Dear Christian friends:
We all know the Lord's Prayer and it is a very good prayer. But we
have another prayer in the Bible which Jesus prayed, which is perhaps
more important than the Lord's Prayer. It is longer than the
Lord's Prayer, a whole chapter of St. John's Gospel, chapter 17:1-
26, 26 verses long. Jesus prayed this long long prayer just before
He left with His disciples to go to the Garden of Gethsemane, where
He prayed some more and then went to meet the mob who had come to
arrest Him and to meet Judas who had betrayed Him. It was on Thursday
evening in the upper room where He had instituted the Lord's
Supper. This prayer is called THE HIGH PRIESTLY PRAYER because
Jesus prayed mostly for His people, not for Himself.
In this prayer Jesus prays that God will show His glory and give
glory to Himself by His suffering death and resurrection. He prays
that God will keep the disciples pure and free from the world's
evil. He prays that the church will be united and that the church
can share His glory.
Our text is part of that prayer, the part where Jesus prays that
the church will be united.
Christ Prays For Unity In His Church
This is a prayer you should read and study, because here Jesus prays
for you and me and all believers. You need to hear what Jesus prays.
That evening Jesus did not say this prayer in private. He said it
before the 11 disciples so that they could hear every word and then
let that happen to them. And John later wrote it in his Gospel.
The Holy Spirit helped John remember it and write it. Why? For
you and all future Christians to read and consider. Jesus says,
"I am not praying for these (11 disciples) only, but also for all
those who will believe on Me through their word." (verse 20) Here
Jesus prays for all believers of all times and places, for believers
of every race and nation. When Jesus prayed this prayer 1950 years
ago He thought of you, too, and prayed for you.
And what does Jesus pray for you and me and all Christians?
"That they may be one." (verse 21) Jesus prays that all Christians
may be one united church with love, peace and harmony. The Christians
should love one another and agree with one another the same as the
Father and Son love each other and agree with each other. Jesus
prays, "That they may be one; as You, Father, are in Me and I in
You." (verse 21b) The Father and the Son are perfectly united. Jesus
and His Father never disagree or quarrel or are jealous of each other.
Those two "are in each other;" they have beautiful, perfect love
and regard for one another and agree in everything. They agreed
about the plan to save the world. The Son Jesus was not jealous
of the Father when He must leave heaven and become a humble Man and
suffer and die on the cross. Jesus loved the Father and was eager
to do His plan and work. Although He was equal with the Father, He
accepted to be under the Father as a man and suffer and die to
succeed God's plan of saving the world. (Philippians 2:5-8)
Jesus prays that the church be united in love and agreement as He and
the Father are united in love and agreement. He wants His people
to be one united; peaceful happy church with members from every
race and nation loving each other and working together in mission.
Can this really happen? Does the Father hear Jesus' prayer? Yes!
It has been happening since Jesus prayed it and it is happening
today. Christians all over the world from every nation and race
believe in Jesus and are members of the Holy Christian
Church. You should go to an international church convention
sometime and you will see that is true. The Father hears Jesus' prayer.
How can this happen? Because the Father and the Son make it happen.
Jesus prays, "That they may be one; as you, Father are in Me and I
in you, that they may be one in us." (verse 21a, b) We can't make it
happen. We always are proud and jealous and I, I, I all the time.
But the Father and the Son can make it happen.
How do they make it happen? Jesus explains as He continues praying:
"The glory You, Father, gave to Me I gave to them; that they may be
one, as we are one. I am in them, and You are in Me to make them
perfectly one." (verses 22-23) Jesus means God's love comes to the
church to make them united. He says to the Father, "I told them
Your name and I will continue to tell them Your name, so that the
love You have for Me will be in them and I will be in them." (verse 26)
Through Jesus' teaching or Word God's love comes to the church and
unites the members in love. The Holy Spirit through the Word does
We must remember that God's love is the same as His glory. God's
greatest glory is that He loves sinners and shows mercy to His
enemies and gives His dear Son to die for them that they can have
forgiveness of sins and become kings and priests with Jesus to share
the glory that He now has sitting at God's right hand. Therefore
Jesus prays, "The glory You, Father, gave to Me I gave to them;
that they may be one." (verse 22)
Because we now have God's glory or love we need not seek the
selfish glory or love of this world. Jesus prays that we be happy and
satisfied with His glory. Then we will not always be, “I, I, I". We
will then really love each other and be united and cooperate in
doing His mission. In the world when someone receives honor and
glory or promotion the others who are left behind or out feel
jealous and complain and compete. But in the church it should not be
like that. Why? Because Jesus gives His glory equally to all
believers. In Jesus’ church we all have a crown and glory and honor.
We love and prefer others better than ourselves. Thus the unity
of the church is established and kept.
The Father will answer Jesus' prayer and give unity to the church
because Jesus has faithfully taught the church about the Father's
glory and love.
The Father will answer Jesus' prayer for one united church also
because a united church influences the world in a good way.
When the church is united in love and mission the world will
believe that the Father sent Jesus and that the Father's love is
active in the church. (verses 21c and 23c) The unbelievers in the
world will be influenced and impressed when they see the love and
power and good works of the Christians. Some of them will say, "We
will go with you because we see that God is with you." The Father
wants this to happen. He wants all people to be saved and to come
and know the truth in Jesus. He will answer Jesus' prayer that the
church be united in love and mission. That has a good influence
on the world.
Jesus wants you to hear this prayer and be touched by it. He wants
you to hear His Word often so that you can have His glory and His
love and be united with all other Christians in His Church.