Church Period: Lent Good Friday
Sermon Title: My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Sermon Date: April 17, 1987
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Mark 15:34
Dear Christian friends:
The Romans found an easy, comfortable way to die, to kill
themselves, lie in a hot bath tub and cut your wrists. Many people
think the same about crucifixion. They think that a crucified person
slowly bleeds to death. That's not true! Dying on a cross was not
an easy, comfortable way to die. The crucified person was naked.
Many people came to watch, some mocked. The crucified person did not
die because of blood loss, but because of dehydration, asphyxiation,
and shock. When the Romans crucified a person that person knew he
could not escape. Even if the person was crucified with many others,
as often happened, it was a lonely death, a slow death, a painful,
shameful death. Perhaps there are other more painful ways to die,
but none as destructive to body and mind as crucifixion. A person
hanging on a cross is rejected. Earth doesn't want him and heaven
doesn't want him. The Bible says, "Cursed is everyone that hangs
on a tree."
The church and the state condemned Jesus to die on a cross.
It is not a nice, pretty picture as some artists have painted. It
is a disgusting revolting picture of God's Son dying between two
criminals, people mocking and tormenting Him.
What I have just explained about crucifixion is not comfortable
to hear. Some perhaps do not want to hear it. But you haven't heard
the worst yet. Jesus suffered something much worse. It was worse
than anything any other crucified person suffered. No one has ever
suffered or felt the pain our Savior suffered when, He on the cross,
was separated from His Father in heaven. That terrible pain made
Jesus cry out with a loud voice, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken
Me?" You know that loneliness is a terrible thing. We all have felt
loneliness. You old people often complain that family and friends
have forgotten you. Young people at college or in the armed services
are often lonely, and homesick. Often a wife feels that her husband
does not love her and is very depressed and the husband feels that his
wife does not understand him and his many problems at work. He, too,
feels alone and unloved. Our teenagers often feel that their parents,
and teachers do not understand them. Many teenagers today are killing
themselves. Jesus also experienced this loneliness. Judas betrayed
Him, Peter denied Him. The other disciples forsook Him. The Church
Council and Pontius Pilot condemned Him to death. That loneliness
Jesus understood and accepted, but now also His Father in heaven
forsakes Him. That loneliness you and I can't really understand. We
have never experienced such loneliness. Never has God forsaken any
person on this earth except Jesus.
God does not forsake the worst criminal. God did not forsake
Hitler or Stalin or Mao. They all enjoyed God's blessing here on
earth. The atheist who says, "There is no God" receives the blessings
and protection of God. The humanist who says "There is no sin," receives
the blessings and protection of God. The person who does not pray for
his food or thank God for it, receives it anyway. The Bible says, "He
makes His sun to shine on both the evil and on the good. He sends rain
to fall on the just and the unjust."
As long as anyone lives here on earth, he receives the blessings
and protection of God and God's natural laws. But Jesus on that first
Good Friday when He hung upon the cross from 12:00 noon until 3:00 P.M.
did not receive the blessings and protection of God His Father. God
fully forsook Him!
We can't understand that. We have never experienced that. Only
the souls and devils in hell can tell you about that. They have been
experiencing that. Only they can tell you how it feels when God fully
forsakes you. I pray God that we never go there. I pray God that we
never have that experience.
But Jesus experienced the loneliness of hell while He hung upon
the cross. Why did God forsake Jesus? How could God be so cruel to His
own Son? In doing that God was not cruel; He was showing His great and
wonderful love. Because God loved you and me He forsook His own Son. God
doesn't want any person to experience the loneliness of hell, so He let
Jesus experience that instead. Because Jesus willingly accepted our sins
and the sins of the whole world God let Him experience that loneliness.
God forsook Jesus. He need not forsake us. He forgives us.
Hear Jesus' cry from the cross and then hear John 3:16 "God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." When
God loves, He loves a world. When God gives He gives a Son, Himself.
Such is the no-limit love of our wonderful God! Can anyone hear about
God's love and not cry with thanksgiving? Can anyone hear Jesus cry from
the cross, and not be touched by God's fantastic love?
One boy in Sunday School memorized John 3:16 and when the teacher
asked him to say it, he said, "God so loved the world, that He gave His
only forgotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but
have everlasting life." The teacher accepted that and asked the boy, "Why
did God forget His Son?" "I don't know," replied the boy. The teacher
answered, "God forgot His Son, so He could remember you." God forsook
His Son, so He could love you!
On the cross that first Good Friday Jesus cried out "My God, My God,
why have you forsaken Me?" so that we would never need to experience such
loneliness. Let us believe on Him and love Him and respond to His love.