Dear Christian friends:
The story which happened on Wednesday of Holy Week
you all know. It is the story of how Judas made plans to
betray Jesus. Since that time people blame Judas and we
think and sometimes say, "I will never do like Judas." We
think we are better than Judas, but really we are not. We
have the same sinful heart and nature as Judas.
So we need to give attention to Judas and see what
his real mistake was. His real mistake was not that he
betrayed Jesus. Judas' sin was not worse than Peter's.
Peter denied Jesus. What was Judas' real mistake?
Judas' Real Mistake
Judas sin was not any worse than Peters or the other
disciples. And Judas sin was not any worse than our sins.
We also betray Jesus. Can you say that you do not
betray Jesus? When you hate someone you are betraying
Jesus, because Jesus loves everyone, even His enemies. When
you tell a lie, you betray Jesus, because Jesus always tells
the truth. When you cheat on your income tax or in anyway,
you betray Jesus who is always honest. When we do any sin
we betray Jesus, because He is holy. When we love money or
any other earthly thing or person as we should love God we
betray Jesus.
We are all like Judas. Don't deny it! But in one
way we can be different from Judas.
Judas' real mistake was not that He betrayed Jesus.
No! His real mistake was that He despaired when he realized
his sin. He thought that Jesus would not forgive him. He
forgot what Jesus had been teaching the disciples for three
years. So Judas went out in the dark night and hanged
himself. Satan had taken control over Judas and led him into
unbelief and despair. Judas did not go to hell because of his
sin. He went to hell because of doubt, unbelief and despair.
God loved even Judas. Jesus died on the cross also
for Judas. Twice Jesus tried to help Judas realize his wrong
and be sorry, and change. At the table, "One of you will
betray Me" and "Do you betray the Son of Man with a kiss?"
Judas could have forgiveness of his sins, but he doubted and
despaired. Believe that God loves you and forgives you. Jesus
crucified is proof of that. No sin is too great! Jesus by His
holy death and by His glorious resurrection has wonderful
and free forgiveness of all sins, also yours and mine.
Believe it and rejoice. Jesus established the Holy Supper to
help you believe and rejoice.
Don't doubt and despair, like Judas, but believe
and repent, like Peter.