August's Sermons

Church Period: Lent Palm Sunday
Sermon Title: Your King Comes To You
Sermon Date: April 11, 1965
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-9

Dear Christian friends:

In one Bible verse Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." (Revelations 3:20) Surely the Lord Jesus is knocking on the door of our hearts this Palm Sunday 1965 here in Minnesota.

By the terrible destruction of the floods all around us He is reminding us in mercy and kindness that all earthly kings and gods one day fail. Princes fail, money fails, houses are destroyed. Anyone who foolishly closes his heart to King Jesus and accepts other Kings and gods will one day have nothing left. The floods should impress that upon us. And our text reminds us that a better King, comes,

Your King Comes To You

I. What kind of King is He?

A. Meek and sitting upon an ass

1. Not like Kings of this world.

2. Comes with mercy and truth. Shows us truth about our sins, but doesn't condemn. "God sent not His Son to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." (John 3:17)

3. Rides now into Jerusalem for the last time to suffer and die for all people's sin.

B. King sent to us by God the Savior King. Comes as prophets said He would. People call Him Son of David and they are right although many did not know it themselves. Son of David and Son of God. David called Him Lord by the Holy Spirit. "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." (Psalms 110:1) So He fulfills the prophecy to the smallest detail.

Yes, the great King, the King of Kings Your Savior King comes to you on this Palm Sunday morning, April 11, 1965. He wants to come into your heart and into your life and rule as King there over you.

II. Will you accept Him for Your King?

A. People in the text some did many didn't. Many said so but did not really mean it. Turned against Jesus on Good Friday.

B. But will you accept Him for your King. Each one of us must decide. Pilate tried to avoid a decision about Christ: "What shall I do with Jesus?" Can't be neutral: you either accept Him or reject Him.

C. How do we accept Him? Confess sins and believe that He forgives us. That He died for our sins. Surrender ourselves to Him. Let Him really be your God or King, the one to whom you look for all good things.

Don't trust money or people or any earthly things. One day they will fail you. Think of the people of Mankato Henderson and St. Peter's. Many of them have seen their homes destroyed and many more will. If they were trusting in their money and homes and not in Jesus what do they have left now? Nothing. They must despair and feel that life is worthless and hopeless. And the devil will surely tempt them to become bitter and despairing.

Better trust in your God and King Jesus. Then when your house is flooded and fails or your money and friends and health fail, you still have your God and King and you still have hope in God and not become bitter or despair.

Let Jesus be King, Ruler in your heart and home. Then you will trust in Him and not worry no matter what happens and you will surrender to Him and obey Him even if that is hard and means sacrifices.

After three months we are falling behind in our work and responsibility here at Prince of Peace. We are $1,152. behind on our Current and Mission Budget and about $5,000. behind our Building Fund pledge.

What does that show about us? That money is our God rather than Jesus? If Jesus is truly King and Ruler in our heart and life, then we would trust more in Him and use our money and life as we are able and as we pledged in the Fall.

Don't let money and other earthly things be your King. If you have now is the time to wake up and be sorry and change. If you don't, you will be surprised and despairing one day when your false gods fail you or are destroyed. Accept the true and only good King Jesus Christ.

Decide now to serve Him and follow Him. You will never despair or be sorry if you do.

All Glory Laud And Honour - Hymn

To Thee, Before Thy Passion,
They Sang Their Hymns Of Praise;
To Thee, Now High Exalted,
Our Melody We Raise:

Thou Didst Accept Their Praises
Accept The Praise We Bring,
Who In All Good Delight,
Thou Good And Gracious King!
