Dear Christian friends:
Today we remember our mothers and honor them and thank God for them.
In the Bible God compares Himself with a mother to help us understand
His love and care for us. God says,"I will comfort you---, as a
mother comforts her little one." (Isaiah 66:13) And in our text
Jesus says that the Holy Spirit is like a mother. Jesus says to
His disciples, "The Comforter, the Holy Spirit, that the Father
will send in My name, He will teach you everything and remind you
of everything I told you." (verse 26)
The Holy Spirit does for Christians what a mother does for her
children; but the Holy Spirit does His work in a supernatural way while
the mother does her work in a natural way. A mother's relationship
with her children gives us a good picture of the various activities
of the Holy Spirit, our Comforter, our "Mother" from God.
So let us attend to our text and consider the topic:
The Holy Spirit, Like A Mother, Comforts Us
Like children need their mother, so we Christians need the Holy
In this chapter from which our text is taken we read that Jesus told
His disciples that He was leaving them and going back to the Father
in heaven. (John 14:1-4) Jesus meant that He must suffer and die
and on the third day arise from the grave and then later ascend into
heaven. He would not be with them in the future like He had been
with them in the past. So His disciples felt sad and worried. They
were also afraid of Jesus' enemies, the Jewish leaders. So Jesus
promises that the Father in heaven will send the Comforter, the Holy
Spirit to then. (verse 26) And in verse 18 Jesus promised them, "I
will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you." Through the
Holy Spirit Jesus would continue to be with them. They will not be
left like orphans. The Holy Spirit, like a mother, will comfort
Like the disciples, we also need the Holy Spirit to comfort us.
We often are sad and worried and afraid. Sometimes our sins blame
us. We sometimes feel ashamed or afraid to witness about Jesus to
unbelievers and the enemies of Jesus. When we witness about Jesus
to others we must expect trouble and persecution. Jesus says,. "They
have persecuted Me; they will also persecute you." (John 15:20) You
who have been witnessing for Jesus to the deaf who do not believe, you
have experienced their mocking and persecution. So we sometimes are
afraid and not brave to witness. When sickness happens or a loved one
dies or we ourselves begin to die, we are afraid and depressed. Only
the Holy spirit can help us and comfort us. We need the Holy Spirit.
How does the Holy Spirit comfort us?
In our text Jesus explains, "The Comforter, the Holy Spirit will teach
you everything and remind you of everything I have told you." Like a
mother teaches her children, so the Holy Spirit teaches us. Mothers
do a lot of teaching and reminding. Mothers say, “Did you forget again?
How many times must I tell you to close the door when you go out of the
house? Did you brush your teeth?" etc.. Like a mother the Holy Spirit
loves us and teaches us and reminds us about everything Jesus says in
the Bible.
Through my preaching each Sunday the Holy Spirit teaches
you and reminds you. When you sit home daily and read your Bible the
Holy Spirit teaches you and reminds you. When we forget Jesus words or
are proud and stubborn, the Holy Spirit reminds us: “Love one another.
Forgive, as I have forgiven you. You shall be witnesses for Me. Preach
the Gospel to everyone. Go make disciples in all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
As My Father has sent Me, even so I send you."
In this way the Holy Spirit gives us faith in Jesus our Savior and helps
us to be sorry about our failures and sins and then to rededicate
ourselves to do His work here in the world. By the Holy Spirit Jesus gives
us peace in our hearts although we have many problems and persecutions.
Jesus says here in our text, "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give
to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."
(verse 27)
The Holy Spirit comforts us and gives us Jesus' peace in our hearts and
helps us bravely confess our faith in Jesus. As a mother comforts her
children and helps them to grow up to be brave and do what is right, so
the Holy Spirit comforts us in our difficult work for the Lord Jesus.
The Holy Spirit teaches us everything about Jesus from the Bible and if
we forget and become afraid He reminds us and corrects us and encourages
Today we honor mothers and we should. They are our most important
teachers. Let us also honor the Holy Spirit, the teacher from God who
comforts and teaches mothers and all of us in all troubles and needs.