Dear Christian friends:
On the first Palm Sunday as Jesus rode into the Holy City on the donkey
the people sang, "Hosanna!" to Him. What does "Hosanna" mean? It
means, "Praise." The people believed that Jesus was their King and Savior.
Since Jesus is also our King and Savior, we, too, are excited and thrilled to
sing "Hosanna" to Him today on this Palm Sunday almost 2000 years later.
With praise and thanks we today remember how He rode into Jerusalem to
begin His suffering and death to save us from our sins, and we sing:
Hosanna To Jesus!
Jesus to whom we sing, "Hosanna," is a wonderful King as our text here
He is a wonderful King because He has wonderful fathers. The people
on that first Palm Sunday called Jesus "the Son of David." David, who
lived one thousand years before Jesus' birth, was the greatest king of
Israel. He was a soldier king who saved Israel from many enemy nations
and helped make it a strong and prosperous nation. God had promised
David that a son of his would one day come and rule over Israel forever,
and that he would have an everlasting kingdom. God prophesied about
Jesus when He made that promise to King David. That is why Matthew
when he writes about Palm Sunday events, quotes the prophet Zechariah:
"Tell the daughter of Zion,
Behold, your King is coming to you!
He is gentle, riding on a young donkey."
(Matt 21:5, Zechariah 9:9)
Jesus of Nazareth is the son of David. Both Mary and Joseph were
descendants of King David. But Jesus is much more than a Son of David.
He is also the Son of God! When the angel announced to Mary that she
will be the mother of Jesus he said to her, "You will conceive and have
a son, and you will call his name Jesus. He will be great and will be
called the Son of the most high God." (Luke 1:30-32)
Jesus, to whom we sing, "Hosanna," is a wonderful King. He has wonderful
fathers: David and God!
Where can we find a better King or Kingdom. All other kings and rulers
fail, but Jesus never fails. He is a Savior and Helper in all places
and times and for all various troubles. This week on the TV news I
heard that the USA Medicare Fund will be broke by the year 1998, 13
years from now! And many in our country are worried about the Social
Security Fund failing also. Our government has too many debts. Too many of
our people are waiting for Federal hand-outs. We are trusting government
too much. We have lost our independence, and our trust in God. The Bible
warns us: "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes."
(Psalm 118:8-9) And the Bible promises, "Blessed is the man that trusts
in the Lord." (Psalm 84:12)
Jesus, to whom we today sing, "Hosanna," is a wonderful King. He rules
forever and never fails those who trust in Him.
Jesus is also a wonderful Savior. This also our text beautifully shows
Jesus came riding on a young donkey into the Holy City. The donkey shows
His humility and love for the people. He does not come riding on a war
horse as earthly kings come to destroy their enemies. He comes to offer
his life upon the Cross for His enemies.
Who are His enemies? We quickly think of the chief priests, the scribes
and the Pharisees, the whole Jewish Council, because they are the ones
who forced the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, to condemn Him to death
that first Good Friday. But really all men are by nature enemies of God
the Bible teaches us. St. Paul writes, "The carnal mind is enmity
against God." (Romans 8:7) He that does sin and wrong is an enemy of
God. We are by nature enemies of God.
On that first Good Friday as He suffered and hung upon the cross Jesus
spoke seven times. His first words were a prayer to His Father in heaven,
a prayer for His enemies. Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them, for
they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) Jesus said that prayer also
for you and for me.
The second words that Jesus said while He hung and suffered upon the
Cross were to the dying thief who was crucified with him. Jesus said a
beautiful promise to him, "Today you will be with Me in Paradise."
(Luke 23:24) Jesus means that promise also for you and me when we will
suffer and die. You perhaps will not die on a cross like that thief,
but you also are a sinner like him and you must die. But Jesus promises
that you will go to heaven, if you, like the dying thief on the
cross, are sorry about your sins and believe in Jesus.
The fourth words that Jesus spoke while He hung upon the Cross were a
question to God. That question shows that Jesus was suffering the
curse of God against all sinners. Jesus cried out, "My God, my God,
why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46) Jesus
suffered God's righteous anger punishment against all sin and sinners.
Because God forsook Jesus, you and I never need suffer that
terrible fate.
Jesus deserves our praise and service!
Jesus is a wonderful Savior. He saves us from sin and the eternal
death of sin and gives us eternal life. Truly we today on this Palm
Sunday want to join with the people of that first Palm Sunday and
"Hosanna to the Son of David!
Blessed is He that comes in
in the Lord's name!
Hosanna in the highest!"
(Matthew 21:9)
We also eagerly serve Him and do His Kingdom work.
Hosanna to Jesus! He is our wonderful King and Savior! Today with the
people on that first Palm Sunday we wave the palm branches and praise
our Savior Jesus.