidence.
Don't Worry
'Do not be worried and upset," Jesus told His disciples. "Believe in
God, and believe in Me." (verse 1) If we really believe in God, we will
not be afraid and worry so much. When we believe in God we depend on
Him and trust Him to take care of us and protect us. If we worry, it
shows that we do not really believe in God and that we do not really
know God.
Therefore we need to know God better and better. The more we know God,
the more we will trust Him and not worry.
How can we know God better? God is much hidden from us. We can't see
Him and we can't talk to Him. How can we know God? By studying nature
we can learn some things about God. He made the earth and all the living
things on earth and in the sea and the birds that fly in the sky. When
we study nature we learn that God is very wise, and strong. God shows
Himself to us in nature. He shows Himself a righteous God who
punishes sin and sinners. On nature we see God's curse.
God also shows Himself to us through His Word in the Bible. By reading
and studying the Bible we can learn to know God better, especially when
we study how He dealt with the people of Israel. The Bible also tells
us about Jesus. In Jesus we learn the most important things about God.
Jesus says to His disciples, “Now that you have known Me, you will know
My Father also; and from now on you do know Him, and you have seen Him.
Philip said to Jesus, Lord, show us the Father; that is all we need.
Jesus answered, For a long time I have been with you all; yet you do
not know Me, Philip? Whoever has seen Me has seen the Father."
(verses 7-9)
If we know Jesus, we also know God, His Father. Therefore we need to
learn more and more about Jesus, then we will know God better.
In Jesus we learn many things about God. The most important thing we learn
is that God loves and forgives sinners. Sin and guilt are really the basis
of all fear and worry. Without sin we would have a good and perfect world:
no evil, no hatred or killing and no sickness or death. Sin is the basis
of all our worries. In Jesus we learn that God shows mercy to sinners and
has forgiveness of sins for all people. Even though we must suffer many
things in this world which God cursed because of sin, yet we know God loves
us and does not forsake us in our trouble and need. Yes, even in death,
which shows God's anger and displeasure against sin, God does not forsake
us. He loves us and shows mercy to us and forgives us in Jesus who died on
the cross for us and arose on Easter morning.
Therefore we need not worry when we suffer all these troubles, but believe
in God the Father whom we know through Jesus His Son, our Savior. He will
protect us from these troubles and use them to bless us. Even death is a
blessing, because through it we move to our new home. Jesus is now
preparing a new and better home for us in heaven.
Jesus says, "Don't worry! There are many rooms in My Father's house, and I
am going to prepare a place for you." (verse 2) Just think of it - Jesus has
a room, a mansion, prepared for you in His Father's house in heaven! Many
of you have nice homes here on earth now. Many of you live in our beautiful
Pilgrim Towers. But Pilgrim Towers is not the "Father's House." Sometimes
you act like you love Pilgrim Towers more than the Father's house. You want
to stay and stay in Pilgrim Towers. You worry, worry about becoming sick and
must move out. You worry, worry about death. You will move to your Father's
in heaven where Jesus has prepared a beautiful home for you. Pilgrim Towers
will not last very long - maybe 50 or 60 years and it will be old and ready
for the wrecking crew. But your Father's house in heaven will never become
old or be destroyed. It will always be your home where there is no sin or
destruction - only love and joy forever.
So don't worry! Don't worry about anything! God loves you and God takes
care of you! Don't sit alone in despair and frozen with fear! Become
alive and live with confidence joy and hope as you wait for your Lord Jesus
to welcome you into the Father's house. Keep busy. Do Jesus’ works while
you live here on earth and wait to go home to heaven. Jesus Says, “I tell
you the truth: whoever believes in Me will do the works I do - yes, he will
do even greater ones, for I am going to the Father." (verse 12)
In this Minerva Webb was a good example for all of us. She did not waste
her time sitting around worrying about anything. She kept busy doing Jesus'
work until the day she died. She died "with her boots on," as they say of
the old cowboys. She knew she had a weak heart, but she did not sit around
worrying about it. She prayed to God and did His works.
So, don't worry! Believe in God! Hope eagerly for your new home in the
Father's House, and keep busy doing His great works as you wait.