Dear Christian friends:
Today is Palm Sunday, the day when Jesus rode on
the ass over palm strewn streets into the Holy City to
suffer and die. Many important things happened during the
week. During these Sundays of Lent we have heard about them
and learned how we are joined with these events, although
they happened 2,000 years ago.
This morning we wish to look at another important
happening of that week, the giving of the Lord's Supper.
Twelve men and their Master are gathered to keep the Jewish
Church feast called the Passover. In thousand of Jewish homes
they were eating the same Passover feast.
God commanded that feast when the Jews led by Moses
marched out of Egypt free after four hundred years of
slavery. Following God's instructions each family killed a
lamb with out spot or blemish. Painted the door post with
the blood and then roasted the flesh. That night the
avenging angel of God swept over the land of Egypt killing
the first-born of man and beast, but passing over the homes
of the Jews where blood was painted on the door-posts.
Quickly the broken Pharaoh commanded Moses to leave
his land and never trouble him again.
God commanded the Jews to remember this wonderful
salvation annually by eating the passover lamb.
And that is exactly what Jesus and His twelve
disciples were now doing that first Maunday Thursday. And
during this Passover meal Jesus instituted the Holy Supper.
Why during this feast? Because the Holy Supper was the
"new testament which replaced the "old." The Lord's Supper
should now replace the Passover. Jesus the true Lamb of
God replaces the animal lambs of the Passover. In the Old
Testament they ate the flesh of the lamb: in the new
testament we eat the body of the Son of God, Lamb of God,
and drink His blood.
Now His disciples could really understand and feel
strongly joined to their Lord. Truly a wonderful blessing
for those who were there. Who were they? You see Peter,
James, John and the other nine, twelve in all. But Jesus
saw many more. He saw all the believers since that day,
many millions. What about you?
Were You There When He Gave The Holy Supper?
Yes, Jesus in His mind saw you in that room. This
act, like the others of His Passion, was for you. He saw
you there.
Here is a great mystery. During the Passover
eatings Jesus takes bread, gives thanks, and gives it
to His disciples, saying, "This is My body, which is given
for you: this do in remembrance of Me." Then He takes the
cup and gives it to them, saying, "This cup is the new
testament in My blood, which is shed for you." Wonderful,
with the Bread He gives His Body and with the wine He gives
His blood. This is the same body which will hang on the
cross and the same blood which will flow from His wounded
hands and feet for them.
You do not understand how that can be? Never mind!
It is true! Jesus says so. He can do as He says and He
does not lie. Let us believe even though we do not
Jesus gave the twelve to eat and to drink, but did
He mean also you? Yes, He said: "this do in remembrance
of Me" We should remember His death and the shedding of
His blood. How long? Until He comes again on the last
day. Paul says, "As often as you eat this bread and drink
this cup ye do show the Lord's death till He come"
(1 Corinthians 11:26) You need this holy eating as much as
the twelve disciples. It is for you. Jesus saw you when
He instituted the Holy Supper.
And Jesus has a very special reason for seeing you
there. He has wonderful blessings for you in the Holy
Supper. Jesus said: This is my body which is given for
you: this is my blood which is shed for you, for the
remission of sins." As the blood of the Lamb painted on
the door posts save the Jews from God's anger in Egypt,
so the blood of Jesus saves us today. John the Baptist
said: "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin
of the world." And again John writes: "The blood of Jesus
Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sins.
True, you can receive the forgiveness of sins
without eating and drinking, merely by hearing the Gospel
and believing it. But here in the Lord's Supper Jesus
adds one thing. That is a visible pledge or token of His
forgiving love.
The wedding ring is a "pledge or token of wedded
love and faithfulness. So the body and blood of our Lord
in the bread and wine are Jesus' pledges and tokens of His
forgiving love to you.
Another blessing in the Holy Supper is that by the
eating and drinking Jesus impresses forgiveness "for you",
for each one, because each one, alone, eats and drinks.
The Gospel says "God is love" and God loves all and forgives
all. But perhaps you think does that mean me? Same when
the minister announces to all come work next Thursday not
all will think he means them. Maybe three out of twelve
will come. But if the minister meets each one and asks
and tells individually more will come. So in the Lords
Supper Jesus meets each one and forgives each one.
Another extra blessing in the Holy Supper is that
by eating and drinking there is a very blessed communion
between you and your Lord. The Lord of heaven is joined
with you in the eating and drinking. Paul shows this,
"The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion
of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break is it not
the communion of the body of Christ? (1 Corinthians 10:16)
By this communion Jesus impresses on your mind that you are
not alone here in the world as He said, "I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. (Matthew 28:20)
Not only are you joined with Christ but also with
your brother and sister in the Church. We all drink of one
cup and eat of one bread and show our communion with one
another and our love for one another. This encourages us
and strengthens our faith.
So feast with your Lord again this day and receive
these blessings anew. Many years have passed since that
first Maunday Thursday, when the twelve disciples ate of
the Holy Supper with their Lord. Since that time many
millions of Christians have eaten and received comfort and
strength of this Holy Communion with their Lord and with
each other in their own day.
When Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper, he
did not paint Jewish faces and Jewish clothes on the twelve,
but he painted Italian faces, Italian clothes and showed an
Italian dining hall and table. He made the Italian
Christians of his day feel joined with the holy supper.
Today, as we are gathered here to eat and to drink
with Him, this modern church is our "Upper Room". The same
Host is here. Disciples are here. You among them, You hear
His words, "This is My body with is given for you ... My
blood, which is shed for you."
"For you!" These words are precious to us. They
encourage us to honestly confess our sins and be sorry for
them. You know your sins better than anyone else as a
parent, worker, and steward of God. "For you!" these words
assure us that God forgives our sins. You may feel that
the just and holy God will not accept you. But can you
doubt and fear Him who gave His body and blood to make all
things right between you and your God? You too can say
with Paul, "Being justified by faith we have peace with
God." (Romans 5:1) We are God's own now.
One of the bitter experiences of life is rejection
by man. We all want others to like us. Often a rejected
person commits suicide - lovers. But much more important
it is that God accepts you and loves you. When God rejects
man that is the worst anguish. That is hell.
Jesus experienced both man and God forsaking Him on
the cross. But by His rejection you are made acceptable to
God. The Lord's Supper proves it to you.