Dear Christian friends:
I. Doesn't seem like anything is finished or built.
A. Jesus remains helpless & dies
B. The innocent Man dies the death of a criminal, the
guilty go free, continue to live and are to receive
C. The faithful followers prove themselves unfaithful.
D. The outlaw, the enemy of God's commandments, now
proves to be God's friend.
E. The mother's Son is taken away, but by that the Son of
God is given to her.
Doesn't this seem foolish and contradictory?
Destruction rather than completion?
Yes the cross is failure, collapse, and destruction
and foolishness. Thank God that this is so. Because of
that the misery of our human wisdom is finally ended.
Because it is a failure, the failure of our life, unhappy
despite short success is finally removed. Because an
innocent Man dies on the cross, it is the greatest wisdom.
Because God Himself submitted to the failure of the cross,
it is everlasting completion.
What Is Finished?
John 19:28, "All was now accomplished" Not only
Jesus' suffering, but also we; not only we but the whole
world. Nothing remains to be added by man for the salvation
of the world.
"All" must not be watered-down or weakened. It is
hard to understand that word. Our sin is too great. We not
only commit sins once-in-awhile but we are sinful and of
ourselves can do no good.
Our sin has cast us away to be born and die ups and
downs. If a man loves this life He's crazy. With man all
creation fell. Trees, animals, planets, and stars all are
sick and dying under the curse of sin.
This world is not now perfect how God made it. It
is fast spinning to destruction.
As God was dishonored by us, so He was honored by
Jesus' death. As a world was ruined by sin, so a new world
was created and finished on the cross. Yes the results of
Jesus' death on the cross go very far.
The complete sickness of body and soul of man and
creation, has now been healed. The separation between God
and man is now removed. God is again near, Sin no longer
separates. The power of sin has ended.
Death no longer rules, we live the life eternal.
Gone is the curse Man and creation are free. A new world
is here. But is doesn't seem that way. We still die. We
still have sickness, ups and downs. Where is the victory
over sin. We daily are tempted and often fall. Where is
the new Man in us?
Maybe we should only say it will be perfect soon.
We hope it to be. How can we say, "All is accomplished?"
Paul did. He says, "We are justified." "In Christ
all died" He even says we are risen. Paul knows very well
that our sinful heart still fights against the spirit and
that all creation waits for the final salvation and yet he
says, "Old things are passed away; behold all things are
become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17) Contradictions? Yes!
But still true. In Christ Paul is justified and risen. In
Christ time is overcome; a new world has replaced the old.
All is accomplished on the cross, because Jesus
finished the work God asked Him to do. By that Jesus
united us, His own, with Himself forever. By taking our
place on the cross Jesus put us in His place. By becoming
forsaken of God, He brought us near to God. Our sin became
His sin, that His righteousness could become our
righteousness. Our death became His death that His life
might become ours. What was ours became His, so what was
His might become ours.
If we are really united with Him, then His future
is our future. Then nothing can separate us from Him when
He rises on the third day. His resurrection is also our
resurrection. His new body is our new body. Nothing can
separate us from Him when He ascends to the Father in
heaven. We sit down with Him at God's right hand and we
shall judge the world with Him when He comes again.
All this is in the future, and yet it is finished
and is now. Because God's future is more sure and real
than mans present. God's promises about the future is
more real than human history.
If we believe, then God's future is now, and mans
now is past. Yet we must fight the good fight of faith
against sin and woe to us if we fail to fight! But if we
believe in Jesus this battle is decided already and we know
that we have already won, although the world is fast
becoming more anti-God. We must wait for the Lord's return
at the end of time. And woe to us if we no longer want to
But if we believe we know that the Lord is among us
and that He rules. All this is true because our present
became his that His future might be ours. The visible
world and time were judged once for all on the cross.
The new world is finished, no matter how much our
world is breaking and dying. The kingdom of God is
accomplished, even though the churches and kingdoms of this
world struggle so hard against it.
And to all of us who think that we are in a state
of change or even only beginning, who are troubled by the
little we accomplished and the great things that we decided
to do and never get done - also to us weak sinners Jesus
says: "It is finished!" Jesus' work is accomplished, God
is honored on earth. Truly so completely (perfectly) is
Jesus' work finished on the cross that nothing, nothing at
all could be added by man.