Dear Christian friends:
"When Jesus had tasted the vinegar, He said,
It is finished. And He bowed His head, and
gave-up His spirit (died)."
Jesus hanging on the cross says, "It is finished!"
What is finished? His terrible suffering for sin is finished.
He has finished enduring all God's terrible anger against
sin and sinners. He is finished being separated from God,
His Father. He has finished suffering as the condemned in
hell. He has succeeded! He has finished God's good and
gracious plan to save all people. All people now are
redeemed, saved. But where are the saved ones? Where are
they tonight?
Where Are The Saved?
Jesus suffered and died for all people, all who
ever lived before, all who live now, and all who will live.
Jesus died for all! Jesus has saved all! But most do not
believe it. Jesus' blood is wasted on most people.
Most of the people in Jerusalem who knew about
Jesus' crucifixion didn't care. They thought Jesus was the
same as other lawbreakers the Romans often crucified. Jesus
saved them, but they don't care. They refused their salvation.
Jesus' blood and suffering was wasted on them!
And most people today still don't care. They know
about Jesus. Daily they walk past or drive by churches and
see the cross on the steeple. At Christmas and Easter they
hear and see the story of Jesus on TV and radio. They may
also have a Bible in their home. But they don't care. They
never get baptized. They don't care to join the church or
come to the Lord's Supper. They refuse their salvation.
Jesus' suffering and blood is wasted on them. My
brother, and my sister, don't be like them. If you don't
care, you can't be saved. Jesus' blood will be wasted on
God visited and redeemed His people. Some were
soldiers by the cross. They divided up Jesus' clothes
and gambled for His robe. They cursed and mocked Jesus.
They did not feel sympathy for Jesus. They were cold
and hard-hearted. They did their job. Jesus suffered
and died for them, too. But His suffering and blood
was wasted on them. They refused their salvation.
And there are cold and hardhearted (indifferent)
people today. They see Jesus' cross, but have no interest
in it. They go to work everyday and do their job, waiting
for their pay check; waiting for the weekend when they
can drink and play and watch football or baseball or participate
in other sports. Jesus suffered and died for them, too. But
His suffering and blood is wasted on them. They refuse His
My brother, my sister, don't be cold, hardhearted
to Jesus' suffering and death. If you have no interest,
you can't be saved. Jesus' blood will be wasted on you.
God had visited and saved His people in Jesus. Some
were the priests and rulers who stood by Jesus' cross and
mocked Him. Jesus suffered and died for them, too. But they
self-righteous and proud. They think that they do not need
His suffering and blood. They trust in their own good works
and laws. They refuse Jesus' salvation. Jesus' blood is
wasted on them.
Today still there are many proud self-righteous
people. They ask, "Who needs a Savior?" They believe in
science and technology. They trust in the federal government
and in banks. Some say, "There is no sin. There is no God.
There is no heaven. There is no hell." Therefore they mock
and laugh at church and church members. They refuse their
salvation. My brother, my sister, don't laugh and mock
Jesus and His people. For if you do, you can't be saved!
Jesus died for His people. One was Judas, now
hanging from a rope, dead. When Judas realized his sin, he
despaired. He felt so bad, that God could not forgive him.
So he went out and hanged himself. Jesus' blood was wasted
on Judas.
Today many people are like Judas. They are sad and
depressed. They hate themselves. They have no hope and
purpose in life. They can't believe that God loves them and
forgives them. A few kill themselves, but most try to forget
by eating and drinking or use drugs and amusements. My
brother, my sister, don't despair! Jesus has died for you,
too. He loves you, too. If you despair and refuse to believe
you can't be saved.
Nine disciples forsook Jesus and ran away to hide.
They were afraid to be with Jesus in His suffering and death.
They almost did not get saved! Jesus died for these nine,
too, but they ran away in fear.
Many church members today are afraid to be involved
with Jesus. They are uninvolved. They don't want any trouble.
They are afraid to stand up and be counted, and witness for
Jesus. They hide their faith and their love for Jesus. They
want to be secret disciples. They are in danger. They can
lose their salvation. My brother, my sister, don't be afraid
to suffer with Jesus. He says, "Are not two sparrows sold for
a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside
your Father's care. And even the very hairs of your head are
all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are worth more than
many sparrows. “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I
will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever
disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father
in heaven." (Matthew 10:29-33)
Some people accept Jesus salvation. Jesus' blood and
suffering is not wasted on them.
One was the thief dying on the cross on the right
hand of Jesus. He was sorry and confessed his sin. He scolded
the other thief and told him to stop mocking Jesus. The he
asked Jesus to remember him. You do like that thief. Don't
be proud and think yourself better. Say with thief, "Lord,
remember me!" Accept His salvation!
Another one who accepted Jesus' salvation was Peter.
After he denied Jesus three times he went out and wept. Both
Judas and Peter were sorry. Judas was sorry and despaired.
But Peter was sorry with faith in Jesus' mercy and forgiveness.
Do like Peter. Be sorry and weep with faith. We should weep
just as Peter did, because we have denied Jesus more often
than he, as I pointed out in the sermon yesterday. Jesus
loved you and died for you although you have betrayed Him,
denied Him and forsaken Him. Believe through your tears,
just as Peter did.
Another one who believed was by the cross, John.
He stood there with Jesus' mother to help her and support
her. John wanted to serve Jesus, although he might be
crucified, too. Jesus looked down from the cross and asked
John to take care of His mother. John stood with his Lord
and accepted the work His Lord gave to him! You do like
John. Don't hide or be uninvolved. But stand with Jesus and
serve Him although you may have to suffer for it. That
sometimes happens when we accept Jesus' salvation.
God has visited and saved all people. But where are
the saved? Are you with Jesus or without Him? Be with Jesus,
and remain with Him and His people always. "Believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."