August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent Good Friday
Sermon Title: Celebrate Life By Using Money According To God's Will
Sermon Date: April 8, 1977
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Dear Christian friends:

During several of these Lenten services we have discussed various reasons why we often fail to feed the hungry: we don't trust our heavenly Father; we fail to see Jesus in the faces of the poor; we do not truly repent. Our text this evening suggests another reason: we fail to use our money according to God's will. So let us attend to our text and consider the theme:

Celebrate Life By Using Money According To God's Will

In our text St. Paul, the old preacher, is giving final instructions to his young student preacher, Timothy. Paul has given him much advice about how to be a good pastor. Now, near the end of the letter, Paul tells him how to preach to the rich people, that they should use their money according to God's will.

First, he warns about using money in the wrong way, not according to God's will. He writes, "Tell those who are rich not to be proud and not to trust in their money." (verse 17a) People who fail to use their money as God wants are proud. They think that they are better than others because they have much money. They are often stuck-up and look-down on others. Much money makes people feel and do proudly.

These people also trust in their money as Paul says here. Money is their god or idol. They love money more an God. They trust in money more than in God and they respect money and other rich people more than they respect and fear God. They trust in money for protection and happiness. They do not pray sincerely to God and trust in Him to be their Keeper and Protector. And they have no real interest in serving God or pleasing Him.

We, too, are rich. Almost everyone who lives in America is rich. Paul's warning is for us, too. If you are proud and trust in money as you should trust in God, you can't celebrate life. That is death, spiritual death.

Secondly, Paul tells the right way to use our money, according to God's will. He says, "Their pride and trust should be in God who always richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment." (verse 17b) We should be proud about God and about Jesus. Boast about Him, not about our new car or new house or our new clothes. Paul says, "I will not boast about anything except Christ Jesus, my Lord. I live for Christ. I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." Be proud that God loves you, that you are one of His sons and daughters. Trust Him to feed you and protect you and give you good things to enjoy. Don't complain and try to catch up with others who are richer. But thank and praise Him and be satisfied with what He gives you. If more is good for you, He will give it to you; if not, He will not give it to you.

Furthermore, Paul says, "Tell the rich people to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give happily to those in need, always being ready to share with others whatever God has given them." (verse 18) God gives us riches so that we may do good with the money and help others in need. He does not give us the money so we can save it up and count it every day and make it our god. He doesn't want us to waste our money on foolish or sinful pleasures either.

Celebrate life by using your money according to God's will. Paul says the same thing with other words in verse 19, "By doing this the rich people will be storing up real treasure in heaven - it is the only safe investment for eternity! And they will be living a fruitful Christian life down here as well."

Today is Good Friday. We remember How Jesus loved us so much and died for our sins on the cross. After Jesus died a rich man named Joseph of Arimathea and another rich man named Nicodemus took Jesus’ body from the cross and put it in Joseph's new tomb. Joseph and Nicodemus had been secret disciples of Jesus. But now they boldly served Him and used their money to bury Him. May Jesus’ death give us courage, too.
