Dear Christian friends:
We have gathered at this early hour while the sun
rises to remember another early hour and sun rise almost
2,000 years ago and the wonderful things that happened
that first Easter morning the most wonderful morning in all
Many may think we are foolish. Many doubt that He
is risen from death. Our own reason can't understand it.
But it is true
He Is Risen
It is the best proved event in Christ's life. It
was prophesied in the Old Testament and by Christ Himself.
It was recorded in detail in four Gospels and referred to
by Paul and Peter in their letters to the churches.
The account in our text is very natural, not at all
like an invented story. The women come seeking the dead
body, very normal. Even tells us their names and that they
brought sweet spices. Tells the exact time and day, sunrise
on the first day of the week, Sunday morning. Even tells
what the women were saying as they approached the tomb, verse
3, "Who shall roll away the stone from the sepulchre?" Does
that seem like an invented story?
In verse 4 we read that when the women came near
they saw the stone was rolled away from the door. Matthew
tells us how this happened, Mark does not. Matthew tells
how the Jews asked Pontious Pilate to seal the door and set
soldiers to watch. They said to Pontious Pilate, "Sir we
remember how that deceiver (Jesus) said, after three days
I will rise again. Command therefore that the sepulchre
be made sure until the third day, lest (happen) his
disciples come by night and steal him away and say unto the
people He is risen from the dead."
So Pontious Pilate gave them his seal and a group
of soldiers to watch the grave so nobody could come and
steal His body.
But on Easter morning there was a terrible earthquake
and Matthew says the angel of the Lord descended from heaven
and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat
upon it. His countenance was like lighting and his raiment
white as snow: and for fear of him the soldiers did shake
and become as dead men. After some time the soldiers awoke
and some of them came to Jewish rulers and told them what
had happened. The Jews paid them money to tell a lie to the
people of the city, they should say that Jesus disciples
came by night and stole His body while they slept.
He is risen. His enemies paid much money, bribes, to
hide this wonderful truth. But if we had no other proof, we
have plenty of proof from God's own messenger, the angel.
We read in Matthew 16:5-6, "And entering into the
sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side,
clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted.
And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus
of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not
here: behold the place where they laid him." God's own
angel messenger says, "He is risen." That ought to be
plenty proof to satisfy anyones doubts.
There are many other proofs in the Bible and in the
history books of men. Also in the changed lives of God's
people we have wonderful proof that He is risen and still
lives among us to comfort us and guide us and help us in
our fight against sin, Satan and the world.
In the second service today I shall preach about
the great comfort in Christ's Resurrection. In one sentence
the great comfort is that by His resurrection we know that
God really loves us and has forgiven all our sins.
By it God shows that He accepted the suffering and
death of Jesus as full payment for all sins. And since God
forgives all our sins we know that we shall also arise from
death to live with Him in glory everlasting.
As we in these days see the terrible destruction of
the floods in our river cities her in Minnesota we are
reminded of how weak and short our life is and of all earthly
things. Surely this is of great comfort to us.
And although our reason cannot understand this
wonderful truth, "He Is Risen" yet we accept it by faith.
Jesus said to Martha when her brother died, "I am the
resurrection and the life, He that believeth in Me, though
He were dead, yet shall he live and whosoever liveth and
believeth in Me shall never die."
So I ask you this morning to put aside your doubts
and fears and come humble as little children and accept the
wonderful Easter truth He Is Risen! If you do you will have
a very happy Easter even if you have many problems and
troubles and sorrows today.
If you don't believe it, you will only have sadness
and fear more and more.
God help us all to believe that He Is Risen!