August's Sermons

Church Period: New Years
Sermon Title: Remember How God Led You In 1983!
Sermon Date: December 31, 1983
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Deuteronomy 8:2 “Remember how the Lord your God led you."

Dear Christian friends:

We have gathered here tonight, the last few hours of 1983, here in God's house. Why? Because we want to close this old year in His name and begin the new year also in His name. We want to remember how God led us through 1983 and we want to ask His blessings for 1984.

Our text tells us to do that: "Remember how the Lord your God led you."

Remember How God Led You In 1983!

Remember the problems that seemed hard to solve. Perhaps you had a personal problem at home. Perhaps a problem with your wife or husband, son or daughter. Perhaps someone in your family was ill and needed extra care and money. Perhaps you yourself were very sick and had to go to the hospital, as many of you did. Perhaps you had a problem at work with your boss or another worker. Maybe you had a problem with your neighbor or friend. Maybe you had a problem or quarrel with another church member.

God either helped you solve that problem or He gave you the strength and patience to endure it cheerfully for Jesus’ sake. Praise and thank Him tonight because He helped you with your problems during 1983!

Let us also remember the sorrows and troubles during 1983. God did not forsake us in these sorrows. He helped us to suffer through them and He helped us continue believing His Word and promises in the Bible. Some of you lost friends or relatives in death. Yet you did not give up faith and hope in God's love and mercy. You remembered His Word which says, "though we die, yet shall we live."

Oh praise God because He helped you continue believing in Jesus through the sorrows of 1983. Yes, thank Him because through these sorrows and trials He made your faith grow more strong.

Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
Even though it be a cross that raiseth me,
still all my song shall be,
nearer, my God, to thee;
nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee!
(Nearer, My God, to Thee - hymn)

Let us also remember our sins and failures during 1983. Although we insulted God by our laziness and carelessness; although we did not serve Him and honor Him as we should at home, at work or here at church, yet He did not forsake us as we deserved. Although we often were jealous of others and hated others and refused to forgive those who sinned against us, He continued to be patient with us and through admonition of our pastor or another Christian He called us to repentance. Through the preaching and the Lord's Supper again and again God announced forgiveness of all our sins in the name of His Son Jesus Christ.

Yes, we must tonight remember our sins and wrong doings of 1983, confess them and be sorry for them, but more important, let us remember God's wonderful love and mercy that He showed to us during 1983 through His Word and Sacrament. Praise Him for His love and mercy during 1983.

Finally, as the year closes, let us look ahead into the new year with faith and hope, because God who led us through the days, weeks and months of 1983 will not forsake us in 1984. We have just looked back and remembered how God led us and helped us during 1983. That should make stronger our faith and hope for 1984. God will not fail us in 1984. You can depend on Him! Past history proves that. Also His Word in the Bible proves that. Jesus says, "Look, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matthew 28:20)

That does not mean that we will have no problems, or sorrows or even death in 1984. A few of us may die during 1984. Maybe we all will be destroyed in war or other calamity. But we can be sure that even in days of trouble near the end of the world, God is with us and loves us and promises to support our faith in Jesus and finally bring us to glory and peace in heaven.

We believe like the three men whom King Nebuchadnezzar intended to throw into the fire because they refused to kneel down and worship his statue. They said, "Our God is able to deliver us from the fire, but if He will not, we will still believe in Him." (Daniel 3:17-18) And old Job said, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust Him." (Job 13:18)

Therefore let us look back on God's leading during 1983 and trusting the promises of His Word let us follow Him into the New Year without fear, but with confidence and joy. We are now one year nearer to our full salvation and victory. We have a little more time to work and preach to others before they die or before the end comes. Let us greet the New Year with eagerness and confidence!
